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"Klinsky Compound" - a museum of Christmas toys. Excursions, photos, reviews

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"Klinsky Compound" - a museum of Christmas toys. Excursions, photos, reviews
"Klinsky Compound" - a museum of Christmas toys. Excursions, photos, reviews

Klinsky Compound, a museum of Christmas tree decorations in the Moscow Region, is one of the most interesting places where you can go with your children. Within the walls of the factory, a real fairy tale is created for beautiful Christmas trees. A sightseeing tour and miracles happening around will not leave indifferent either children or adults.


general information

The Klinsky Compound Museum of Christmas Tree Toys (Klin) invites everyone to get acquainted with the history of glassware in winter and summer and see how real craftsmen create unique jewelry. The museum consists of several workshops; in some, the production process takes place, while other rooms are intended for expositions. In the shop you can buy handmade glass balls for a small price.

For children, master classes are held. If desired, you can not only blow the ball, but also paint it to your liking.

Various events are regularly held at the factory. So, on March 10, schoolchildren and their parents are invited to the play “Shrovetide”, and on March 1, the puppet theater will present its exclusive program on the theme “Princess and the Swineherd”. The Klinsky Compound exhibition complex (a museum of Christmas decorations) is a great place where you can have a great rest not only with your family, but also with your class.

A bit about the halls

In total, 12 rooms are presented to the public, each of which is dedicated to a separate topic. The exposition devoted to the history of the glass-blowing industry welcomes guests. In the second hall, the glassblower workshop in an ordinary hut was completely restored. This interior dates back to the late 19th century.

Very interesting are the halls where fashionistas and Christmas trees from different parts of the world are represented, participating in design competitions. Beauty and charm surround the magical world of the museum.

Separately, you can visit the store with branded handmade toys. Klinsky Compound, a museum of Christmas tree decorations (Klinsky Compound LLC), has its own brand, known and recognizable throughout Russia.

Some rooms are so interesting that they deserve special attention.

Christmas tree story

The tradition of decorating the New Year tree has come to us since ancient pagan times. Then the holiday of the New Year was correlated with the period of the end of winter and was celebrated in the first days of spring. Instead of fir trees, fruit trees - cherries, apricots, and apple trees - were decorated. And as a decoration all kinds of improvised tools were used.

Celebrating the New Year in the form that we know now is a tradition of the West that came to Russia in the middle of the 19th century. Stylish girls of that time competed among themselves in the manufacture of New Year's toys from cardboard and lace. Buy a glass toy in the early 20th century was equivalent to acquiring a car, they were so expensive. Yes, and weighed well, because the technology for blowing thin glass came much later.


The beginning of the Klinsky factory

The Klinsky Compound Museum holds a lot of secrets in itself. The tour is designed so that you can only get acquainted with superficial information about the history and traditions in Russia, but all the most interesting, as always, remains behind the scenes.

Since ancient times, the Klinsky land was famous for its rich deposits of quartz. This could not but contribute to the development of glassmaking. Separate workshops have existed here since the 18th century, but only in 1848, Prince A.S. Menshikov received permission from the sovereign to build a whole glass factory.

The first products were lamps, bottles, flasks and test tubes for pharmacies. A few years later, the craftsmen learned to make beautiful crystal and glass dishes, which were sold and appreciated throughout Russia.

Making the first jewelry

Until the First World War, the masters of the Klin factory did not know the technology of blowing glass. By the way, the exposition “Klinsky Compound” (the museum of Christmas decorations) begins precisely from this period.

In wartime, there were many German prisoners in Klin. It was they who told how to make sophisticated beads and large balls. The products were very neat, the walls were thin. And they looked fragile. We can say that it is thanks to the war that the Klinsky Compound exists - a museum of Christmas toys. By the way, this factory remains the only one today that blows real glass beads for decor.

German prisoners in many respects influenced the shape of toys. They said that a star should be attached to the top of the tree. But in Europe it was six-pointed, Bethlehem. The Soviet government could not allow such decoration, and replaced it with the usual five-pointed one.

Another interesting story is related to icicles. They were made not according to the prototype of the ice figure, but according to the shape of the peaks of the helmets of officers of Kaiser Germany. Of course, such jewelry was not initially censored and returned to fashion only in the 70s of the 20th century.

"Klinsky Compound" - the Museum of Christmas-tree toys (Klin) has an excellent exposition of this time. In the windows of the halls you can see what toys were at the beginning of the last century. The most popular were images of birds, animals, angels, ballerinas. With the advent of Soviet power, symbolic decorations appeared - Budenovites, Red Army soldiers, women workers, pioneers.


Toys of the 40-60s

The post-war period was very difficult. But the tradition of decorating the Christmas tree existed even at the front. Thus, people recalled peacetime and hoped for an early end to the war. Naturally, the theme was appropriate. Tanks, planes, stars. Toys were made of epaulettes, fabrics and paper. Separately, the factory produced thematic products dedicated to a particular event.

By the way, an interesting fact. January 1 was officially a day off only in 1947. With the advent of peace, the theme of toys is changing. Household items are in fashion: samovars, kerosene lamps, cups and teapots. They were very elegant with thin lines and vibrant colors. The Museum of Christmas Toys "Klinsky Compound" (Klin) has one hall dedicated to this time.


The Nutcracker Hall

It has an unusual Nutcracker Hall "Klinsky Compound" (Christmas tree museum). Photos of a thematic Christmas tree are very beautiful. You may ask what such an exposition owes its appearance? The thing is that the name of Tchaikovsky is closely connected with Mr. Klin.

The great composer spent the last years of his life in the suburbs of Klin and often spent evenings in the center. Here he wrote some of his works, including the Fifth and Sixth Symphonies, the opera The Queen of Spades and the ballet The Nutcracker.

In the center of the hall stands a Christmas tree, the main decorations of which are devoted to the theme of a fairy tale. By the way, glassmakers and artists learned how to make amazing nutcrackers. You can learn a lot of new things by visiting the “Klinsky Compound” - the Museum of Christmas-tree toys (Klin). The tour is dedicated not only to the manufacturing technique, but also, as you see, the history of the city and the famous personalities who lived here.


Snow Queen's Hall

But the Snow Queen Hall is most impressive. In the center of the huge room is the pride of the factory - a ten-meter spruce. Guides jokingly ask the children how many, in their opinion, toys are on it. Alas, the correct answer is very difficult.

The atmosphere of the holiday is complemented by Santa Claus, which entertains the kids in this room. The main point is making a wish. And it certainly must come true.

Glassblowing shop

Klinsky Compound (Museum of Christmas Toys) invites everyone to get acquainted with how a beautiful and neat little ball is obtained from a small piece of glass. Glassblower skills are years of training and hundreds of broken toys. By the way, it doesn’t matter if the required form fails the first time. Glass can easily be melted and tasted again.


The craftswomen in the arsenal have only a long pipe and a burner. The heated glass, filling with air, expands like a soap bubble. But it is only at first glance so simple. In fact, you need to correctly direct the air stream under the desired pressure and at the same time constantly rotate the tube so that the ball is in perfect shape. Here is such a difficult job for witches of the Klinsky factory.

Reviews of excursion groups

It’s a pleasure to come to Klinsky Compound as part of excursion groups. Of course, the most frequent visitors are schoolchildren. It will be interesting here at any age. According to teachers, the organization in the museum itself is very good. The guide will immediately serve you, but for this you should make an appointment in advance, as well as for a master class.

The halls are quite spacious, everyone is comfortable walking and listening. If the group is too large, it can be divided into several small ones. The only inconvenience is that too little time is given to take a closer look and take a picture.

On the territory of a small cafe where you can eat in front of the road.

Visitors reviews

"Klinsky Compound" (Museum of Christmas-tree toys) has very positive reviews. Even if you are going to devote your day off to a cultural vacation with your family, you will definitely get a lot of positive emotions.

But there are a few drawbacks to such a trip. Firstly, if you gathered in the hottest season, that is, before the New Year, then be prepared for the fact that people will be dark, and you are unlikely to be able to calmly see everything. It’s not very interesting to go without an excursion, and national teams are rarely organized due to the large flow of schoolchildren. Most likely, you will be offered to visit the museum in a quieter time.

But in spring or summer - a wonderful time to travel to Klin. The beautiful nature of the city and the magnificent atmosphere will bring you fabulous emotions. And on the way back, you can have a bite to eat in a beautiful meadow outside the city.
