
How to love a man so that he loves you?

How to love a man so that he loves you?
How to love a man so that he loves you?

Video: Patrice O'Neal - Men Can't Love You And Like You 2024, June

Video: Patrice O'Neal - Men Can't Love You And Like You 2024, June

Each woman in a relationship with a man seeks to adhere to certain rules so that the connection between two people is as pleasant and comfortable as possible for both. But why then does not everyone succeed? How to love a man and make him love you?


The study of this issue was devoted to a lot of work of psychologists. Each specialist wanted to bring out some new and original formula for an ideal relationship. But the result was only to formulate the basic principles of how to love a man and make him happy. Let's look at some of them.

First of all, a woman should remember the main goal of a relationship with a man. As a rule, this is ensuring maximum comfort for yourself and him, harmonious and long-lasting relationships. Therefore, in order to learn how to love a man, you must first determine for yourself why this is done, and constantly remember this motivation. As a rule, conflicts in the family begin due to the fact that a woman often has reasons for discontent: either PMS, then nervous tension during the day, then tiredness and jealousy, and so on. Therefore, you need to think about whether your partner’s peace, and, accordingly, your hassle, is worth it.


Following the advice of psychologists, you must definitely praise your partner. If he is not worth praise, there is no point in wasting time on him at all. You need to choose the right words for your beloved man. Make him see your interest in him and his affairs, show concern and attention. Do not follow the principle of "praising means spoiling." It is relevant only in childhood. An adult cannot be praised, because each of us has a limit of self-esteem.

No man likes to be humiliated in public. The authority of a man in society is much more important than a woman who is sometimes allowed to hide under the guise of a frivolous fool. How to love a man? Imagine that the most trusted person, the second half, begins to undermine your authority in front of friends, colleagues or partners - this is equivalent to a knife in the back. Therefore, you need to respect and support your betrothed in any situation.

In dealing with it, words with diminutive suffixes should be avoided, because they do not always sound appropriate to him. It is better to save this kind of expression for a particularly successful night of love.


A woman should remember that a declaration of love for a man in love stimulates his self-esteem and increases it very significantly. However, this does not mean that you need to say these words constantly, otherwise the meaning of their sound will be lost. But forget about them, too, is not worth it.

Women need to remember that a partner should be the main thing in a relationship. This is very convenient, because you should not think about solving “world problems” when a man can do all this. This does not humiliate a woman, except in situations where she herself considers herself humiliated. Someone perceives the given hand as gallantry, and someone as a hint that a woman is unable to jump over a puddle due to the physical weakness of her legs.

Every woman should be able to cook and do it regularly. This issue is not even discussed in a relationship. Otherwise, your man will find for himself a more skilled cook!