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How to solve Japanese crosswords to get prizes

How to solve Japanese crosswords to get prizes
How to solve Japanese crosswords to get prizes

Video: Solve The Crosswords and Get Paid | WealthWords 2024, June

Video: Solve The Crosswords and Get Paid | WealthWords 2024, June

Do you consider yourself an ace in solving all kinds of crosswords? Repeatedly won prizes in magazines, sending the right decisions to competitions? Admit it, filling the cells with letters is quite easy, especially if you connect Google and an encyclopedia to help your erudition.


However, Japanese crosswords - sudoku - and puzzles where you need to show a hidden pattern, this is something completely different. And here I will tell you how to easily click on classic puzzles from the Land of the Rising Sun.

You are dealing here with a completely different kind of puzzle. There is no need for erudition - you need to arm yourself with logic. Before solving Japanese crosswords, let's recall their basic laws. The main help in solving the hidden pattern will be the rule of exclusion. It, regarding our task, reads: "If the cell on the field should be painted over in black, it no longer remains empty." What does it mean? Consider the example of the lightest drawing - a boat.

At the first stage of solving the puzzle, there is no image. There are only numbers on the top and left of the clean field, divided for your convenience into 5x5 cells. The numbers at the top indicate how many squares should be painted vertically, and on the left side indicate the number of black squares horizontally. If there are several numbers, this means that between the black columns or rows there should be a space of at least one square. If, for example, the numbers 2 and 4 are indicated at the top, this means that a column of four cells should be placed under a vertical line of two squares. Similarly, ranks should be placed at the prompts of the numbers on the left. Clear? Now about how to solve Japanese crosswords, and where to start this process.


In the puzzle we took as an example, there is a field of four large squares. Thus, we have ten vertical and ten horizontal points for painting the yet invisible picture. We carefully study the numbers on the side and at the top of the clean field. Look: in the same row on the left is the number 10. And this means that all ten small squares in this row should be painted over. We do it. Now we see that a similar dozen is present in the column above the field. We draw a vertical line. Now we have two crossed lines. How to solve Japanese crosswords next?

We notice that in some columns the number 1 is indicated, which means the following: only one cell in the column or line should be black. We already have one such one - it turned out as a result of a continuous line. The logical law says that all other cells in the field should remain white. Therefore, we can confidently mark these places with dots or draw a light yellow marker along these horizontal or vertical fields.


Now the space on which the picture is hiding does not consist of 10 points, but of 9 or even fewer. We carefully examine our indicating numbers, by the method of exclusion we determine which points should be painted over and which ones should be left white. So, we will gradually get an image - a boat. Learning how to solve easy crosswords, you can move on to more complex ones - color ones.

Their principle is the same as in black and white. But the numbers indicated outside the working field are indicated by different colors - blue, red, green, yellow. How to solve Japanese crosswords in this case? Armed with a pack of pencils or felt-tip pens. And logic, of course. The rule remains the same - first we look for a figure that would occupy the field as much as possible. If it is not (for example, a field of 20 cells, and the maximum hint figure is 18), we must understand that no matter how the column or line is located, all the same, 16 cells in the middle will be filled over. Try now as a warm-up to solve your own crossword puzzle with the sun.