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How to lather bloodworms? Wash Methods

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How to lather bloodworms? Wash Methods
How to lather bloodworms? Wash Methods

Video: Fly Fishing Trout Apps Bloodworm | Pennine Trout Fishery UK 2024, July

Video: Fly Fishing Trout Apps Bloodworm | Pennine Trout Fishery UK 2024, July

According to experienced fishermen, there is no better idea than a bloodworm than bloodworms. The small larva of a mosquito-ringing or squeak of ruby-red color is used for fishing all year round.

Bloodworms are the best bait

This is a universal bait, any fish accepts it. It is easy to get it, it doesn’t cost, it doesn’t require a special tool, and there’s no need to dozens of it, even to stock up bloodworms in advance, you can always find it before fishing right on the spot. And the catch on bloodworms is the most weighty, because the fish by nature is a predator, and does not suffer from a lack of appetite.


Where are bloodworms mined?

The nozzle, beloved by almost all fish, is obtained very easily at any time of the year. It is more familiar for a beginner fisherman to buy it in the bird market, and a more experienced fisherman will be able to get it himself. The best place where you can wash bloodworms are fresh water with standing water or a quiet stream and a muddy bottom. It is necessary to raise a little silt from the bottom with a bucket or a special scoop, rinse through a sieve or a fine grate. The pop-up bloodworm must be collected and used for bait.


How to sort larvae

The bloodworms already ready for use can be sorted by dividing them into larger and smaller individuals. A trifle will go to lure fish, and large larvae - to a hook as a bait. You will need a can of water and a fine sieve. Before washing the bloodworms, place a sieve over the can and unload the bloodworm cleaned of silt into it. We rinse it a little with water. Small worms will go through the pores into a jar, while large ones will remain in the sieve.

If you are not going to use the entire bait at once, you need to store it correctly. If done correctly, the larvae last up to three weeks. Of course, you can freeze them, but in this case the bloodworm is suitable only for feeding, and it’s better to take live larvae for bait. From this, the quality of fishing will only improve.

Winter bloodworm

You can get bloodworms all year round. And winter fishing is no exception. Of course, in the summer it is full of insects, worms with which you can lure fish. In winter, the task is a little more complicated. You will have to look for muddy areas in shallow water or hit with wormwood and get sludge from the bottom, where the bloodworm wintes. There is a very simple way to lather bloodworms in the winter, even a novice can do it. It is enough to make a fire on the shore, scoop up silt from the bottom with a bucket and put it next to the heat. Very soon, the larvae will begin to surface, and they can be collected. As you can see, it’s just perfect: there is no need to sort out the dirty sludge, freeze in cold water or pay for a portion of the feed on the market.


If bloodworms are not needed urgently and there are no devices nearby, there is another possibility how to wash the bloodworms in winter with your own hands, and in large quantities. We take a piece of fish or meat, any trimmings are suitable, wrap in gauze or a mosquito net type, fasten the load to it with a rope and lower it to the bottom. The next day you can get it. Do not doubt: there will be plenty of larvae on the bait. In addition, there may also be many other living creatures: various swimming beetles, water mites, leeches, shells. They can also be used as bait and diversify the winter menu for fishing.

Where to store

Bloodworms are well preserved. For its transportation and storage during fishing, it is convenient to use various boxes made of wood or polystyrene, the so-called bloodworms. They can be purchased on the market or made independently.

If such bait will be used all during fishing, then no special storage containers are needed. It is enough to dry the food for 20 minutes in the air, spreading it on a newspaper, and then move it to a bloodworm or any box with small holes. It is advisable to line the bottom with a damp rag.


If you learned how to wash a lot of bloodworms, and did not use it completely for fishing, you must provide special storage conditions. For longer storage use containers made of wood and foam. The bottom is lined with a damp rag or foam, put a thin layer of larva on top and sent to the lower shelf in the refrigerator. For about a week, bloodworms are suitable for use. Periodically, you need to rinse the mass with clean water (but not chlorinated!), Remove debris and dead bugs.

An equally successful invention is to store it in a jar of water. This method is suitable if you do not know where to wash bloodworms in winter, and there is no way to buy. The bloodworm is wrapped in gauze or a fine net and dipped in water, which must be changed every two to three days and stored in a cool place. Three weeks, the larvae are doing fine.

Potato reiler

The method of storage in potato tubers has long taken root. We take large potatoes, cut off the top, remove part of the pulp inside and place the bloodworm larvae there. Add some slept tea and cover with the cut part on top, like a lid. Can be fixed with toothpicks. Thus, you can save them up to five days.

You already know how to wash up bloodworms, it is now necessary to inform that bloodworms are very sensitive to temperature changes, therefore it is better to store it in containers made of wood and foam. To prevent larvae from sticking together, before going fishing, they are sprinkled with starch and placed in bloodworms or boxes with a wooden bottom and small holes.

We buy correctly

Many fishermen argue that the best bait is bloodworms. There are many ways to lure bloodworms on your own. This is not difficult, but requires some skill and additional time. If patience is not enough, feel free to go to the market and choose there.

Carefully inspect the future bait. High-quality bloodworm of red color, always clean, the skin is dense, without damage. In no case should you buy with an admixture of land. Even if you intend to use the larvae immediately, they are unlikely to reach fishing. Often, unscrupulous sellers intentionally mix the ground to dilute low-quality goods and sell half-dead larvae. An experienced fisherman will easily detect a substitution, but it is easy to deceive a beginner.

We hook

There is no better bait than bloodworms. It is suitable for many types of fish and is available all year round. In winter, they often use one or even half bloodworms on a hook. In summer, biting is better, it is easier to get it, so the number of larvae for bait can be increased.


There are several ways to attach a hook attachment:

- a ring, punctures alternately tail and head;

- under the heads;

- in a bundle, collecting several larvae together.

The first method allows you to fix the bait on the hook more compactly. It is not easy for the fish to rip it off and will have to swallow it whole, which is only at hand for the fisherman.

It is necessary to hook under the head very carefully. The larva is very tender, and such a bait is easy to damage.

All beam

The bloodworm nozzle bundle is more suitable for fishing in the warm season. There is plenty of biting, the fish is more active, and there are practically no questions about how to wash bloodworms in the summer. If there is no way to get it yourself, feel free to go to the market. The main thing is to choose fresh, without admixture of clay and soil.

In stores, a special bundle device is sold. With its help, the bloodworm can be tied into a tube or a bundle. They are fixed together by silicone cambric, for which they cling to a hook. Bloodworm is a very fragile bait, and cambric helps not to damage the bloodworm's body and prevents it from spreading in the water.

You can do without bundle knitting by tying the larvae manually with a regular thread. The main thing here is not to damage the bait, because the fish responds better to live and moving bloodworms.

The use of artificial bloodworms

Sometimes it’s hard for fishermen to find quality bloodworms at a pet store. He is either not, or he is of poor quality and is suitable only for feeding, not for bait. If you do not know how to wash the bloodworm yourself, then an artificial bloodworm made of silicone is suitable for fishing. In color and form, he successfully imitates the present. In addition, the material was chosen successfully. Silicone is very light, soft, elastic and very similar to live bait.


Not so long ago, a bloodworm of edible rubber with a smell was launched on the market. A special flavoring agent (attractant) is very attractive to fish, and in appearance it is almost impossible to distinguish from the present.

Well, if you did not find this, you can make a bait with your own hands. It is enough to take a red rubber balloon and cut it into small strips.