
How Soviet front-line actors defended their homeland

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How Soviet front-line actors defended their homeland
How Soviet front-line actors defended their homeland

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Video: Battle of Moscow | Animated History 2024, July

Many people admire Soviet actors. Their talent allowed them to easily cope with even the most difficult roles. They could easily amuse the people or make the hearts of even fundamentally different people beat in unison. However, not everyone knows that they also had to participate in hostilities and defend their homeland. Therefore, we present to your attention the top ten Soviet actors, as well as their brief front-line history.

Alexey Smirnov

One of the most famous Soviet actors, who is widely loved even by representatives of the modern generation. During the Great Patriotic War, he served as a scout and was able not only to kill 17 fascists, but also to personally capture 7 Nazis. However, Smirnov himself did not like to recall the time spent at the front. It is difficult to imagine how painful it was for him to lose his brother and father in this war. In 1944, the future actor was greatly shell-shocked, after which he was hospitalized. After that, Smirnov was commissioned, and he decided to start acting in films that are known to almost every inhabitant of Russia and the countries that were part of the Soviet Union.

Anatoly Papanov


The hero of the Soviet Union, who happened to appear in a huge number of comedies and films of other genres, was called up to the front on the very first day of the war - June 22, 1941. In just one year, he managed to rise to the rank of sergeant and go to the Southwestern Front, where a large-scale offensive of Soviet troops on the invaders was being prepared. At that time, a twenty-year-old boy commanded an anti-aircraft battery, and also played the role of an ordinary soldier who was ready to give his life in order to save his homeland. At the age of 21, he was seriously wounded in the leg and remained disabled for life. After that, Papanov decided to connect his life with the cinema.

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Nikolay Trofimov


During the Great Patriotic War, the famous actor served in the ranks of the Navy. He had to take part in the most fierce battles, for example, in the battle for Leningrad. During the war, he was seriously wounded in the head and was dismissed. After defeating fascist Germany, Trofimov was awarded one of the most valuable orders - the Red Star. In addition, the actor was also awarded the medal “For the Defense of Leningrad” and, of course, “For the Victory over Germany”. Soon after, he began acting in famous films that millions of viewers loved.

Elina Bystritskaya


Few people know that the young actress happened to not only act in films, winning the hearts of millions of men, but also to protect her homeland from the Nazis. During World War II, Elina worked as a nurse in a mobile hospital and managed to save the lives of dozens of soldiers. Many may say that such a contribution to the victory is difficult to compare with that made by men who fought at the front. No matter how! It was the rear workers who provided optimal conditions for warfare. That is why Elina was awarded the Order of the second degree, as well as the medal "For the victory over Germany."


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Innocent Smoktunovsky


This famous actor was a participant in the battle of Kursk and crossing the Dnieper. In addition, he also contributed to the liberation of Kiev and even reached Berlin. For all the years of service, the actor received a huge number of medals, the most significant of which are “For Victory over Germany and“ For Courage. ”But far from every commander who managed to get to the“ den ”with the unit can boast the Order of the Patriotic War of the first degree. After the end of hostilities, Smoktunovsky decided to continue to pursue his dream - to become a great actor.

Leonid Gaidai


In 1942, the famous actor and director was called up from Mongolia, where he traveled around horses intended for the front. A thin and tall guy with glasses, who until that time was only engaged in cowboy work, coped with his duties beyond praise. However, in 1943, a young soldier was returning from a mission and accidentally blew up a mine, which the Nazis installed, seriously injuring his leg. After that, he happened to spend several months in the hospital and immediately undergo 5 heavy operations. The actor and director himself claimed that he was also threatened with amputation, however, doctors still managed to cope with a severe wound. Here are just a young guy left disabled for life. But this did not stop him from building his career.

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Mikhail Pugovkin


This famous actor went to defend his homeland as soon as he found out about the beginning of World War II, despite the fact that he had already managed to serve in the army in his youth. The command identified Pugovkin as scouts of the 1147th motorized rifle regiment. Over the years of service, he managed not only to kill an uncountable number of fascists, but also to obtain valuable information that helped the Soviet army cope with the advance of the enemy. At the end of hostilities, he was awarded the Order of the Second Degree, as well as the medal "For Courage" and "For the Victory over Germany."

Evgeny Matveev


At the beginning of World War II, the young soldier only did that he was digging trenches, and erecting various fortifications near the city. However, a few months later he was sent to study at the Tyumen Infantry School, where he took a young fighter course in a short time in order to help the front in a different way. At the end of the war, he worked for some time as a teacher in this school, but nevertheless decided to connect his career with cinema, which gave happiness and smiles to many people.

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Zinovy ​​Gerdt


Few people know that the famous actor also served as senior lieutenant of the sapper company during the Great Patriotic War. It is worth noting that the young guy volunteered for the front, joining the passage of short-term military training in 1941. In February 1943, Gerdt took part in mine clearance for Soviet tanks, where he was badly wounded in the leg with a fragment from a shell that exploded nearby. Doctors were forced to shorten the limb by 8 centimeters, so the guy was permanently disabled. However, the future actor was awarded the Order of the Red Star, and also received the medal "For Courage".