the culture

Museum of Local Lore Syzran: description, exhibitions and reviews

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Museum of Local Lore Syzran: description, exhibitions and reviews
Museum of Local Lore Syzran: description, exhibitions and reviews

Museum of Local Lore Syzran - one of the centers of culture, where a large number of events are held. Lectures are given for children and adults, excursion programs are created. Museum employees conduct research and scientific activities, collect materials about the fate of citizens, the history of their native land, conduct tours in the museum halls and beyond.


The Syzran Museum of Local Lore is based on the basis of the agricultural museum of the local technical school. The first exhibition dedicated to agriculture and the fight against drought was opened in 1922. After the successful work of a team of enthusiasts, it was decided to collect documents for the museum of local lore, which did not exist yet, but the idea was in the air. For help in collecting exhibits, they turned to the population through local newspapers.

The case moved slowly, and only in 1924 a resolution was issued on the establishment of the county-city archive at the Museum of the Local Territory. The Syzran Museum of Local Lore invited visitors on their first excursions in December 1925 to the building along Sovetskaya Street. The first sections were devoted to paleontology, the history of everyday life, industry, etc.

By 1926, the number of departments expanded, and the collection began to replenish with several streams. The main visitors to the museum halls were schoolchildren, for whom the tours “Soil Science”, “Industry and Crafts”, “Agriculture”, etc.


Modern stage

The museum has existed for over 90 years. During this time, several location addresses changed, periodically the halls were closed, but the funds were constantly replenished. At the very beginning of the 90s, exhibition areas increased due to the organization of branches - the Spasskaya Tower in the Kremlin and the Exhibition Hall of the city. In 1993, the Museum of Local Lore was closed for a long period due to the emergency condition of the premises in which it was located.

The restoration of the building took place only in 2008, and a new exhibition was organized a year later. Now the halls of the museum are in two combined buildings, the construction of which dates from the second half of the XIX century. Earlier, the houses belonged to wealthy citizens - the families of the merchants Lednevy and Mityurins. The Syzran Museum of Local Lore carefully preserves the eclectic architecture of buildings, both houses are objects of cultural heritage and architectural monuments.



The Museum of Local Lore (Syzran) is an integral part of urban history, which contains many exhibits that reflect life in all its manifestations. The permanent exhibition contains two main sections: natural-science and historical-ethnographic, as well as thematic exhibitions: “The History of the Founding of the City of Syzran”, “Kashpirskaya Mine”, and an extensive exhibition under the general name “Archeology”.

The museum funds store more than fifty thousand exhibits. The ethnographic collection consists of 1200 unique items, the archive contains more than 15 thousand documents, photographs reflecting the official history of the city and the private life of individual citizens. The pride of the museum is the collection of coins; more than 4 thousand units are stored in them, specimens of the Golden Horde period stand out, a collection of modern numismatics is presented. The Syzran Museum of Local Lore contains in the collections the perfectly preserved and most complete Usol collection of the Orlov-Davydov family with a portrait gallery.

On the stands of the museum’s halls, one can admire the works of marble carvers, cast iron castings using ancient technologies, paintings by local craftsmen made using various techniques, ancient porcelain, Old Believer icons and much more. Museum staff conduct scientific and research activities. With the participation of the museum, many documentaries were created about the city, its various stages of development, personalities who glorified Syzran and made a lot of useful information for the city and county.



The Museum of Local Lore in Syzran offers visitors a diverse excursion program, both in the exhibition halls and beyond.

Thematic programs:

  1. Museum universal education. A sightseeing tour of all the exhibition halls and acquaintance with the features of museum business are offered.

  2. The natural science section offers to learn more about the geology, nature, flora and fauna of the Syzran region, to get acquainted with the collection of fossils and the inhabitants of water bodies.

  3. The historical and ethnographic section of the exposition tells about the history of the region from ancient times, offers to find out how and by whom the lands of modern Syzran were populated, at what time the city was founded. This section contains the famous Usolsky collection of the Orlov-Davydovs, which is of interest not only to citizens, but also to professionals.

The main exposition of the museum makes it possible to conduct thematic tours on narrower topics, successfully complementing the school curriculum.

Main themes:

  1. "In a merchant's house."

  2. "The life and work of A. Ostrovsky."

  3. The “Hall of Military Glory” tells about fellow countrymen who distinguished themselves during the years of World War II, the history of the war in Afghanistan, the Chechen conflict and much more.


Classes and lectures in the museum

The Museum of Local Lore focuses on working with children and youth. Classes, master classes, small lectures, interactive cognitive games, etc. have been prepared for the children's audience.

Elementary school children are invited to educational events:

  • "Visiting the master." A master class on any type of applied art is held.

  • "Invites a pencil." A story about the profession of an artist and a lecture on directions in painting.

  • "Frozen plastic." In the classroom, they talk about sculptors and the art of creating sculpture.

  • A series of excursions under the general name “World of Nature”, where children get acquainted with minerals, a paleontological collection, learn a lot about the Syzran rivers and much more.

  • Schoolchildren are also invited to cognitive cycles: “Animals of Fairy Tales”, “Forest Academy”, “Healthy Lifestyle”.

In addition to the school curriculum in geography and history, classes are held with a substantive demonstration of exhibits from the main fund and storerooms. Themes of lectures and classes are very different - “Merchants Syzran”, “Symbols of Russia”, “Syzran Toponymy”, “Russian gatherings”, “Partisan paths”, “Letters from the front” and many others. Museum staff conduct field events as agreed by the parties.

The museum staff loves and knows their city, therefore, it is with pleasure that it invites everyone to take excursions around it, to the Spasskaya Tower of the Syzran Kremlin, along the historical streets of the city and the outskirts of Syzran with the themes of travel: “Mysteries of the Stone Ridge”, “Monuments of Nature” and others.



Active educational activities are the Museum of Local Lore (Syzran). The poster for 2017 is filled with events and interesting cognitive activities, excursions. From March to May 10, the museum hosted an exhibition dedicated to the writers of the city - “The Wizards of the Word”. Victory Day will be Open Day, everyone can get acquainted with the relics of the war, take part in a thematic program on the territory of the Syzran Kremlin.

On May 19, residents and guests are invited to participate in the “Night at the Museum” campaign, which will host the ecological fairy tale “The Chronicles of the Lukomorye”. Also on May 19 the exhibition "Small spool, yes dear" opens. Starting May 15, it will be interesting for everyone who is interested in the spiritual heritage of N. Roerich to examine in detail his artistic canvases (reproductions). Any significant event is celebrated in the institution, which is why the Museum of Local Lore (Syzran) is interesting.

The exhibition, dedicated to the Day of Slavic Writing, will open for visitors on June 13, its name is “Written Sources”. Rare copies of the periodical press of different years will be presented to the public. On May 25, the exposition “In the beginning was the Word”, where books from museum collections will be displayed, will begin to operate.

A museum is a constant development, active development and archiving of reality. Today, exhibits are constantly flocking to the museum’s funds. But not only the past lives the Museum of Local Lore (Syzran). The exhibition of robots, held in March 2017, pleased both children and adults. Seventeen two-meter transforming robots made up an exposition called "RISE OF MACHINES". Visitors were amazed not only by the entertainment of each instance, but also by the sound accompaniment that transported the excursionists into the world of cinema and fantasy.
