
Kavdzharadze Maxim Gennadievich: biography, professional activities, contacts

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Kavdzharadze Maxim Gennadievich: biography, professional activities, contacts
Kavdzharadze Maxim Gennadievich: biography, professional activities, contacts

Video: Mikhail Makurov, Maxim Chernetsov - Case Study: Optimizing Zabbix for high performance 2024, June

Video: Mikhail Makurov, Maxim Chernetsov - Case Study: Optimizing Zabbix for high performance 2024, June

Kavdzharadze Maxim Gennadievich, representative in the Federation Council from the Lipetsk region, is one of the most mysterious characters on the political scene of Russia. His biography, circumstances of his life and career path are presented in several versions, they contain many ambiguities and contradictions. Maxim Kavjaradze has been repeatedly accused of having connections with crime, of using family ties for career growth. In response to all this, he is mysteriously silent and continues to do his own thing. In his biography, no matter what the turn, then scandal and accusations. Let's try to talk about his life and understand the intricacies of fate and myths.


The beginning of the way

It is definitely known that Kavdzharadze Maxim Gennadievich was born on June 10, 1969 in Moscow. True, at birth he received the surname Kavdisaridze, but later changed it to hide the unpleasant facts of his biography. Already in his teens, Maxim was a very enterprising and active young man, but his activities led to great conflicts with the law. Kavjaradze never spreads about his parents and childhood, even in the official biography on the Federation Council website, not a word about it.



The official version of the biography says that Kavdzharadze Maxim Gennadievich received higher education at the Moscow State Law Academy with a degree in jurisprudence. True, it is not mentioned that he received the diploma only in 2006, already being a member of the Federation Council of the Russian Federation. Journalists tried several times to prove that Maxim Gennadevich received his diploma in illegal ways, but could not provide evidence that the court would have recognized.

There is documentary evidence that after graduating from the 8th grade, Kavdisaridze went to study at SSPTU No. 190, where he mastered the profession of a cook, and then, by a court decision, was transferred to a special type of educational institution in Perm, where he received the profession of a bricklayer. Even during his studies at vocational schools, according to the recollections of educators, Maxim was distinguished by a very impudent behavior and penchant for unearned income.

Problems with law

While still at school age, Kavdzharadze Maxim Gennadevich first encountered the law. In 1984, he was prosecuted for speculation and for currency fraud. At first, everything was fine, after the second drive to the police he was registered with the juvenile department. In 1985, when Maxim was already in vocational school, he was detained for a fight with a classmate. In punishment, Kavdisaridze was sent to a special vocational school. But as soon as he got out of there, he again breaks the law and receives a real term of 3 years for foreign exchange transactions. He was not sent to prison, but sent to household work in Zelenograd. During this period, Kavjaradze acquires not only experience, but also makes many acquaintances that will benefit him later.



Kavdzharadze Maxim Gennadievich began his labor biography with work in the "Circus on the Stage" as a working stage. In some questionnaires, Maxim Gennadievich does not mention this period as an insignificant episode that did not affect his further professional activity, preferring to begin describing his path with work as an economist at Etoile. Since 1995, he has been working as First Deputy Chairman of the Board of Sphinx Bank. This institution was actively supported by the Georgian diaspora, relations with which, despite his birthplace, Maxim Gennadievich always supported. Between 1995 and 1999, Kavjaradze actively earned money, and in a short time he was able to make good money and sensibly reasoned that now he had direct access to politics.


Banking activity

Kavdzharadze Maxim Gennadievich, whose biography since 1995 was associated with banking, successfully combined work at Sphinx Bank and Moscow National Bank. In the mid-1990s, at Sphinx Bank, after a murder as a result of a domestic attack on Maxim Gennadievich’s banking partners, Kavjaradze gained control of a large furniture business and banking assets. His banks were repeatedly implicated in cases of transferring money abroad. Kavdzharadze Maxim Gennadievich, whose photo often began to appear in the economic chronicle of the country, gets a lot of experience in working with finances, makes a lot of useful contacts. In the second half of the 90s, the banking sector became quite dangerous, there are many murders, financial failures, and Kavjaradze, sensibly assessing the situation, is preparing for a new career step.

Prospective marriage

In his youth, Maxim Gennadyevich married Valentina Safandul, a native of Ternopol, and even managed to give birth to two children. He soon parted with his wife, but maintained a relationship and continued to visit children. Kavjaradze even wrote down part of his property on his ex-wife, which was able to secure the future of his children just in case of an unforeseen event.

In 1999, he met a student, Varvara Gordeeva, their romance developed very quickly and soon the couple got married. The bride’s father was the famous governor of the Voronezh region Alexei Gordeev, and in 1999 he became the Minister of Agriculture. Kavdzharadze Maxim Gennadievich, whose wife became not only a good life companion, but also an assistant in business, was able, not without the support of his father-in-law, to reach a new professional level.


Lipetsk deputy

The first policy step for Kavjaradze was the appointment of the Deputy General Director of the Federal Agency for Food Market Regulation. In 2001, Kavdzharadze Maxim Gennadevich became a deputy of the Regional Council of Deputies of the Lipetsk Region. Later, he will receive this title twice more. For residents of the Lipetsk region, Kavjaradze built a temple, took part in the opening of a dairy complex. But his main task was to uphold the interests of the region at the state level. At a meeting of the regional council of deputies, the candidacy of the future member of the Federation Council of the Russian Federation before the Lipetsk Duma was presented by Minister A. Gordeev himself. Kavjaradze easily passed the voting procedure and became a senator from the Lipetsk region.

Council of the Federation

The characterization of the candidate for the Federation Council of the Russian Federation, Kavjaradze, says that he has significant experience in interacting with state authorities and regional structures. He was certified as a reliable and responsible leader. Kavdzharadze Maxim Gennadievich, for whom the Federation Council became a new field, was immediately elected to the committees of agrarian-food policy and youth and sports. He has always been a supporter of a healthy lifestyle and now, within the framework of lawmaking, he strengthens the fight against child addiction, alcoholism, and smoking.

With the active participation of Kavdzharadze, the Lipetsk region received from the federal budget 100 million rubles for the construction of the automobile Petrovsky bridge across the Voronezh River. In 2002, the crossing was inaugurated.

In 2003, Maxim Gennadievich wanted to become an auditor of the Accounts Chamber, but just at that time a big scandal erupted over the article-investigation of A. Khinshtein “Deputy Sclerosis” in which he presented many unpleasant facts from the past of the youngest senator. As a result, the Lipetsk Duma even wanted to withdraw Kavjaradze from the Federation Council, but Gordeev’s call helped calm them down. Gradually, the scandal was forgotten, and Maxim Gennadievich continued to work in the Federation Council committee on constitutional law.

In 2005, Kavjaradze was again promoted to the post of senator, and the Lipetsk Duma supports his candidacy. 48 out of 50 deputies voted “for”. Maxim Gennadievich was personally supported by the chairman of the regional Council of Deputies Anatoly Savenkov. He called on deputies not to pay attention to the machinations of enemies and unscrupulous journalists.

In 2013, he was appointed Deputy Chairman of the Presidential Commission on Aviation Development. Kavjaradze is an active member of the United Russia party. He participated in the development of amendments to the current transport legislation.


As a senator, Maxim Gennadievich is constantly receiving residents of the Lipetsk Region, helping them solve a variety of pressing problems, from improving the region’s air communication with other constituent entities of the Russian Federation to regulating the relations of individuals with credit organizations.

Notable sayings

Kavdzharadze Maxim Gennadievich, whose contacts with the media often end in a series of high-profile materials, has repeatedly put forward resonant ideas. For example, he initiated the creation of a closed Russian Internet network under the name "Cheburashka", which would allow to resist cyber attacks and espionage. His statements about the tobacco lobby, which, with the help of anti-tobacco laws, knock out additional profits from the population, received a lot of discussion.

Kavjaradze’s reflections on the need to develop the electronic industry in the country, which will become “a real locomotive for the development of the domestic economy, ” became noticeable. And also about the fact that Russia has the necessary intellectual potential in order to invent a new, non-carbon type of fuel.


Compromising evidence

The media often love to write about how Kavdzharadze Maxim Gennadievich, Gordeev’s son-in-law, earned his initial capital. He is often credited with raider seizures of real estate and business. In particular, there was much discussion of the issue with a large plot of land near Skolkovo and the village of Nemchinova, which was owned by the ex-wife of Kavjaradze. While the villagers themselves wanted to rent it. Maxim Gennadievich is blamed on friendship with many criminal characters who became famous for raider seizures, the physical elimination of competitors, and illegal financial transactions. Journalists do not have direct facts of Kavjaradze’s participation in such cases, but try to convince the public that he was not involved. Maxim Gennadevich does not react to all attacks of journalists, only occasionally dismissing and saying that these are custom-made materials of his enemies.