
The supermarket cashier told how they break their eggs at the expense of customers.

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The supermarket cashier told how they break their eggs at the expense of customers.
The supermarket cashier told how they break their eggs at the expense of customers.

Video: Quail Hatched from Supermarket Egg | Outrageous Acts of Science 2024, July

Video: Quail Hatched from Supermarket Egg | Outrageous Acts of Science 2024, July

The cashier of a large supermarket chain in the city of Irkutsk told reporters about the features of her profession, and to be more precise, about how store employees cheat customers in the queue. Some even manage to break through their red caviar. However, first things first.


Deception, around deception

As usually happens in people? They rush to the supermarket at the end of their working day, raking in the cart everything that comes to hand. Further, they are more likely to run to the checkout to quickly defend a long line. Having paid for their purchases and not having taken the check, people rush home to feed their household members something tasty. But are these products really those? Parsing a shopping bag, it suddenly comes to the realization that the salad is stale, because it smells bad, and the fish seems to be thawed 10 times. It’s unpleasant to see an empty wallet in your bonus. It’s not surprising if you are cheated. Many Russians probably at least once encountered the fact that they were deceived during payment. But how exactly does this happen?

The cashier, who had worked in the supermarket chain for 5 years, told reporters what tricks they use in the store to fill their own pocket. Of course, the conversation took place in conditions of absolute anonymity.


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Doubtful stocks

Most stocks that are organized in supermarkets do not play in favor of the buyer. You do not need to be too smart to understand that stores will never work at a loss to themselves. And do not rejoice when you are offered to purchase, for example, two kefir for the price of one. Most likely, this way the supermarket is trying to get rid of the delay.

Surely many have noticed that in most cases, stores do stocks specifically for dairy products. The fact is that they have a short shelf life, it is more profitable to organize any action in this store than just write off a batch of yogurt or sour cream. People peck, grabbing all the milk, not looking at the expiration date. True, it is worth noting that supermarkets can only trade cream and milk for a maximum of 3 days beyond the established period. After all, no one wants to sue the buyers who filed a lawsuit over food poisoning.


Shares are organized not only in order to get rid of expired products, but also in order to increase profits. So, on the shelves with marmalade may appear a sign with a discount of 50%. Buyers in this case buy several packs of sweets at once. However, at the checkout it often happens that a product breaks through not at the price declared at a discount, but at the original price. Thus, no action was even more so. And only a few buyers see this fraud when they carefully check the check without leaving the cash register.

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Most people can notice this at home or not pay attention at all. Most often, such buyers do not run to scandal over some trifle. Although it is on such trifles, supermarkets are welded. At least 5, 000 rubles are added to revenue per working day.

Sell ​​expired bread

Of course, supermarkets will never dare to sell the delay, because for this they can pay a heavy fine. However, throwing food in the trash is unprofitable. It will be cheaper to give out old goods to new ones. This will require only sleight of hand. Most often, store employees circumvent the law with bread. If it has hardened, it is suitable for crackers.

Label trick

The cashier also said that once they printed out new price tags for cheese, which had already expired for 3 months. Employees carefully stick a new label with a new expiration date. Jewelry work. Stickers should be glued exactly corner to corner. It will be difficult to tear off their nails, and buyers will never guess that the product is spoiled.

Nail polish remover

However, there are other tricks. In some supermarkets, employees use nail polish remover, which easily removes the expiration date. Such a trick will not work just with milk. That is why it is most often sold by stock. In such situations, most of all it becomes a pity for children and pensioners. After all, it is precisely this category of buyers that in most cases does not peer at labels.

Caviar for the cashier

Do you often check your check after shopping at the supermarket? If not, then in vain! Many simply do not know that among all the products purchased in the list there are also those that people never brought home. This trick is most often used by cashiers before major holidays. In hustle and bustle, raking mountains of products into carts, a person simply does not notice how several extra positions are being punched in his check.


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Many people like red caviar, which they often buy for the New Year? Cashiers also love her very much! However, they have small salaries, so such delicacies are not affordable for a supermarket employee. But those people who buy on holidays, for example, ten-year-old whiskey, can very well afford such delights. Therefore, cashiers sometimes sin by breaking a jar of red caviar at the expense of the buyer, and then they just go at the end of the working day and take it from the store’s shelf to their homes.

The cashier, who was interviewed, said that she caught this trick only once. When she thus deceived the customer, she did not notice that the girl bought only toilet paper and paper napkins. Of course, she noticed that the cashier had broken a can of expensive red caviar. Naturally, the supermarket employee had to apologize, but another buyer subsequently paid for the caviar.

Therefore, be sure to check, without departing from the cash register, that you were struck in the check! This is especially true in cases where people collect glazed curds, baby puree. For example, they buy 5 pieces, and 8 gets into the check.


Cooking department

Do you like chebureks, whites, cakes from the cooking department in supermarkets? If so, then run past without looking back! The cashier said that before getting into the store, she often bought ready-made food from the culinary department herself. But when she went into the kitchen, already being an employee of the supermarket, she completely lost her appetite. The main ingredient of the preparation is the delay. Cutlets, chops, chicken, meatballs are twisted into minced meat, and then wrapped in pies.


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Grilled chickens are also popular among buyers. When they are baked in the oven, a pleasant aroma spreads throughout the room, so it’s hard for customers to resist such yummy. However, this is the merit of the spices that are used to kill an unpleasant odor. Sometimes chickens even form a green tint.


My salad

If the meat is not for sale, the chicken is cut into pieces and used to make salads. As for these dishes, according to the rules, olivier should be stored for no more than 12 hours. However, on sale there are also three-day dishes. They need only to be artificially revived. The salad mixture is washed under a stream of plain water to get rid of sour mayonnaise. Then for freshness, the olivier is sprayed with vinegar. A generous layer of mayonnaise is placed on top, which is also expired. A special piquancy gives a pinch of greenery.