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Museum of Local Lore Novokuznetsk: address, photo

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Museum of Local Lore Novokuznetsk: address, photo
Museum of Local Lore Novokuznetsk: address, photo

Video: Recent NM 'skinwalker' photo ignites fear 2024, June

Video: Recent NM 'skinwalker' photo ignites fear 2024, June

The Museum of Local Lore of Novokuznetsk is the keeper of the history of the whole Kuzbass. Based on the basis of two private collections of enthusiasts in love with their land, the museum took over their passion for their homeland and love for people.

History and Description

Museum of Local Lore (Novokuznetsk) has one of the largest collections in the whole region. It was founded on the basis of private collections of local historians - D.T. Yaroslavtsev and G.S. Blynsky. The opening took place in November 1827. The aim of the museum is to preserve and publicly present Novokuznetsk and Kuzbass in all manifestations of cultural, spiritual and historical heritage.

Today, museum squares occupy 1, 400 square meters, where permanent exhibitions, thematic exhibitions, funds, a library and much more are located. The Museum of Local Lore (Novokuznetsk) stores over 55 thousand items in the collections, some of them are unique. Here is a fragment of a wooden cross dating from 1717, which, according to legend, was cut down by Peter I himself, an extensive collection of samovars from the beginning of the 19th century, a collection mined by archaeologists at the Ust-Abinsk burial ground, and much more.


Activities and branches

The Museum of Local Lore (Novokuznetsk) has in its arsenal excursion programs for all age groups of visitors both in the museum and beyond. Themed holidays are regularly organized to coincide with national dates, festivities and field trips to historical places of Novokuznetsk are held.

The last reconstruction of the museum was carried out in 2014, which made it possible to equip the premises in accordance with international museum standards. In 1999, a branch was opened in the building of the former county school, which is a historical and architectural monument. The local history museum (Novokuznetsk) became the base for the art museum, the Dostoevsky literary and memorial museum, and the Kuznetsk fortress historical and architectural museum.



The main exposition at the Museum of Local Lore (Novokuznetsk) is spread over an area of ​​almost 850 square meters. meters. Under temporary exhibitions given 100 square meters. meters, the storage facilities occupy about 150 square meters. meters. The staff consists of 38 specialists, of which 14 are engaged in scientific activities. An average of 8 thousand people visit the museum annually.

The museum offers visitors such excursions:

  • Sightseeing tour of all the halls of the museum.

  • Sightseeing tour of the halls dedicated to the natural resources of Kuzbass.

  • Archaeological past and finds.

  • Flora and fauna of Kuzbass.

  • History of the city.

  • Culture and life of the indigenous population of Kuzbass.

  • Civil war and the events of the 20s.

  • Pages of the history of the county school.

  • Cabinet of the Bulgakov family.

  • Kuznetskstroy.

  • The city of Stalin and the period of repression.

  • The Great Patriotic War.

Visitors are given the opportunity to book a guided tour of their own interests, accompanied by an experienced guide, use an audio guide, attend a lecture hall or classes.


Educational programs

The Museum of Local Lore (Novokuznetsk) has developed a number of educational programs aimed at students of different age groups, which significantly expands the scope of the secondary school program.

General directions of educational programs:

  • "My little homeland." It is aimed at primary school students and is designed for 2 years of systematic visits. The cycle consists of 16 excursions, in which students learn about the origin of life on Earth, get acquainted with museum work, devote time to studying individual representatives of flora and fauna, and immerse themselves in the archeology of Kuzbass. A lot of time is devoted to folk crafts and traditions.

  • "The mystery of ancient objects." For a cycle of 7 excursions, schoolchildren of primary and secondary classes are invited. During the programs, students learn about the history of objects, their creation, the development of writing and printing.

  • "Island of Fairy Tales", "Folk Calendar" - for preschoolers and elementary school students. The programs are dedicated to the history and traditions of national holidays, the world of fairy tales about animals, fictional characters and Shchorsky tales.

  • Ecology classes. General education programs about the value of nature, the need for its conservation and respect for all living things.

  • Theatrical excursions and interactive excursions involve schoolchildren in live communication and help to better master knowledge.

  • For high school students, thematic tours are held - “Birds”, “Mammals”, “Ecology and Environmental Protection”. A useful addition to the general education course in the history of senior classes will be thematic cycles - “Development of the Kuznetsk land”, “Accession of the region to Russia”, “Novokuznetsk during the war years”, etc.

Museum staff are open to cooperation and will be happy to tell about their native land at field sessions, street walks or give lectures.



A large number of events are held on its territory and in branches of the Museum of Local Lore (Novokuznetsk). The exhibition "Freeze Frame", opened in October 2016, is dedicated to domestic cinema and traces its history from the inception of Soviet cinema. Most of the exhibition activity has been moved to branches.

Current exhibitions:

  • The Art Museum invites I. Bessonov “Third Song. White Angel ”and G. Elina, dedicated to the artist’s anniversary, an exhibition of temple icons, thematic exhibitions from the museum’s storage facilities.

  • The literary and memorial museum of F. M. Dostoevsky presented the exhibition project “Traveling with Dostoevsky”.

  • The Kuznetsk Fortress Museum-Reserve invites you to visit the exhibitions “Military History of the Region”, “The Holy Lands of Kuznetsk”, “The Saved Relic” and the permanent exhibition of the fortress.

Employees of the institution are able not only to preserve historical and cultural values, but also to acquaint fellow countrymen with new trends that are often shown at exhibitions by the Museum of Local Lore (Novokuznetsk). 3D exhibition of paintings always causes keen interest in the public. There have already been several such events - in 2016, a collection called “Revived Masterpieces” was demonstrated, where visitors got acquainted with a 3D interpretation of the world’s masterpieces of painting.

In the spring of 2017, the exhibition “3D-Imaginarium” was organized, which immersed tourists in extreme situations within the walls of the Museum of Local Lore (Novokuznetsk). Photos of visitors to the exhibition confirm the curiosity of children and adults for unusual paintings.
