
Every woman dreams of finding "her" haircut. Anna Starshenbaum succeeded

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Every woman dreams of finding "her" haircut. Anna Starshenbaum succeeded
Every woman dreams of finding "her" haircut. Anna Starshenbaum succeeded

Anna Starshenbaum is a popular theater and film actress. Over the course of a career, a star often changed her image. Many remember her with long hair, which made her feminine. But now the actress has a short pixie-bob haircut. Some even noticed that she has similarities with the popular Marilyn Monroe.

New hairstyle

Actress Anna Starshenbaum posted 3 posts with a modified image on her Instagram. Now the star of the series has a fashionable pixie-bob haircut. She also became a platinum blonde. Posts with pictures caused a storm of emotions among fans. Even a day has not passed, and more than 10 thousand likes were gained.


Anna signed her photographs briefly: "My new period." Under the posts, many comments from fans appeared. Many liked the new image of the star, they admired him, wrote their opinion. Others thought the haircut was good, but it had a great look before. But there were those who were disappointed by the changes, they liked Anna more with her curls, especially with the hairstyle that she had in the series “Psychologists”.
