
Number of pensioners in Russia: statistics

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Number of pensioners in Russia: statistics
Number of pensioners in Russia: statistics

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A pensioner is a person who regularly receives cash benefits from the state in connection with reaching a specified age, disability, loss of breadwinner or resignation after military service. In connection with demographic problems in many countries, they speak of the need for reform in this area. The number of pensioners in Russia is growing steadily, in 2015 it amounted to 35, 163 thousand people. This is 24% of all citizens of the Russian Federation. Thus, in 2015 per 1000 people. The working-age population accounts for 411.7 pensioners.


Historical context

For the first time, pensions began to be paid to officers of the navy. This happened in 1673 in France. The universal pension system was first implemented in Germany 200 years later, in 1889. In the tsarist period, it never appeared in Russia. Only some categories of military and civil servants received a pension. The universal system received legislative consolidation only in the USSR. In 1930, the retirement age was established: 60 years for men, 55 for women.


Types of Pension Systems

There are several ways to finance such benefits. The following types of pension systems can be distinguished:

  • Distribution. It is based on social insurance. It involves a combination of individual and collective factors.

  • Conditionally cumulative. It is based on the demographic and macroeconomic situation in the country. In this case, the amount of the pension is determined on the basis of conditional income and life expectancy.

  • Cumulative. Under this system, the pension depends on wages, deductions go to a separate account. Unlike the previous system, it all depends on real, not conditional income. The employee has the right to choose the pension fund to which he makes contributions.

In the world

In most countries of the world, the retirement age is 65 years. In some EU countries and in the USA, more and more talk about the need for its rise in connection with the "aging" of nations. It is estimated that the retirement age will increase to 70 years by 2060. Germany wants to do this in the near future. As the number of pensioners in Russia is constantly increasing, some experts also talk about the need to change the existing system of receiving state benefits by age.

In the Russian Federation

On January 1, 2015, a new pension system began to operate in Russia. It combines elements of funded, insurance and guaranteed benefits. In 2015, the number of pensioners in Russia reached 43 million citizens. Moreover, a significant part of them receive a pension whose size is less than the established subsistence minimum for the corresponding age group. Particularly disastrous is the situation of people who did not have large earnings in connection with the need to care for sick relatives.

The Russian system is two-tier. Citizens can choose between the Pension Fund and non-state actors. Two types of benefits can also be distinguished. They differ in the source of their financial support. The main type are labor pensions. The right to them arises in connection with the achievement of a certain age or length of service. Pensions of the second type are paid due to other circumstances. For example, military service, work in law enforcement.


Statistics: the number of pensioners in Russia

Senior citizens in the Russian Federation are protected by the Constitution, which guarantees them state support. Their rights are also regulated by a number of international documents adopted within the framework of the United Nations. In order to improve the lives of senior citizens in the Russian Federation, a number of strategic documents of the Government were adopted, as well as regulatory legal acts of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

The terminology for designating retirees may vary slightly. However, a common sign of classifying the population in this group is the age limit: for men - 60 years old, for women - 55 years old. The number of Russian pensioners for 2016 is 35 986 thousand people. This is 24.6% of the total population, 0.6% more than in 2015. Over the past ten years, the burden on the working-age population has increased significantly. If in 2006 there were 326.7 pensioners per 1000 people, then in 2015 - 411.7.

The number of people with disabilities has increased due to increased life expectancy. Moreover, this trend is characteristic of both sexes. However, mortality among men over working age is still significantly higher than that in women. And this gap continues to widen. It is expected that in 2031 there will be 42 324 thousand pensioners in Russia. This is 28.7% of the total population. The forecast shows that per 1, 000 people of working age there will be 533.8 pensioners.


The number of non-working pensioners in Russia

In 2017, a draft law is expected to be adopted, according to which, some people of working age will no longer receive the usual allowance from the state. Changes can only affect those who continue to work in retirement. Moreover, not all, but only a small part - people with incomes exceeding one million rubles.

The number of working pensioners in Russia in the first quarter of 2016 decreased by 36%. If in 2015 there were 15 million, now only 9.6. As a result, the government not only failed to save on refusing to index pensions, but also had to allocate an additional transfer for compulsory insurance. If we consider how many pensioners in Russia continued to work before that, then this number was constantly increasing. In 2014, 34.9% of people of working age were employed. Among the dominant reasons for retirees to work:

  • Cash shortage.

  • Need for communication.

  • The desire to make additional savings.

  • Striving for financial independence.

  • Interest in the work performed.

  • Habit.

Thus, a sample survey of working pensioners in the fields of education, healthcare and social services shows the importance of social motivation for active work of people who have reached the age of disability. This strategy is significant not only for the people themselves, but also for the state as a whole, since Russia belongs to the "aging" nations.

A tendency towards an increase in the employment of pensioners is also characteristic of the EU and OECD countries. If in 2004 only 26% aged 60 to 65 worked, in 2014 it was already 35.3%. In Russia, this figure is slightly lower. In this age group in 2013, only 30% continued to work. This allows us to conclude that it is possible to increase the economic activity of pensioners.


In the military sphere

There are several groups of people whose benefits are accrued in a special manner. To military pensioners, except for those who served in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, border guards, firefighters, employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the Department of Internal Affairs are also ranked. Since October 2016, another increase in their benefits is planned. The number of military pensioners in Russia is, according to the Ministry of Defense, 1.1 million people. The average allowance for this category of people is about 20 thousand rubles.
