
One in seven people is left-handed: some interesting facts about people writing with their left hand

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One in seven people is left-handed: some interesting facts about people writing with their left hand
One in seven people is left-handed: some interesting facts about people writing with their left hand

Video: 17 Interesting & Fun Facts About Left Handed People 2024, July

Video: 17 Interesting & Fun Facts About Left Handed People 2024, July

In the age of scientific and technological progress, it is difficult to imagine that once lefthanders were considered almost sick. And even in childhood, poor children were tortured, forced to write, hold a spoon, etc. with their right hand. They were even ridiculed by peers, considering some not so. "What a wildness!" “You may exclaim, and you will be right.”

Who is a lefty

Almost everyone knows about it. But not everyone is such. Where do such people come from and why? Scientists have found that if both parents write with their left hand, then the child with a probability of 50 percent will be born the same. In general, the preference of one side for using the upper limbs appears in the child shortly before birth. So this is not a deviation from the norm. Just such a feature. At the same time, she does not affect personal qualities in any way. And those who say that the right-handed person is dominated by the left hemisphere and vice versa are wrong. Just the area responsible for the movement of the hand is in the opposite part of the brain. And which hemisphere is predominant, can be determined only with the help of serious scientific research.


Intelligence and Left-handedness

Are they interconnected? A right-handed person or a left-handed person does not matter in the matter of intellectual development. An example of this can be seen in history. There are great people who were left-handed. Among them are Leonardo da Vinci, Jeanne d , Ark, Pablo Picasso, Rafael, Napoleon Bonaparte, Ronald Reagan, Barack Obama, Bill Clinton, Alexander the Great, Isaac Newton, Ludwig van Beethoven, Mozart, Chopin, Alexander Pushkin, Lewis Carroll, Leo Tollo and others. Some believe that Einstein was left-handed, but this is not proven. These days, famous people include Brad Pitt, Nicole Kidman, Julia Roberts and Tom Cruise. They also use their left hand more often than their right.

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What is ambidextria

Translated from Latin means “ambi” - “both”, “dextri” - “right side”. This term refers to the state when a person possesses equally good and right and left hands. That is, he can write, hold a spoon or, for example, matches, draw with any upper limb. There are only 1 percent of such people. For example, the well-known comic actor Charlie Chaplin played the violin perfectly with his left, and wrote with his right hand.


True, ambidexters exist only in theory, since in fact, if you conduct a study of a particular person, it turns out that the predominance of one hand over the other, although insignificant, still exists.

Can a right handed become a left handed

Sure. After all, it happens the other way around when children are retrained due to incorrect beliefs. Then adults who consider left-handedness a deviation from the norm see to it that the child does everything with his right hand. And it happens that due to an injury a person has to be content with his left upper limb for several weeks, or even months. It is here that he gets used to eat, write, work only with it. On the one hand, such a citizen will not disappear anywhere. In any unforeseen situation, when one hand will be inactive, he freely uses the other.


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Lefty is a secret weapon

Yes, that’s exactly how such people can be described in team sports. The use of players whose dominant hand is left, coaches perceive as an advantage to the team. And athletes who kick the ball with the wrong foot are especially valuable. This helps a lot in maneuvers on the playing field, disorientates opponents and allows you to win.
