the culture

How not to become a favorite of gopniks or who are terpily?

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How not to become a favorite of gopniks or who are terpily?
How not to become a favorite of gopniks or who are terpily?

Video: Still Face Experiment: Dr. Edward Tronick 2024, June

Video: Still Face Experiment: Dr. Edward Tronick 2024, June

So let's talk about who are terpils. Indeed, despite the fact that this concept came to us from thieves' jargon, it describes a completely ordinary phenomenon. And, alas, many of us, without suspecting it, become patience both in the eyes of criminals and our friends. Moreover, unlike the first, the second ones are unlikely to ever admit it to you.

Therefore, let's find out what the word patience means. Who is included in this group and how can it end?


Terpila: meaning of the word

It should begin with the fact that this concept came to us from the so-called criminal jargon. Over the years, prison vocabulary began to seep into the masses, where it was joyfully picked up by some subcultures. In particular, Gopnik and small bandits armed themselves with many thieves' words.

But back to who they are. So, initially this concept applied to those people who, by chance, became victims of criminals. But then its lexical meaning became a little narrower, and they began to call terpils those who were ideally suited for bullying or extortion. Simply put, terpils are people who cannot stand up for themselves and others.

Weakness seen from afar

The most striking thing is that the criminals see suffered from afar. That is, the person has not yet begun to speak, and the gopnik has already realized that he can "breed" him for money, and even make the poor fellow guilty. Why is this happening?

There is such a science - victimology. Unlike other branches of criminology, she does not study the criminals themselves, but their victims. According to her, there are certain criteria that make a person more attractive to bandits. For example, this can manifest itself in his behavior, clothing, lifestyle or even look. Given this, it would be wise to talk about who were patient in terms of victimology.



There are certain groups of people who can easily fall into the category of suffering. The reason for this is their physical and mental state, or more precisely, their weaknesses. For example, older people, children, women and people with disabilities are at risk.

Also, many criminals will happily cleanse the karma of a drunk person, and there are several reasons for this. Firstly, such a victim will not be able to give a worthy rebuff, and, secondly, because of the excess of alcohol in the blood, the victim is unlikely to remember the special signs of the attacker.

Who are terrible in life

But if all of the above are involuntarily terpiles, then there are those who voluntarily record themselves in a group with them. In this case, we are talking about people who are weak not because of life circumstances, but because they are satisfied with this order of things.

For example, these may be guys who do not play sports at all and lead a closed lifestyle. Because of this, they do not have both combat and social skills, which significantly reduces their self-esteem. And such people, when meeting with a handful of gopniks, begin to radiate fear, as if in front of them a flock of hungry lions. Well, and then, as the bandits themselves say, "it was a sin to not handle such people."
