
Privateer is What is the meaning of the word?

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Privateer is What is the meaning of the word?
Privateer is What is the meaning of the word?

Video: What is the meaning of the word PRIVATEER? 2024, June

Video: What is the meaning of the word PRIVATEER? 2024, June

It is difficult to imagine a pirate without a ship with Jolly Roger on black sails, because the "activity" of the pirates takes place afloat, and for its successful implementation you need a reliable and maneuverable vessel. As for privateers, they were originally intended for pirate activities, but were issued to hired privateers only for a certain period.


The history of privateering

Privateering originated at the very beginning of the XVIII century, during the war between Austria and France over the Spanish Empire. Then many pirate ships and privateers were built, for which pirates were hired. Privateering can be called "legal" piracy - in fact privateers were engaged in the same thing as the pirates, only instead of the looted profit they received payment from employers for the work done. Most of the privateers, after finishing work, could not resist the temptation and became free pirates, the strength of easy money and the illegal ways to get it were already familiar to them. Moreover, the privateer is a ship ready for robbery.


Meaning of the word “privateer”

Basically, those ships that were captured by them and suitable for accommodating the crew of the crew, storing stocks and being high-speed became the pirate ships. Unsuitable simply drowned in the sea or sold. If the ship was military and high-speed, it lingered in the hands of a pirate for a long time. Privateer is a private seagoing vessel designed for piracy with predetermined tasks on the part of a hired organization. Most preferred were brigantines and sloops, and large three-masted ships were used less frequently, but had a number of advantages. They were considered the most navigable, they could accommodate a large team with solid weapons and ammunition.
