
Kotova Elena Viktorovna: biography, novels, works on economics

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Kotova Elena Viktorovna: biography, novels, works on economics
Kotova Elena Viktorovna: biography, novels, works on economics

Elena Viktorovna Kotova is a Russian publicist, economist, author of articles and novels. Featured in a corruption scandal. The first education is international finance. She defended her thesis in economics. From 1994 to 2010, she occupied the top positions in the rating in the banking sector of Europe, the USA and Russia. The last few years, Elena has been designing living space and writing novels.


Elena Kotova graduated from the Economics Department of Moscow State University. In 1980 she defended her thesis and became a candidate of economic sciences. She began her professional career at the Institute of Oriental Studies, where she studied the socio-economic development of Asian countries. Here she worked from 1982 to 1989. During this time, she wrote 10 scientific monographs and more than 50 articles on the international economy.


Since 1990, she became a deputy from Democratic Russia and headed the commission on entrepreneurship and economic policy. Starting next year, she began to deal with property issues and the privatization of municipal property of the city of Moscow.

From 1994 to 1997, she led projects at the World Bank, worked in Russia, Slovenia, Kyrgyzstan and Kazakhstan. Since 1998, she held high positions in Russian banks, was an adviser to the chairman on international projects.

2002-2005 - Vice President of Vneshtorgbank. In this position, she dealt with issues of direct entry into capital. In 2005, she became Executive Director of the EBRD for Tajikistan, Belarus and Russia. At this time, Elena Viktorovna worked on economic issues, was a member of collegial decision-making on business plans and financial strategies. In 2010, she was removed from office by Vladimir Putin, who at that time was the prime minister.


In early 2011, the London police, together with the Russian investigative committee, charged Kotova with corruption and opened a criminal case. The prosecution was based on an internal investigation by the EBRD, which revealed a violation of the corporate code. According to investigators, Kotova demanded money from a member of the board of directors for assistance in issuing a loan. Elena herself did not plead guilty. Her lawyers pointed out the lack of evidence, as well as the procedural violations that were committed during the preliminary investigation.

In June, Elena Kotova was sentenced to conditional imprisonment for a term of 5 years. Soon she was amnestied by a Moscow state court. After all the events that happened, Kotova wrote several novels that she read with pleasure both in Russia and abroad. She leads her column in such publications as Russian Pioneer, Snob, etc.

Proceedings in Economics

Elena Kotova is a talented financier, she has been studying international economic issues for many years. Throughout her activities, she actively wrote and published articles. Most of the work is devoted to economic issues in eastern countries. Kotova also defended her thesis on this topic. Today Elena releases novels. But they cannot be called novels in the full sense of the word. They describe the economic problems in a beautiful literary language. That is why Kotova’s books are called business thrillers.

Literary activity

Today Elena Kotova released 6 novels. They are quickly bought up and read by lovers of modern literature.



  • 2011 - “Easy”;

  • 2012 - “The Third Apple of Newton”, “Joint-Stock Company of Women”;

  • 2015 - Half-life, Code of dishonor, Kashchenko! Notes not crazy. "

Novel Easy

The book of Elena Kotova tells about the life of three people - the German Helmut, the Russian Anna and the Englishman John. All of them became participants in the love triangle. Each hero has his own past, which they prefer to hide. But is there any sense in this, because everything secret becomes clear? No. And in his book, the author proves this. The novel is read with pleasure by both women and men.

The novel "The Third Apple of Newton"

The main character of the novel is Barbara. She is the head of Investbank. Vara is not indifferent to the interests of Russian society, so she is offered a post in one of Moscow's banks. As a result, the heroine is accused of corruption on an international scale. Everyone turns away from the girl. Even the lawyer that her London friends had looked for her. However, events unfold so that human rights activist Vary changes his mind and attitude towards her. It is easy to guess that the idea of ​​the plot is taken from the author’s own life. And this novel became interesting to a wide circle of readers.

Novel "Women Joint Stock Company"

The book is closely intertwined with farce and reality, absurdity and mysticism. At the center of events are women who want to prolong youth. They decided to turn their ideas into a profitable business, which soon "grew" to the level of a corporation.


And around big money, intrigues always ensue and scandals erupt. Not without devilish machinations. All this makes the plot interesting and exciting. In the novel, Elena Kotova honestly expresses her opinion, is not afraid to give an assessment of what is happening. This is credible, so modern readers are eagerly interested in the book.

Novel Code of dishonor

The literary work is dedicated to the life of raiders, industrialists, bankers and tycoons. This is a story about thoughtful financial frauds, ups and downs of banks and firms. Stories of friendship and betrayal, death and high love.


Each hero has his own code of honor, which they guide in life. From the first to the last page, the author keeps the intrigue, so the book is read in one breath.

The story "Kashchenko! Notes not crazy "

In the book, Elena Kotova describes life behind bars in a Moscow psychiatric hospital. Real passions boil here. Each hero lives in his own world, where reality is intertwined with absurdity. This is a collection of exciting everyday stories in which the reader can find out people living next to him.