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How to walk beautifully: tips

How to walk beautifully: tips
How to walk beautifully: tips

Video: How to have a good posture and walk elegantly (Deportment, Part 1) 2024, July

Video: How to have a good posture and walk elegantly (Deportment, Part 1) 2024, July

Do you pay attention to how you walk? After all, a correct gait is not just a female whim, it also very strongly affects the state of health. But not all the girls know how beautiful it is to walk, and some simply and are not interested in it, but in vain, because an attractive gait is an integral part of the life of absolutely every representative of the fair sex. And besides, a woman who has an ugly gait can not be called feminine and elegant.


The most important of all the rules that you must remember is to always keep your back straight. Turn your shoulders and raise your chin. You must be completely confident in yourself, and correct posture is the main sign of confidence.

In order to answer the question "how beautiful to walk, " you need to follow a few simple recommendations and tips:

  1. Try not to restrain yourself, you must move freely. Do not look at your feet, since you will not be able to walk beautifully in this case. Instead, develop the habit of placing your socks slightly apart when walking.

  2. Choose comfortable shoes. If you have a long way to go, then do not wear too high heels, otherwise your legs will become tired and hurt, and your gait will not change for the better.

  3. When walking, the entire leg should be involved, starting from the hip. Do not sharply put your foot on the heel, but make a smooth transition from it to the whole foot. Make sure your gait is soft, loose, and supple.

  4. Gravity should be distributed evenly on both hands, not forgetting to keep your back straight. If you have one bag, then you need to carry it, periodically shifting from one hand to another. Thus, you reduce the load on the spine and do not subject the foot to deformation.

It should be understood that even a very beautiful and figured girl will look unattractive if she stoops, walks, claws, bends her knees and lowers her head. How beautiful it is to learn to walk is interesting to many girls, because the gait depends on some hereditary features of the structure of the body.


There are special exercises to keep your posture level and your gait light. The simplest, but rather effective, is an exercise with a book. Just lay it on your head and walk with it, trying to keep it. Even if you do not succeed right away, the main thing is not to give up this business. After a couple of weeks, you can already start doing cleaning and other household chores with a book on your head.

The most important element in terms of how beautiful to walk is a flat back. It is better to develop correct posture from childhood, although age is not a limitation if desired. Stand on the wall, touch the buttocks, shoulder blades and back of the head, remember this position of the back. Hold it for a couple of minutes and try to walk around while remaining in that position.

The main thing is that you should understand that a lot depends on you in the question “how beautiful to walk”, and any person who works on himself will achieve everything he aspires to. A correct gait will not only make you visually prettier and slimmer, but also will not harm your health. Women who walk confidently with their heads up are hard to miss.