
What is the most comfortable city in Russia?

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What is the most comfortable city in Russia?
What is the most comfortable city in Russia?

Video: The Best Cities To Live In Russia #Travelable 2024, July

Video: The Best Cities To Live In Russia #Travelable 2024, July

The Federal Agency for Construction and Housing and Public Utilities - Rosstroy - holds an annual competition for the most comfortable city in Russia. Since 2010, all municipalities of the Russian Federation can take part in it. Holding such a competition among the cities of the country is a great way for municipal leaders to raise the rating of their region, improve their financial condition and attract investment influences. Every year, new cities are identified among the winners, previously not appearing on the list. This fact cannot but rejoice. So which cities of Russia are the most comfortable? We will learn about everything in order.

The essence and purpose of the competition

Any number of cities and towns takes part in the competition. Among the main goals are the following:

  • Identify the most comfortable cities in Russia.

  • Organize and motivate the work of municipalities to improve settlements.

Thus, the competition should eventually positively affect not only the appearance of the settlements, but also teach the municipal authorities to work without losses in the field of life support of the population.


Until February 1, annually, documents from the heads of cities and urban-type settlements are submitted to the commission’s court. This is a large list of various assessments, information on the implementation of government programs, and beautification reports. In February, members of the commission study these materials and conduct an audit. According to its results, the most comfortable city in Russia will be announced.

Materials provided by municipalities to the commission

At its core, these materials and reports serve as a certain criterion for the selection of winners, and each item is very important for the city that wants to receive the honorary title of "The most comfortable city in Russia."

The participants are fighting among themselves according to the following positions:

  • The implementation of certain volumes of housing construction and overhaul of the housing stock.

  • Performance of work on improvement of the housing stock, which include gasification, connecting houses to water supply, etc.

  • The level of socio-economic development of the city, as well as the implementation of state programs in this area.

  • Construction and maintenance of roads, sidewalks, sewer systems, as well as providing residents with convenient parking.

  • The level of landscaping of the village and the amount of work carried out in this direction.

  • The state of municipal public transport and the level of service to residents.

  • Level of reduction in volumes of previously incomplete construction.

  • Preservation of the historical, cultural and natural heritage of the city.

  • Timeliness in the preparation of heating systems for the winter period.

  • Ensuring environmental and sanitary safety of the city.

  • Artistic expressiveness of urban development, the evaluation of cosmetic repairs of building facades.


According to the proposed criteria, the commission should determine the most comfortable cities in Russia according to the results of the year. In the event that the materials are not submitted before February 1, participation in the tender is not possible.

Commission composition

The commission annually meets specialists in various fields of activity. It consists of fifteen people who are approved by the State Committee on Housing and Construction Policy. Meetings are held in the presence of 2/3 of the commission, a protocol is created in which a decision is made.

The members of the meeting should be specialists in such fields as architecture, ecology, environmental protection, road safety, epidemiology, labor protection, housing and communal services. Also in the commission are representatives of local governments.

Winner selection

According to the criteria described above, the commission compiles a complete list of the most comfortable cities in Russia. Winners are determined in three main categories:

  • Category 1 - these are large cities that are the administrative centers of the country's subjects;

  • Category 2 - these are cities with a population of over 100 thousand people;

  • Category 3 - these are cities with a population of up to 100 thousand people.

Summarizes the results of the year and announces the winner in the first category of the government of the country, and in the other two categories - the State Committee.


According to these data, news and evaluation agencies compile a rating of the most comfortable cities in Russia. This list is changed annually, more and more settlements are added there, and this cannot but rejoice. The Russians want to see their cities blooming, clean, and the roads absolutely safe. Not all residents today can boast of the prosperity and growth of their city. The main problems are the condition of roads, housing, the weak pace of housing construction, and corruption at the top. The resolution of these issues generally depends on the heads of municipalities.

Prizes to the winners

The most comfortable cities in Russia not only receive prestigious status, but are also awarded with government diplomas. Also, for each category in prize places a large monetary prize is established.

For the occupied first place:

  • In the 1st category - 20 million rubles.

  • In categories 2 and 3 - 15 million rubles each.

For the occupied second place:

  • In the 1st category - 15 million rubles.

  • In 2 categories - 10 million rubles.

  • In 3 categories - 7 million rubles.

For taken 3rd place:

  • In the 1st category - 10 million rubles.

  • In 2 categories - 5 million rubles.

  • In 3 categories - 3 million rubles.


These amounts are valid for 2013 and vary depending on the economic situation as a whole throughout the country. These prizes are laid down in advance in the federal budget.

To get into the top of the most comfortable cities in Russia is not only prestigious, but also profitable. The city authorities have an excellent opportunity to improve the situation of the city and get bonuses. Money can be managed only as follows: at least 90% of the premium should be spent on the development of the city’s economy, up to 10% of the amount received can be spent on encouraging employees of urban enterprises and institutions who have achieved success and who have made a significant contribution to the improvement of the city. The expense of these funds is closely monitored.

Who is on the list of the past year?

Since the winners of 2015 will be announced this fall, we will consider the rating of the most comfortable cities in Russia for 2014. The government, headed by D.A. Medvedev, announced the winners last November. A special award ceremony was held for delegations with the presentation of memorable prizes. So which cities are the most comfortable at the beginning of 2015?

The competition announced winners in five categories. The most prestigious among them is the first. In it, the places were distributed as follows:

1st place - Krasnodar.

2nd place - Ulyanovsk and Barnaul.

3rd place - Tula and Kaluga.

In the second category, places were distributed among the following cities:

1st place - Engels (Saratov region).

2nd place - October (Bashkiria).

3rd place - Almetyevsk (Tatarstan).

Among the cities of the third category of winners there were more:

1st place - Mamadysh (Tatarstan).

2nd place - Rtishchevo (Saratov region), Tuymazy (Bashkiria) and Medvedev (Mari El).

3rd place - Sukhinichi (Kaluga region) and Aznakaevo (Tatarstan).

Among the villages, Varna, Askarovo, Kundyshskoye, Vysokaya Gora, Khvastovichi and others are recognized as the best.


Winning Cities

To create a general list of the 10 most comfortable cities in Russia, it is necessary to study the winners for the entire duration of the competition. At the same time, it is necessary to take into account those settlements that were awarded prizes several times, especially the first ones.

As a result, we get the following table: "Top of the most comfortable cities in Russia."

A place Town
1 Khabarovsk
2 Saransk
3 Kaluga
4 Angarsk
5 Makhachkala
6 Novosibirsk
7 Belgorod
eight Cheboksary
nine Novorossiysk
ten October

The rating of the most comfortable cities in Russia includes cities of the first and second categories. I would also like to mention the cities of Almetyevsk, Ulyanovsk, Tyumen, Krasnoyarsk. All of them more than once became winners of this all-Russian competition.

Do not forget about those settlements that received prizes in the third and fourth categories. Among them, I would like to highlight the following: Gelendzhik, Builder (Belgorod region), Mamadysh (Tatarstan), Leninogorsk, Dmitrov, Gorodets and others.

List of winners and the right to conduct sporting events in the country

In 2018, Russia will host the World Cup. This is a prestigious event. After the successful holding of the Winter Olympic Games in Sochi, guests in 2018 will expect from us the same high level.

Visitors will pay attention not only to the beauty and convenience of stadiums, but also to the appearance of settlements that are honored to host matches. This list contains eleven cities. Among them are those that are included in the full list of the most comfortable cities in Russia. For example, the capital of Mordovia is Saransk. One of the most beautiful cities in Russia will host matches at the Mordovia Arena stadium, which will be commissioned next year. The capacity of the stadium is 45, 000 people. Saransk is a friendly city, very interesting, it rightfully takes a place in the top 5 of the most comfortable cities in Russia.

A few words about Khabarovsk and Kaluga

Khabarovsk is a green city. There are many parks, squares with fountains and sculptures. Authorities pay special attention to the cleanliness and arrangement of pedestrian areas. That is why the city on the banks of the Amur River, so remote from the center, most often became the winner of the prestigious competition "The most comfortable city in Russia."


Living conditions, housing, environmental safety - all this serves the benefit of the population of the city. If in 2010 it amounted to 577, 441 people, then at the beginning of 2016 this figure increased to 610, 611 people. Of course, the well-being of a settlement directly affects this indicator.

Kaluga is an ancient city. Here, much attention is paid by the authorities to the problem of preserving the historical heritage. Among the cultural monuments, I would especially like to highlight the Stone Chambers of Korobov, the Church of the Intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary, the Stone Bridge, the Church of the Transfiguration of the Savior, Gostiny Dvor, Trinity Cathedral, the Ensemble of Public Places and others.

Kaluga is famous for filming a huge number of films, for example, “Love in Russian”, “Carnival”, “Voroshilovsky Shooter”, “Moscow - Cassiopeia”, “Border. Taiga novel”, “White Bim Black Ear”.

Municipal authorities are doing a great deal of improvement work from year to year, which is why, along with Khabarovsk and Saransk, Kaluga is among the top five most comfortable cities in Russia.