
China and North Korea: 21st Century Relations

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China and North Korea: 21st Century Relations
China and North Korea: 21st Century Relations

Video: China and South Korea united over North Korea threat 2024, July

Video: China and South Korea united over North Korea threat 2024, July

In the political world there are so many problems, questions and secrets that it is almost impossible to find all the answers. Every day we watch the news, in schools we are taught history, from different corners we hear the latest gossip. Information policy is truly a terrible force! But how does it affect relations between countries? Take, for example, Asian countries. What is the relationship between North Korea and China? Is DPRK and China the same thing?



As you know, China is one of the most powerful countries in the world. It is only natural that North Korea will want to direct all its efforts to cooperation first with the PRC. Thus, since the 2000s, the DPRK has been putting priority on the direction of cooperation with the Republic of China.

This desire to become an ally to China was associated with some of the difficulties North Korea experienced when the United States came to power. And since the United States was allies to the main enemy of the DPRK - South Korea, this seriously complicated the situation.

As a result of official and unofficial meetings of representatives of the DPRK and China, the countries have become not only good allies, but also economic partners, which is beneficial for both sides.

North Korea

In order to analyze the relationship between the two famous countries, it is necessary to understand what they are. Let's start with North Korea.

This country is known to everyone as isolated, not inspiring and even causing fear. This is due to the reluctance of the DPRK to communicate with other states. They have a completely different world, built on their principles, laws and traditions. And, as noted by those who still managed to get into this mysterious country, some laws and customs are very surprising.

Take only the fact that they do not use computers there, residents do not have the Internet, and at the airport, foreigners get their phones.

They do not have hunger and poverty as such. Yes, the situation in these areas is not ideal, but it does not reach a critical level. As it should be, according to the authorities, everything is relatively stable with this.

China and the DPRK are different countries, and absolutely. What exactly is their difference, it will become clear when we move to China.



A powerful, huge, promising and incredible country - China. Connections around the world, top-notch trade and economics. Indeed, an amazing country.

It is only natural that North Korea wants to work with a giant country. Moreover, the "giant" in this context is not about territory. A weak and closed country from which people dream of escaping, although some do not even know how it is to exist in the ordinary world. That’s what a reputation DPRK has earned for itself.

It is very beneficial to build relations with China, because when problems arise, authority and power will crush all misunderstandings.

Sino-North Korean relations

How, then, were relations established between China and the DPRK? What is the difference between these two states and other countries of the world?

The fact is that in 1950, when the Korean War broke out, the Republic of China sided with the DPRK. Soon, in 1951, they entered into an agreement on cooperation and friendship between the countries. China, in turn, promised to provide everyone if necessary.

This agreement was renewed twice - in 1981 and in 2001, so these relations were important for both countries. To date, the contract is concluded until 2021.

However, one should not forget about the six-party talks on the settlement of North Korea’s nuclear program. China is directly involved in these negotiations. This did not interfere with the diplomatic relations between the PRC and the DPRK, so in 2009 they celebrated the sixtieth anniversary of their friendship. This year has been called the year of diplomatic relations between China and North Korea.

But we will not end such a touching story on a positive note. Already in 2013, the Chinese Foreign Minister made a statement that the PRC is opposed to the last nuclear operation that Korea conducted. What, in fact, was personally reported to the North Korean ambassador. So, on May 5 of the same year, the DPRK captured a Chinese fishing vessel. As a ransom, they demanded about 100 thousand US dollars. Why not diplomatic relations?

The border

China and North Korea are divided by a border of 1, 416 kilometers. It practically corresponds to the flow of two rivers - the Mist and the Yalujiang. Until 2003, countries had as many as six border crossings. Since November 2003, border units have been replaced by army units.

The border of China and the DPRK has a 20-kilometer fence, which was built in the PRC. And in February 1997, it was decided to allow tourists to cross the bridge, which was located on the border. This greatly increased the number of applicants - for a year from literally 1000 tourists to 100, 000. This naturally influenced the construction of a bridge that connects North Korea and China in the cities of Mapho and Jian.

Territorial dispute


In 1963, Beijing and Pyongyang reached an agreement on the demarcation of the border. Even during the existence of the Soviet Union, the PRC was trying by all means to break out of international isolation. Moreover, China so wanted to pull over Kim Il Sung's regime, that some provinces even began to protest certain actions of the Chinese authorities.

In gratitude for the help that China provided to the DPRK during the Korean War, the Chinese authorities demanded that North Korea 160 square kilometers of land around Pektusan. In 1968-1969, clashes between Koreans and Chinese took place more than once on the background of these events. But already in 1970, China abandoned all claims and misunderstandings in order to improve diplomatic relations with North Korea.

Economic relations


Here is a very interesting statistics. While China is the largest supplier and representative in economic relations for North Korea, North Korea is only 82nd in the PRC. It is also worth noting that China provides almost half of the DPRK, and a quarter is exported. It is not surprising, such a huge and powerful country like China has much broader economic prospects than a small country on the Korean Peninsula.

What does North Korea import from China?

  • Mineral fuel.
  • Oil (China is the largest oil supplier in the DPRK).
  • Vehicles.
  • Cars.
  • Plastic.
  • Iron.
  • Steel.

Military relations


As already stated, China has been a partner to North Korea for over 60 years. DPRK found a very good and profitable partner.

Naturally, with such a long cooperation, China was obliged to help Korea in the war. Yes, the Republic of China lost about 400, 000 of its soldiers, many of whom were injured, missing, died of injuries or illnesses.

We can say that this is the price of such long friendly relations between countries. The DPRK and the PRC were tightly bound by the blood of the dead soldiers. Even if relations come to an end, which is unlikely to happen, given that both countries are happy with everything, everyone will remember and honor those who defended people in the Korean War.

So, such a military relationship between China and the DPRK. The main role was played only by the Korean War.


Many today are wondering how China managed to make the DPRK president for the first time (since 2011) leave his country. He personally came on an unofficial visit to the PRC. Negotiations took place, where Kim Jong-un congratulated the President of China on his re-election and discussed the situation with the Korean Peninsula.

"We wish to cooperate with our comrades from the DPRK in order to maintain our aspiration for the future and to move forward together, so we will promote long-term and healthy relations between the countries and obtain benefits for our countries and our peoples, as well as lay the foundation for peace, stability and development region, "said Xi Jinping.