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How to name a child, boy and girl - interesting names, meaning and interpretation

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How to name a child, boy and girl - interesting names, meaning and interpretation
How to name a child, boy and girl - interesting names, meaning and interpretation

Video: 20 Baby BOY Names With Positive Meanings I Love! 2024, July

Video: 20 Baby BOY Names With Positive Meanings I Love! 2024, July

A person’s name affects his character. It carries a strong emotional and spiritual charge, sometimes playing a prophetic role in life. Giving a name to the child, we - consciously or not - program his fate and choose a certain life path. But thousands of people have the same name, and have completely different fates. So, it has a different effect on each individual person? Yes, and there is nothing surprising in this. Then a completely logical question arises: "How to name the child?"

The secret of the right name is that it should complement the natural qualities of a person, and not break the personality. The article will discuss how to name a child so that he is happy and successful. Parents will be able to find out what there are ways of naming, whether kids can be called by the names of their ancestors, as well as where the fashion for names comes from and whether to follow it.

Name Methods

In olden times, babies were called the names of animals or plants, the qualities of which parents wanted to be passed on to the babies. So, the most popular among the ancient Slavs were the names Wolf, Falcon, Fox, Linden and so on.

With the spread of Christianity from Byzantium, an Orthodox nomenclature came to us. Since then, the custom of calling children by holy calendar has spread. But parents also focused on the time of year, when the baby was born. A suitable name was chosen as the closest in the church calendar to the date of birth or baptism, but taking into account the natural circumstances of birth.


So, if the baby was born in a harsh winter, they tried to give him a soft, melodic, melodious name. In naming the child, the parents wanted to soften the harsh qualities given to him by nature.

Spring kids are very delicate and shy, unable to fend for themselves. Names were chosen for them, which were to add self-confidence and protect from various vicissitudes of fate.

Summer kids are active, purposeful, but they lack patience and endurance. Parents wanted to add these qualities to the baby with the help of a name.

Autumn children are very stubborn and wayward. They selected a name that could add gentleness in relationships with people and determination.

Our ancestors sometimes provided the opportunity for the baby himself to choose a name. They read aloud the various options and monitored the baby’s reaction. If he reacted excitedly, turned away, or cried, the name was rejected and continued to be listed further. If the child was smiling, it was considered a good sign and so they called him.

The children were also called by the names of the first comer. According to the legends of our ancestors, it is believed that a child who was named in honor of a stranger will be happy and lucky in everything.

Modern scientists believe that you can choose any method of how to name a child, the main thing is to take into account the consonance of names. That is, at least one letter of the baby’s name must be repeated in the names of the parents. For example, Olga - Olesya - Oleg, Tatyana - Ulyana - Nazar and so on.

Is it possible to call a child by the name of grandmother, grandfather, father, mother

In ancient times, to name a child in honor of a relative was considered a kind of family ritual that carried a huge energy, meaning and spiritual burden. Together with the name, the baby received an emotional component in the form of relatives' expectations, what it should be and to whom it should correspond. This tradition to name a child in honor of a mother or father, grandparents has both pros and cons.


  • Parents are guided by the example of their relative, his life path, achievements, but the child can inherit not the best features.
  • All the characteristics of the personality that this name will bring will fall on his own character, while strengthening or breaking it. Therefore, the child whom the parents would like to see does not always grow out of the child.
  • The influence of the name of the relative is an additional requirement that the environment presents to the baby. He must by all means resemble his father or grandfather. Therefore, the child does not have the opportunity for personal development, and in the end, as a rule, it is more difficult for him to realize himself in life.
  • Such names energetically press on the baby, forcing him to be the same as the relative in whose honor they called him. Such names do not allow the development of their own individuality and personality.


  • The child is energetically protected from all the troubles of his relatives, feels himself part of a large family.
  • Such children grow up bold and courageous, responsible and decent.
  • From birth, a model of the family and strong family relationships is formed, and when the child grows up, he will create his own family based on this example.


Orthodox tradition

With the spread of Christianity, the tradition came to us to name babies by the name of the saint on whose day he was born. It is believed that the heavenly patron will protect the baby and ask for a happy fate for him, will help him in good deeds, protect him from evil thoughts.

So, what is the name of the child on the Church calendar? Names by Saints:


Boys: Vasily, Ivan, Nifont, Efim, Anton, Konstantin, Sevastyan, Cyril, Athanasius, Savva, Michael, Daniil, Nikita, Thaddeus, Ignat, Theodosius, Sergey, Philip, George, Stepan, Valentin, Peter, Maxim, Artem, Clement, Timothy, Pavel, Fedor, Prokop, Nikanor, Proclus, Theoktist, Naum, Semyon, Egor, Ilya, Mark, Emelyan, Elizar, Prokhor, Serafim, Yakov, Trofim, Yuri, Veniamin, Adam, Gregory, Nikolai.

Girls: Irina, Melania, Polina, Leonidia, Eugene, Nina, Maria, Tatyana, Appolinaria, Domna, Claudia, Agafia, Ulyana, Theodore, Anisia, Vasilisa, Aglaya, Agrafena, Anastasia, Felitsata.


Boys: Pankrat, Alexey, Kirill, Ignat, Roman, Julian, Makar, Efim, Konstantin, Peter, Dmitry, Vlas, Alexander, Nikita, Pavel, Efrem, Gerasim, Innokenty, Gennady, Nikolai, Prokhor, Eugene, Yuri, Gabriel, Anton, Stepan, Hippolytus, Efim, Victor, Zakhar, Vasily, Gregory, Ivan, Fedor, Luke, Arseny, German, Maxim, Felix, Lavrenty, Vsevolod, George, David, Clement, Theoktist, Leonty, Philip, Egor, Valentin, Vitaly, Savva, Akim, Ignatius, Valerian, Semyon, Benjamin, Timothy, Porfiry, Nikifor, Arkady, Jacob, Valery.

Girls: Martha, Evdokia, Aksinya, Theodora, Veronica, Anna, Maria, Inna, Christina, Svetlana, Agafya, Zoya, Rimma, Agniya, Paul, Valentina, Efrosinia, Ksenia, Anastasia.


Boys: Kuzma, Egor, Alexander, Nikandr, Makar, Gregory, Jacob, Konstantin, Anton, Leonty, Mark, Athanasius, Roman, Yefim, Arkady, Kirill, Leonid, Maxim, Semen, Alexei, Trofim, Sevastyan, Yuri, Fedor, Leo, Stepan, Valery, Arseny, Savva, Nicephorus, Venedict, George, Heraclius, Vyacheslav, Eugene, Julian, Fedot, Ivan, Taras, Vasily, Victor, Timofey, David, Denis, Rostislav, Philip, Pavel, Gerasim, Ilya, Peter, Daniel, Michael.

Girls: Evdokia, Marianne, Theodore, Vasilisa, Regina, Kira, Galina, Anastasia, Christina, Nick, Iraida, Margarita, Antonina, Ulyana, Marina.


Boys: Victor, Tikhon, Ivan, Thomas, Artem, Vasily, Khariton, Alexander, Benjamin, Mark, Leonid, Makar, Mstislav, Jacob, Gabriel, Zakhar, Stepan, Nikita, Semyon, Daniel, Savva, Polycarpus, Nifont, Martin, David, Antipus, Titus, George, Anton, Aristarchus, Kondrat, Andrey, Trofim, Efim, Cyril, Sergey, Egor, Maxim, Yuri, Rodion, Artemon, Hypatius, Samson, Nikon, Vadim, Sofron, Plato, Terenty, Innocent, Peter.

Girls: Vasilisa, Claudia, Anastasia, Martha, Lydia, Ulyana, Sofia, Theodosius, Alla, Theodora, Anna, Praskovya, Matrena, Alexandra, Maria, Eva, Nika, Akulina, Susanna, Tamara, Galina, Irina, Larisa, Svetlana, Darya.


Boys: Yuri, Savva, Thomas, Nicephorus, Peter, Nikolai, Stepan, Maxim, Heraclius, Athanasius, Kasyan, Jacob, Makar, Alexei, Efim, Mark, George, Pavel, Ignat, Gleb, David, Constantine, Valentin, Gabriel, Alexander, Nikita, Yeremey, Dmitry, Fedor, Groin, Fedot, Anatoly, Arseny, Paphnutius, Denis, Yegor, Clement, Gregory, Pimen, Nicodemus, Modest, Semyon, Kirill, Vsevolod, Andrey, Vitaliy, Kuzma, Leonty, Boris, Timothy, Lavrentiy, Kondrat, Joseph, Severin, Artem, German, Roman, Vasily, Ivan, Victor, Anton.

Girls: Zoya, Elizabeth, Tamara, Efrosinya, Julia, Taisia, Muse, Christina, Evdokia, Irina, Glafira, Pelageya, Susanna, Faina, Maria, Valentina, Claudia, Glyceria, Alexandra.


Boys: Karp, Anton, Sylvester, Roman, Ignat, Gennady, Julian, Nikifor, Yeremey, Cyril, Savely, Innocent, Mstislav, Tikhon, Gregory, Savva, Peter, Andrew, Timothy, Jan, Vasily, Ephraim, Elisha, Fedot, Gabriel, Nikander, Leonid, Arseny, Igor, Nazar, Dmitry, Pavel, Khariton, Denis, Valery, Christian, Makar, Yuri, Egor, George, Stepan, Semyon, Fedor, Nikita, Leonty, Vladimir, Mikhail, Konstantin, Alexey, Alexander, Sergey, Ivan, Ignatius.

Girls: Theodosius, Sophia, Akulina, Ulyana, Valeria, Efrosinya, Maria, Thekla, Kaleria, Anna, Martha, Kira, Nelly, Alena, Christina, Antonina, Claudia, Theodora, Elena.


Boys: Demid, Nicodemus, Sofron, Demyan, Samson, Maxim, Stanislav, Yevsei, Galaktion, Terenty, Hypatius, Guri, Emelyan, Leonid, Fedot, Fedor, Yefim, Alexander, Vladimir, Arseny, Daniil, Stepan, Innocent, Cyril, Anatoly, Tikhon, Kuzma, Thomas, Valentin, Matvey, Philip, Mark, Peter, Julian, Artem, Konstantin, Vasily, Julius, German, Mikhail, Andrey, Sergey, Pavel, Denis, Jacob, David, Roman, Alexey, Svyatoslav, Anton, Gleb, Ivan, Leonty.

Girls: Rimma, Martha, Anna, Irina, Zhanna, Agrippina, Efrosinya, Olga, Valentina, Alevtina, Efimia, Ulyana, Evdokia, Sarah, Marina, Julia, Margarita, Elena, Maria, Julianna, Angelina, Inna.


Boys: Markel, Elizar, Guri, Evdokim, Valentine, Prokhor, Yermolai, Polycarpus, Athanasius, Evdokim, Savva, Nikanor, Frol, Yuri, Yegor, George, Philip, Maxim, Dmitry, Pavel, Arkady, Tikhon, Fedor, Miron, Yakov, Julian, Peter, Ivan, Alexander, Matvey, Denis, Alexei, Leonid, Vasily, Trofim, Gregory, Kuzma, Stepan, Leonty, Anton, Mikhail, Konstantin, Nikolay, Naum, Clement, German, Seraphim, Christopher, Makar, David, Gleb, Boris, Savva, Ilya, Semyon, Roman.

Girls: Christina, Anita, Milena, Praskovya, Seraphim, Ulyana, Evdokia, Susanna, Olympics, Concordia, Valentina, Svetlana, Magdalene, Anna, Nonna, Maria.


Boys: Arkady, Lukyan, Porfiry, Arkhip, Nikolai, George, Benjamin, Pimen, Andriyan, Kondrat, Victor, Stepan, Leonty, Ilya, Valery, Efim, Nikita, Fedot, Sergey, German, Dmitry, Clement, Khariton, Akim, Thomas, Mikhail, Cyril, Zakhar, David, Gleb, Maxim, Julian, Fedor, Anton, Semyon, Gennady, Jacob, Christopher, Pavel, Makar, Daniel, Alexander, Savva, Gregory, Ivan, Nikander, Peter, Arseny, Athanasius, Fadey, Timothy, Andrew.

Girls: Vasilisa, Rufina, Martha, Love, Anna, Domna, Nadezhda, Lyudmila, Anfisa, Raisa, Natalia, Vassa, Vera, Sophia, Theodora, Elizabeth.


Boys: Valerian, Demian, Guri, Kasyan, Savva, Rodion, Ignat, Aristarchus, Tikhon, Nikandr, Innocent, Kondrat, Trofim, Igor, Luka, Leonty, Yefim, Nazar, Nikita, Veniamin, Martyn, Kuzma, Maxim, Julian, Thomas, Philip, Matvey, Alexey, Pavel, Erofei, Vladimir, Denis, Roman, Gregory, Khariton, Vyacheslav, Alexander, Mark, Ignatius, Sergey, Stepan, Vladislav, Makar, Ivan, Anton, Peter, Dmitry, Andrey, Oleg, Michael, Fedor, Trofim, David, Konstantin.

Girls: Euphrosyne, Pelagia, Zinaida, Ariadne, Ustinha, Thekla, Anna, Sophia, Zlata, Praskovya, Veronika, Taisiya, Virineya, Eulampius, Jonah, Marianne, Irina.


Boys: Nikon, Philip, Julian, Rodion, Eugene, Demyan, Terenty, Taras, Nestor, Ignat, Maximilian, Osip, Illarion, Matvey, Nikifor, Victor, Vincent, Orest, Mikhail, Fedot, Fedor, Kirill, Eugene, Valery, Pavel, German, Arseny, Gregory, Nikandr, Yuri, Yegor, George, Kuzma, Zinovy, Stepan, Maxim, Mark, Andrey, Dmitry, Athanasius, Ignatius, Konstantin, Denis, Irakli, Anton, Alexander, Jacob, Artem, Ivan.

Girls: Elizabeth, Anastasia, Nelly, Efrosinya, Theodora, Elena, Praskovya, Capitolina, Claudia, Cleopatra, Natalya, Matrena, Neonila, Maria, Glyceria, Anna, Ulyana, Zinovia.


Boys: Modest, Guri, Filaret, Paramon, Vsevolod, Clement, Arkhip, Mitrofan Kirill, Yaroslav, Procopius, Valerian, Adrian, Mark, Orestes, Arseny, Arkady, Zakhar, Thomas, Daniil, Vasily, Andrey, Innocent, Pavel, Leo, Anton, Nikolai, Gennady, Savva, Makar, Stepan, Fedor, Alexander, Naum, Maxim, Jacob, Valery, Ivan, George, Christopher, Anatoly, Peter, Athanasius, Gabriel, Vsevolod, Yuri, Egor, Alexei, Mikhail, Grigory, Plato, Roman.

Girls: Cecilia, Anna, Angelina, Olga, Marina, Catherine, Ulyana, Augustus, Anfisa, Barbara, Zoya.


Why are some people forced to live under two names?

People with the same name have common traits. For example, Alexandra - imperious and demanding women, they are straightforward, impulsive, principled. Names form certain character traits in people, but act differently on everyone. One and the same name is beneficial to someone, and to others is harmful.

On the Internet there are a huge number of sites on which you can read about the meaning of a name and its impact on the fate of a person. But how to name a child so that he is happy and successful? How to give a child a name that will match his personality?

Intuition plays a significant role in this complex process. In addition, many parents come up with what name to name the child, long before his birth. But the baby is born, and he generally has nothing to do with Philip or Arthur, but he is spilled Semyon or Andrei. And a situation arises when a person’s passport has one name, but in life and at home they call him another. For example, singer Angelica Varum on the passport Maria; TV presenter Nika Strizhak - Veronika, singer Valeria - in fact, Alla.

Where does the name fashion come from?

Each generation has its own fashion names. Knowing the name of a person, you can roughly determine how old he is. For example, Zinaida Zakharovna is probably a pensioner, Lyudmila Aleksandrovna, most likely, is a 40-50-year-old lady, and Artem, Nastya, Lisa and Maxim are representatives of the young generation.

In addition, knowing only the name, we roughly have an idea of ​​the nationality, origin and religion of its carrier.

Recently, there has been a trend such as a commitment to ancient names. The parents of girls are especially sensitive to the problem of how to name a child beautifully. They are often given original Russian names: Love, Hope, Faith. The names of ancient Roman and Greek origin also became popular: Pelagia, Avdotya, Aksinya, Vasilina, Ulyana, Barbara, Arina. How to name a boy’s child, parents also think, but they mainly choose old names, or those associated with national tradition. Popular names: Gleb, Zakhar, Timothy, Matvey, Bogdan, Luke, Akim. And in Tatarstan and Bashkiria, for example, the most fashionable are: Amir, Arthur, Timur, Tagir.


Why does each generation have its own fashion for names? This is due to the situation in society, the events and aspirations of one generation or another. For example, now the views of many young people are directed to the West, so there are a lot of Daniels, Monique, Carolyn, Stefany, Sebastianov, Kristin. But at the same time, our national identity is very developed, therefore, along with such foreign names, the original Slavic ones are also common: Vasilisa, Antip, and so on.

Specific rules

Scientists believe that there are certain rules on how to not name a child.

  • First, the name must be combined with the middle name and last name. Foreign names with our original Russian surnames sound funny and ridiculous. For example, Semenova Karolina Ivanovna.
  • Secondly, to be individual. In some families, it is believed that to name a child in honor of a deceased relative is to some extent to revive the memory of him. It is very important to pay attention to what fate he had, since there is a belief that it is transmitted along with the name. In any case, it’s not worth the risk, because we are talking about the life and happiness of the baby. Moreover, you should not give names in honor of the tragically dead people.

We have a tradition of naming sons after a father. This is also not the best option. Firstly, in combination with patronymic it sounds very cumbersome, and secondly, the influence of the father and his fate on the child will increase even more.

Thirdly, the name must be consistent with our tradition of naming. Psychologists believe that double names are also a bad choice. True, it is worth noting that in European countries this is a very common occurrence. In our country, experts convince parents not to call their children that way, since the likelihood of a split personality, inconsistency of character in such people increases several times. In addition, they have doubted almost everything throughout their lives.


Most popular female names

What is the name of the baby born in 2018? Популярными являются женские экзотические имена, такие как Габриэлла, Анжелика, Стефания, Камилла. На втором месте находятся исконно славянские имена – Василиса, Нина, Божена. И совсем редкими являются Наталия, Елена, Юлия.

Кроме того, в настоящее время очень модным стал подбор имен в зависимости от времени года, когда родилась малышка.

Имена зимних девочек.

Эти малышки отличаются высоким уровнем интеллекта, своенравным и волевым характером. Они самостоятельны с раннего детства, решительны и свободолюбивы. Подходящие имена для детей, рожденных в этот сезон: Снежана, Зарина, Белослава, Власта, Влада, Анастасия, Милана, Мила, Евгения, Марина, Мария, Валентина, Анна, Вероника, Евдокия, Ангелина, Василиса, Ванда, Римма, Виталина, Ирина, Клавдия, Анфиса, Агния, Марина, Нонна, Инна, Зоя, Марфа, Федора, Августа, Ксения, Дарина, Нана, Каролина, Инга, Варвара, Арина, Дана.

Имена для весенних девочек.

Эти дети упрямы и упорны, они не боятся никаких трудностей, всегда идут до конца, пока не одержат победу. Но глубоко в душе они сентиментальные и ранимые натуры. Им очень важна поддержка родителей, особенно мамы. Подходящие имена: Тата, Лика, Жанна, Велина, Есения, Регина, Марианна, Лариса, Александра, Лидия, Дарья, Маргарита, Ирида, Галина, Кира, Нина, Лукерья, Кристина, Антонина, Таисия, Олеся, Алла, Тамара, Елизавета, Полина.

Имена для летних девочек.

Это очень активные и подвижные дамы. Важно вовремя направить эту энергию в нужное русло. Они очень любознательны, хорошо учатся в школе. Но не самыми положительными чертами этих детей является мнительность и чувствительность. Подходящие имена для этих девчонок: Яна, Ариэла, Марьяна, Зоряна, Майя, Аза, Лолита, София, Лайза, Алевтина, Вера, Алиса, Ульяна, Вера, Ирма, Элина, Рада, Неля, Беатриса, Радмила, Ева, Злата, Уленгия, Серафима, Лариса, Рулана, Юлиана, Ева, Римма, Валерия.

Имена для осенних детей.

Девочки, рожденные в это время года, имеют волевой характер и очень упрямы, но совершенно не обидчивые и не ранимые. Они нежные и привлекательные. Имена: Ясмина, Татьяна, Елена, Ярослава, Лея, Мирослава, Леонида, Надежда, Стефания, Лия, Дородея, Богдана, Фаина, Амалия, Маргарита, Алина, Лана, Оксана, Лада, Виктория.

Популярные мужские имена

Как назвать ребенка мужского пола? В этом году самые популярные традиционно славянские мужские имена - такие как Архип, Захар, Тимофей, на втором месте находятся имена иностранного происхождения – Марк, Герман, Адриан. И совсем редкими являются Владимир, Николай, Петр. Модными также являются библейские имена: Адам, Наум, Павел, Даниил, Михаил, Илия.


Экзотические имена

Когда рождается малыш, перед родителями встает нелегкая задача, как назвать ребенка. Достаточно распространенной является традиция давать редкие или экзотические имена. Этим взрослые стремятся подчеркнуть уникальность и индивидуальность малыша. Например, Онарада, Миллиана, Злата, Аверьян. Как можно назвать ребенка оригинально, но при этом не создать ему проблем со сверстниками? Here are some suggestions:

  • Желательно, чтобы имя образовывало сокращенные формы. Отсутствие и невозможность такого видоизменения может затруднить общение с друзьями. Например, Роберт, Марат, Спартак – у этих имен такие формы не образуются. Они очень массивные и торжественные.
  • Имя не должно быть слишком экзотическим, иначе ребенок станет «белой вороной» в обществе, будет стесняться и комплексовать.