
How to join the Communist Party today?

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How to join the Communist Party today?
How to join the Communist Party today?

Video: Applying to join the Chinese Communist Party - music video (w/ English subtitles) 2024, July

Video: Applying to join the Chinese Communist Party - music video (w/ English subtitles) 2024, July

Party membership has ceased to be vital, but people who share one ideology or another voluntarily join a political organization at the behest of the soul. How to join the Communist Party?


What does this give applicants?

A membership card is a kind of pass to a moral partnership, where there is the opportunity to communicate with like-minded people. It is no secret that even in a family adults may have different political views, therefore, a party is a real opportunity for an open manifestation of ideological beliefs and their implementation through specific activities. The principle of voluntariness does not exclude the existence of benefits that take into account those who want to get a party card. Answering the question of how to join the Communist Party, these bonuses should be mentioned:

  • An opportunity to make a political career by running for a candidate for deputy or becoming his assistant.

  • Getting the opportunity to communicate with the leaders of the organization that can help in solving corporate or personal problems.

  • Extra income during campaigns and elections.

  • Use of party resources (free legal advice, additional education).

Having solved the problem for himself, why, a person asks the question: how to join the Communist Party.


Instruction manual

In all constituent entities of the Russian Federation, there are regional committees of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation. As of 2012, the number of people sharing the ideas of renewed socialism is 156, 528 people (81 branches), not including supporters who are not officially party members. Through the registered website of the regional committee, you should get information about the territorial location of the primary branch, where you should contact. For example, how to join the Communist Party in Moscow? Either make an electronic request, or contact MGK at the following address: Moscow, Simferopolskiy boulevard, 24, building 3. Phone: 8 (495) 3185173. The head is V. Rashkin.

In the primary department to begin work, participating in the actions and events of the Communist Party, to confirm the seriousness of their intentions. Having proved himself, after 2-3 months it is possible to submit an application for membership, to which it is necessary to attach the recommendations of two party members with experience in the organization of one year or more. Voting will necessarily take place on the candidacy in the primary organization. If it is positive, the final decision will be made by the Communist Party district committee. The presentation of a membership card will be held in a festive atmosphere at one of the organization’s events. The answer to the question of how to join the Communist Party, depends on the observance of a number of conditions.


Candidate Requirements

A party member can only be a citizen of a country. In April 2016, it became known about the desire to join the Communists of the American MMA fighter Jeff Monson (photo can be seen in the article above). The decision will be made after Jeff receives a Russian passport. Wishing to popularize sports among youth, a famous fighter (57 victories) meets the following requirements that are necessary for everyone:

  • Is an adult.

  • Separates the program and organization charter.

  • Not a member of any other party.

  • He considers capitalism an unjust society.

Asking the question: how to join the Communist Party in Russia, you need to have a good idea of ​​what obligations this will entail.
