men's issues

What should be a real woman in the opinion of men

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What should be a real woman in the opinion of men
What should be a real woman in the opinion of men

Video: Men’s Hair: What Do Real Women Look for in a Guy? | GQ 2024, July

Video: Men’s Hair: What Do Real Women Look for in a Guy? | GQ 2024, July

Men have an opinion about what a real woman should be. Representatives of the stronger sex make quite a lot of demands on their chosen ones. This applies to appearance, and character traits, and many more aspects.


General requirements

Men are quite demanding of their halves. They have their own idea of ​​what a real woman should be. In their opinion, it must certainly possess the following characteristics:

  • to be feminine and tender, which is manifested not only in appearance, but also in behavior;

  • be able to love your partner passionately and passionately;

  • be able to love not only your partner, but the whole world;

  • to be wise and reasonable in any situations;

  • have a certain zest that gives a unique personality;

  • to be flirty to attract attention, but not cheeky;

  • be able to create a warm and comfortable atmosphere around you;

  • respect yourself and have self-esteem;

  • have interesting hobbies and constantly expand your horizons.

This is far from an incomplete range of requirements that determine what a real woman should be in the opinion of men. And do not rebel against them at all. These are not some men's whims. Every woman who strives for an ideal must make these demands on her own and work on herself in this direction.


It's no secret that the first impression of a person is made precisely on the basis of appearance. So, speaking of what a real woman should be, it is worth noting the following:

  • going out into the street (even if it’s a trip to the nearest store for bread), a woman should look perfect;

  • it is better to have one beautiful dress and a pair of quality shoes than a lot of base things;

  • even following fashion, you cannot go to extremes and remain true to your style;

  • you can not abuse decorative cosmetics, but you should not refuse it at all;

  • when revealing the slightest imperfections in appearance, they will hurry to eliminate them;

  • a real woman knows how to keep the line between sexuality and vulgarity;

  • it is better to have one bottle of original perfume (even the smallest one) than a lot of counterfeit fragrances.

Despite all the talk about the importance of the inner world, still appearance is sometimes the determining factor. In order for a man to see and love your soul, he must first be interested in your face and figure.


What should be a real woman and what should be able to?

Of course, appearance is of great importance, but it is also worth paying attention to some skills. So what should a real woman be like? She should be able to:

  • choose clothes not only for yourself, but also for your man;

  • maintain a conversation in any society and in any situation;

  • to understand various fields of art;

  • bring up children;

  • prepare tasty and healthy food;

  • keep silent when an excess word spoken can lead to scandal;

  • to capitalize on their weaknesses.

As you can see, becoming a real woman is not easier, and sometimes more difficult, than a good specialist in a particular field.


What should be a real woman, and how to behave?

A real woman must have certain behavioral skills. In this regard, the following requirements are put forward to it:

  • a woman should monitor what and where she says, and not chat without cease;

  • swear words should be avoided, even among close friends;

  • you need to be restrained even when unrestrained fun reigns or a loud scandal;

  • you should never raise your tone, shout and swear (it is better to be silent proudly, considering the plan of further actions);

  • You can occasionally pokapriznichat, but know the measure.

A woman’s behavior is a kind of military strategy. Only by choosing the right line can you succeed.


Head of family

Despite the fact that the man is considered the head of the family, it depends on the woman how strong the bonds will be. What qualities should a real woman have to become a guardian of the hearth? It is about the following:

  • a woman should be loving, able to not only take, but also give heat to others;

  • she must radiate kindness, participation and be able to forgive both minor and major mistakes;

  • a woman should show wisdom and patience in any life situations;

  • you need to have the skills of a real psychologist to be able to find a way out of even the most difficult family crises;

  • whatever one may say, but family life is inextricably linked with the many chores of the housework, and therefore, among other things, a woman must be hardworking;

  • as the head of the family, the wife and mother should be fair and honest.

As you can see, it’s not a man at all, but a woman who is the head of the family. Performing so many roles, she does not allow the family hearth to go out.


The laws of the perfect woman

Striving for the ideal, it is useful to know what a real woman should be. In the eyes of a man, you will be the best and most compelling if you follow the following basic laws:

  • In no case should you complain about your "heavy female share". A woman should be happy and proud of what she is.

  • Regardless of age, monitor your appearance and look at 100%. The fact that women say goodbye to their beauty early is a lie.

  • Do not spoil a man too much with your attention. It is he who must look after you, and not you after him. Bringing her husband breakfast in bed is permissible only on his birthday or if he is unwell.

  • You should not be interested in other people's affairs and, moreover, solve other people's problems if you are not asked about this. Better get yourself a couple of hobbies.

  • Never admit that you yourself have made something for yourself. It is unlikely that someone will appreciate your art, but there will be talk about your difficult financial situation.

  • Even if you didn’t like some kind of boyfriend, do not put him too far away from you. A real woman is always surrounded by men, which makes her even more attractive.

  • Despite the fact that most men cannot resist women's tears, you should not use this weapon too often. Save it for a special occasion.

  • Do not publicly trumpet your merits. It’s better to demonstrate your virtues in practice.

  • Do not be afraid of change. They are simply necessary for a woman. If everything suits you both at work and on the personal front, then - change your wardrobe more often.

Being a real woman is a complicated philosophy. Do not think that such abilities are inherent in beautiful ladies from birth. This is the result of hard work and life experience.


Why is a woman better than a man?

We often hear about how a real woman should be through the eyes of every man. The beautiful half of humanity seems somewhat non-independent and not as perfect as the stronger sex. Nevertheless, women have a lot of advantages, which are expressed in the following:

  • they have acute intuition, which allows you to subtly feel and understand what is inaccessible to a man;

  • they are attractive, and with their beauty they can achieve much;

  • they give birth to children;

  • much in this world is provided specifically for them - fashion, cosmetics and everything related to the beauty industry;

  • no matter how heated the argument, it is enough for a woman to shed a tear, as she will be the winner.

Of course, looking from the side, we can say that being a man is much easier. But it is unlikely that any lady will agree to exchange roles and bodies.
