
How is the fate of the son of Nikolai Baskov Bronislav

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How is the fate of the son of Nikolai Baskov Bronislav
How is the fate of the son of Nikolai Baskov Bronislav

At the dawn of his career, “natural blond of all Russia” Nikolai Baskov married the daughter of the king of pharmaceutical companies Svetlana Spiegel. The newly made son-in-law of the beautiful parents of the beauty wanted to help in the formation of a singing career. By that time, the owner of the “diamond” voice had just parted with his producer and was looking for a new one.

The spouse became for the singer not only a life partner, but also a director, administrator. In marriage, a son Bronislav Baskov-Spiegel was born to the young. Read about the life of the heir to the pop king of the Russian pop, read the article.


The boy was born in Moscow in early April 2006. Svetlana gave birth in one of the private clinics. The news that Nikolai Baskov was born an heir, flew around all corners of our country. The man was in seventh heaven with happiness, which he constantly talked about in an interview.


The baby's name was first kept secret. A little later, parents decided to name the boy Bronislav Baskov (photo below) - in honor of Svetlana's grandmother. At the family council, it was decided that the child will have a double surname - for father and mother.

Parents divorce

The career of the parent of Bronislav Baskov went uphill. Nikolai earned fabulous sums, went on tour and all the time disappeared outside the house. Svetlana was engaged in the education of the heir independently. She lacked attention, she wanted support from a loved one. But the artist could not provide his spouse with such a magnificent present. Relations have cracked.


The initiator of the divorce was Svetlana Shpigel. She collected a package of documents and submitted them to the court. The process dragged on for several months. In 2008, finally, a point was set in this story.

Life without a father

Both did not grieve for long after parting. Svetlana almost immediately began an affair with the oligarch Vyacheslav Sobolev, who in combination turned out to be a close friend of the president of Ukraine. Lovers hastened to play a wedding. In the marriage, the woman gave birth to another child. And Bronislav Baskov began to call Sobolev a dad.


With her own father, Svetlana did not let the baby see each other. In addition, they were separated by distance. The second marriage of the woman was also unsuccessful. Riots began in Ukraine in 2014, Vyacheslav hastened to terminate all relations with Russia and returned to his homeland. Spiegel moved with her children to Israel. Now the press is not aware of changes in Svetlana’s personal life.

Formation of a singing career

Nikolai Baskov, too, did not lose time in vain. He actively continues to promote his own name, including through acquaintances with the right people. So, repeatedly provoked rumors about a relationship with the daughter of Montserrat Caballe herself, with whom she sang a duet. The press now and then appeared details of his new adventures.

The efforts of the singer were not in vain - at the age of 33 he became the People's Artist of Russia, had phenomenal success with the public and earned fabulous money.

Separated from the heir

However, all this time the man was not able to see his son. In an interview, he often admitted that questions about Bronislav Baskov always provoked him outrage. It was not easy for him to answer them. One fine moment in the singer’s life came a period when he was trying to forget about past troubles. It seemed that Nikolai himself did not understand where the truth is, and where is the fiction, the PR action.


Each new year, the man threw more and more new occasions for talking about himself. Either he met with Oksana Fedorova and was ready to get married, then in front of an amazed audience he kissed Anastasia Volochkova, then he gave ambiguous signs of attention to Taisiya Povaliy. And not so long ago he again made the press talk about himself - in Grozny he intended to play a wedding with Victoria Lopyreva, the ex-wife of football player Fedor Smolov.