
How to ride a horse: rules for riders, animal management, teams, beginner mistakes

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How to ride a horse: rules for riders, animal management, teams, beginner mistakes
How to ride a horse: rules for riders, animal management, teams, beginner mistakes



Equestrian sport has always been an expensive pleasure. Only wealthy people could deal with it. The stables, where one could ride a horse, were not in the public domain.

Times have changed. Now it is full of equestrian centers and stables, which teach horseback riding. And the pleasure, as it turned out, is not so expensive.

Where do you ride horses? How to master the art of handling them? More about this later in the article.

Choose a place

First, decide what you want. Engage in a professional or ride a couple of times a month? Let's say your goal is regular training. Not to become a professional jockey. Pure for yourself. Then contact the equestrian club, where there are professional trainers.

If you learn to ride a horse in order to periodically go horseback riding, fly through fields at a full gallop and just enjoy riding, then you can safely go to the nearby stable. In the stables, as a rule, there are no professional trainers. Professional means former participants of equestrian competitions.


We decide on a horse

How to learn to ride a horse on horseback, consider below. Now we will decide which horse is suitable for this.

It often happens that people turning to the stable exaggerate their skills. A man who knows how to ride a weak trot, declares that he keeps well in a saddle at a gallop. One who sat in the saddle twice in childhood recalls these moments. And he says that he has horse-riding skills. Instructors select a horse depending on the skills of the rider. And then it turns out that our rider cannot get into the saddle, what a gallop is there.

Therefore, do not ascribe to yourself non-existent achievements. Honestly, in communication with horses - "zero". This will help to choose the right horse for us.

What kind of horses are found in stables and equestrian centers?

  1. Rolling. These hard workers "yard" breeding. In other words, village outbred horses or redeemed from hire. They are used to riders and are suitable for beginners.

  2. Workers Most often, these live in equestrian centers. These horses are former away or competitive. In general, those who happened to participate in competitions. They are very beautiful, but with character. And suitable for people who have communication skills with horsemen.

You know how to sit in the saddle, keep your horse perfectly when it steps, and the last time you rode on it … years ago? So you can be content with rolling animals.

If you went in for horse riding or just know how to ride with dignity, feel great at a trot, and a gallop is not a fantasy, then you can ask for a workhorse.

Riding styles

How to ride a horse? Before you climb into the saddle, you need to know what awaits you there.

Basically, horses move in steps, trot or gallop:

  1. When the animal walks, it rhythmically rearranges its legs. The rider sways to the beat of the horse.

  2. When trotting, the horse runs slightly. And the rider "bounces" in the saddle.

  3. Gallop is the fastest movement. The newly-minted "jockey" is sitting in the saddle, he is not shaking. But to stay on the horse at such a speed is quite difficult.

Therefore, experts recommend to beginners: start learning with a step movement. Do not immediately go to a gallop, despite the warning of the coach. You run the risk of flying out of the saddle, literally.



How to ride a horse? Before embarking on this business, it is necessary to choose clothes. Other newbies immediately buy a "jockey suit". Snow-white breeches, high black boots, gaiters are an element of protection worn on shoes. Oh yes, they forgot about the helmet and gloves. Nowhere without them.

Stop, dear riders. Indeed, gloves and a helmet will come in handy. The rest is a business. Breeches are replaced by tight leggings, leggings or seamless jeans. As for the latter, they are not recommended to wear. American pants have very rough seams. And the rider runs the risk of rubbing his hips and legs.

Comfortable shoes should be on your feet. Someone prefers sneakers, someone prefers shoes with very low and wide heels. Gloves can be either rag or leather. They serve in order not to rub calluses on the hands. A helmet is needed to protect against a fall. Of course, not the fact that the rider will fall off the horse. But everything happens in life, it’s better not to risk it.


We sit in the saddle

The rider is equipped, the horse too. She is led to the rider, he lifts his leg. And she understands that the stretch does not allow her to be inserted into the stirrup. Beginners are advised: start landing with a special stand. It is much easier to climb a horse from her.

By the way, the horse is sitting on its left side. How it's done?

  1. The reason is placed on the horse’s neck, the rider tightly clamps his ends in the palm of his hand. At the same time, without pulling, just slightly holding.

  2. The left leg is inserted into the stirrup.

  3. The rider holds his weight on his right foot. Quickly pushes off and throws her over the saddle.

  4. After landing, the right leg is inserted into the stirrup.

  5. The rider comfortably sits in the saddle, evenly distributing his body weight at the "fifth point".

First lessons

How to ride a horse, instructor will tell. Here will be touched on some of the basics of this science:

  • The first classes will be held on the cord. Korda is a long occasion with which an instructor controls an animal. The rider needs to relax completely. The very first lesson is dedicated to this skill. The instructor, most often, recommends that the rider close his eyes. And lower your hands, feeling the horse’s body movements.

  • After the rider has learned this, he will need to understand how to properly handle the horse. The saddle is not so much important as the occasion. A man sitting in a saddle does not hurt a horse. If you don’t beat it with your heels in the sides with all its might, of course. A reason is a source of pain for the animal. With a sharp pull of it, iron can injure the horse's mouth. Do not forget, the horse has iron in his mouth.

  • How to ride a horse when it goes a step? This is the easiest moment. Hold the animal’s sides firmly with its legs, as if “hugging” it in this way. Hands are relaxed, no reason to pull. The horse walks rhythmically and calmly, and the rider sways to the beat of his steps.

We translate the horse to a lynx

How to ride a horse when it goes trotting? It is worth saying: without the appropriate command, the animal will not trot. And right to give a command is a whole science. This can be both a physical effect and a voice. How to work on a particular horse, the instructor will say. We need to know the following:

  • When it comes to physical impact, it can be of several types. At the first, the rider spurs the horse, slightly hitting it in the sides with heels. It’s impossible to beat from the full scale. The horse will be hurt, and he will be completely right if he wants to get rid of the rude rider.

  • The second option - the legs are retracted, and the rider makes a push with the hull, urging the horse to go to a lynx. Just keep in mind that not all horses are familiar with this team.

  • Voice action implies a “but” command. Some animals respond to tongue clicks or smacking.

With an inexperienced rider, the first lessons in trotting are always conducted by an instructor. And surely they are held in the indoor arena.

Learning to Trot

How to ride a horse if she switched to a lynx? In the saddle, you still need to stay. Everything is not as complicated as it seems. With each movement of the animal, the rider rises in the saddle, and then falls:

  • When the horse makes a move, taking his shoulder forward, the rider leans with both legs into the stirrups and raises his pelvis above the saddle. Be careful, with this movement, the inner hind leg of the horse and the outer front are involved.

  • After the animal has “changed legs”, the front becomes internal. The back turns into an external one. And here the rider descends back into the saddle. This is done carefully so as not to damage the horse’s back.

  • You need to rise, taking the case forward. If you stop moving up and down, you lose the horse's rhythm.


Go to the gallop

One of the most common questions is how to gallop on a horse. It is known that this type of ride is the most difficult.

It is worth starting with the fact that you learn to keep balance. This skill is mastered at the step stage. And it looks something like this:

  • The rider's shoulders are straight.

  • The loin is bent forward.

  • Legs tightly grasp the sides of the horse. The shafts and inner thighs are pressed against the saddle.

  • Hands tightly squeeze the occasion, but do not pull it.

  • Grabbing a horse’s mane or saddle is not allowed.

Gallop can be of two types: drill and field. The first is much easier than the second. There are no obstacles. The horseman is sitting in the saddle, not getting up. The body and legs work, the main task of the rider is to maintain balance.

There are obstacles in a field gallop. And here it is more difficult, it is necessary to maintain balance when the horse begins to overcome these obstacles. How to do it? Rising in the saddle. It is not necessary to rise high, it threatens a loss of balance. And to fall under the hooves of a horse galloping is a dubious pleasure.


How to fall?

How to ride a horse in steps, trot and gallop, we figured out. But there is another issue that needs to be considered. How to fall from a horse?

You should not be afraid of falls, it is an integral part of equestrian sport. And those who practice for themselves know about it.

If the horse has suffered, immediately release the legs from the stirrups. Because if the leg gets stuck in it during a fall, a person risks breaking it. After the legs are free, we try to fall from the side of the horse. And you have to fall on your side, and not on your back or face down. If possible, press your arms to your chest in flight. The probability of breaking them will be minimal.


If the horse decided that he needed to make a candle, rise above the saddle. And carry body weight to the horse’s neck. Wrap your arms around her neck, trying to put pressure on her so that she returns to her normal starting position. The fall at the time of the candle ends in failure both for the rider and the horse.

Does the animal begin to "bite"? In no case should you lean back. Fly over the horse’s head, directly under the front legs. We lean back, legs tightly clutching the body of the animal. We pull the reins with all our might. The pain will make the horse "recover." If the fall is not avoided, then it is advisable to fall on the side of the mount.
