
How to get there by car: tips and tricks

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How to get there by car: tips and tricks
How to get there by car: tips and tricks

How to get there by car? Before driving on the machine, you must prepare it. To do this, you must check the health of its systems. The key to a good car trip is a proper fit and sequence of actions.


When you have winter in the city and the temperature is far below zero, twenty minutes is considered a sufficient time for warming up the car. Before you drive a car, you need to start and warm up its engine. If you live in the north and you have severe frosts, you need to warm up 30 minutes. And if the car has a diesel engine, then the time needs to be extended for another 10 minutes.

Your body position

When you start the car, look at the dashboard. It shows the condition of the consumables of the machine, namely oil and fuel. If the icon is reflected that there is not enough oil, add it. If there is no fuel, you need to refuel a car. If the car has an on-board computer, be sure to look at it for any additional errors. After warming up the engine and eliminating all problems, proceed to the trip.



To start the trip, be sure to close the central lock of the car so that no one gets in to you. Before you press the accelerator pedal, look around and in the side mirrors to make sure that there are no extraneous vehicles on your path. Then turn on the turn signal and start moving.