the culture

The qualities of people depend on circumstances and the amount of reason

The qualities of people depend on circumstances and the amount of reason
The qualities of people depend on circumstances and the amount of reason

Video: Human impacts on Biodiversity | Ecology and Environment | Biology | FuseSchool 2024, July

Video: Human impacts on Biodiversity | Ecology and Environment | Biology | FuseSchool 2024, July

The qualities of people are traditionally divided into two types: good and bad, just as the world is divided in half by evil and good.


Let us consider what is good and what is evil in this world, and where the boundary between the polar points of human qualities passes. For example, the properties of character, which just determines the qualities of people.

Remember the tales. Good usually wins. And calms down. Evil wipes away bloody snot and pours crocodile tears, but surely secretly builds up strength for an unexpected attack. A fairy tale ends well. In the literal sense of the word. Because good in its undiluted form necessarily gives rise to evil. What was there in the fairy tale after the last words - about the "good money"? We can only speculate by observing the surrounding reality.

About the nature of good and evil

From good we get fat. We make good. Calm down, lazy, sybaritism. So good develops the bad qualities of people. And from bad, that is, evil, of course, we become more active, more mobile, more hardened. Hence, evil forms the good qualities of people. In nature itself there is neither good nor evil. The filthy snake inspired Adam and Eve, and from there it came to us, in our poor heads. Everyone wants only good and more. All at once. Which in itself is evil. We do not love evil, because we are lazy, but only bad and able to make us move.

Civilized Rome and wild barbarians


The fall of the Roman Empire is an example of a wrong vision of good and evil and aspiration on the wrong path. How did it happen that a power that gained world fame, abolished all taxes, and achieved prosperity suddenly fell into agony? Strive for the good. And even they got to their own detriment. Luxury, orgies, perversions. Neither discipline nor health was left with the nation. Wild, almost unarmed barbarians destroyed the great civilization. Here is a paradox: everything became bad only because everything was good. Similarly, trends are observed from bad to good and vice versa, if we consider the qualities of people in a separate group - a subculture. But it is especially clearly visible on the example of any particular person.

Versatility of personality

Remember the story of Tolstoy. The same person speaks in two faces: at the ball - the cutest and caring little dad for his Varenka, and after the ball - the ruthless monster in his service (beating a soldier with gauntlets). But he was behaviorally NORMAL in both situations. Which of the qualities is inherent in him? Bad or good? Evil or good? But both of them. One and the same person manifests himself in different ways - according to the situation. Not only this colonel. It's like that. Personality is a multifaceted thing. With children we behave this way, with adults differently, with superiors and subordinates, even with women and men - each person has many faces.

Circumstances and Masks


Qualities of people can be revealed only by circumstances. For each situation, we have our own mask. The assortment is huge. Not only the waiter in the cafe, smiling politely and carefully looking after the visitor, had mentally quartered him a hundred times. Almost all big politics is built on this: the information war hiding behind the humanistic goal, at the end of its efforts erasing entire states from the map. Behind beautiful slogans is the pursuit of profit or any selfish selfish interests of any kind. Recognizing the qualities of people is taught only by experience.

Grow a hero in yourself

On the one hand, we see good traits of a person, and on the other, bad ones. But the man is the same. In each - the whole spectrum: in an extreme situation, it may suddenly become clear that the brave man is a coward. No man can be bold always, every minute. It is suicidal. A coward suddenly performs a feat - it happens too. So the cards fell or the stars formed. Or because the coward, knowing this shameful quality of his own, was not alone, he painfully grew in himself a small grain of the future feat.

About relationships that affect vision

Therefore, neither good nor bad qualities of people inside are not alone. In each there is a whole variety of attitudes towards the world - both that which is inside and that which is outside. Even a person often cannot agree with himself and evaluate one or another of his own actions. Moreover - a stranger. The same deed of different people gives rise for some reason to a different attitude. Here, for example, an anecdotal mother-in-law shares the news: a daughter, they say, has such a good husband, gives gifts, cooks, deals with children, and his son is lazy, makes his children take away from the garden, clean up and cook breakfast in the apartment.


Each person is like a whole world. And, most likely, those about whom we have not yet formed an opinion, simply did not have the opportunity to open up. Although, maybe this is for the better.