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The beautiful Hazret Sultan mosque in Astana. The most beautiful mosques in the world

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The beautiful Hazret Sultan mosque in Astana. The most beautiful mosques in the world
The beautiful Hazret Sultan mosque in Astana. The most beautiful mosques in the world

Video: Kazakhstan/Astana (Hz.Sultan Mosque) Part 26 2024, June

Video: Kazakhstan/Astana (Hz.Sultan Mosque) Part 26 2024, June

A mosque is a place of worship. For every Muslim, it is a sacred place. There are several types of mosques, depending on the functions that it should perform. But all mosques serve for prayer. The rich decoration of these structures often speaks of the greatness of the faith of the people and the wealth of the Islamic state. Like many of the most beautiful buildings in the world, mosques are also divided according to their importance and unique design. The Hazret Sultan Mosque in Astana is ranked 81th among the most beautiful buildings of this plan on the planet.


Islam means "humility." The founder of this religion is the prophet Muhammad, and Allah is God. It was he who in 6 days created the earth and the first two people, Adam and Eve. Allah handed over to Muhammad the Qur'an, the main book of every Muslim believer. Islam, like many other religions, has its own trends. The two largest of them are Sunnis (90% of Muslims) and Shiites (10%). Islam is the third religion in the world, the youngest.

Islam perceives God as a judge who punishes and encourages people for their deeds. There is no cult of personalities, images of the prophet and God. But there is a clear understanding that Allah is a ruler, a judge.

In Islam there is no division into religious and secular life, everything obeys the laws of Allah and scripture. Religion captures all spheres of life of a righteous Muslim, teaches good and mutual assistance, respect for elders and the desire to live righteously.

Mosque in the life of a Muslim

Mosques are also different, they are divided according to function, as well as in size and decoration. There are four main types of mosque:

  • for daily prayer (Muslims pray 5 times a day);
  • the main mosque, central (it is also called kabire);
  • for Friday prayers, or collective;
  • large open to celebrate Eid al-Adha and Eid Al-Fitr.

All mosques are exclusively for prayers. This holy Muslim building has its own strict principles. The main mosque, a symbol of the Muslim faith, located in Mecca, is Al-Haram. It contains the Kaaba. This is a small cube-like structure covered in black silk and standing on a marble base. It is very important for believers. According to legend, the Kaaba is the first building built by Muslims to worship God. It is to him that the walls of all the mosques of the world are directed, before which Muslims bow their heads in prayer. And the Hazret Sultan Mosque in Astana is no exception.


Air Hazret Sultan

Amazing in its beauty and architecture, the Hazret Sultan Mosque in Astana can truly be called a work of art. The construction of this unique project began in 2009, and was completed in 2012. During the construction of the building, about two thousand people worked. It is the largest mosque in Kazakhstan and the second largest in Central Asia.


The architecture of the holy building is made in typical Muslim traditions. Airy, bright and spacious, it accommodates up to 10, 000 people. The interior is made using Kazakh patterns and ornaments. Carved arches leading to the main hall frame extracts from the Koran. The mosaic floor in pale blue tones gives the impression that the whole building seems to soar in the clouds.


Outside, the mosque is decorated with four minaret towers 77 meters high, which are illuminated at night, like the whole mosque, with white light. The main dome of the Hazret Sultan with a diameter of 28 meters and a height of 51 meters. This huge building decorated with smooth ornaments is crowned by a traditional golden crescent, facing Mecca. The mosque is also decorated with another 8 small domes with diameters of 10 m and 7 m.

The entire mosque covers an area of ​​about 11 hectares, and when this rich architectural ensemble is highlighted at night, it makes a fabulous impression. Despite its impressive size, the mosque seems to be a transparent jellyfish soaring in the endless black ocean.

A photo of the Hazret Sultan mosque in Astana at night can be seen below.


The magical building of the mosque is by far the most beautiful in Kazakhstan.

Amazing mosques

Speaking of the holy Muslim buildings, I want to give an example of the most beautiful of them. Of course, in the first place the most ambitious building, it is Al-Haram in Mecca, it is addressed to all the mosques in the world.

In second place is the oldest mosque, built during the lifetime of the Prophet Muhammad, An-Nabawi in Saudi Arabia. Its size is impressive - more than 400 thousand square meters. m

It is impossible not to say about the Sheikh Zayed Mosque in Abu Dhabi. This rich architectural structure seems to have come out of the fairy tale "1000 and one night."


Of course, the scale of the Hazret Sultan mosque in Astana is ten times smaller than its famous predecessors, but the decoration is not inferior in its beauty. It is also framed by fountains and marble floors, white patterned walls and impressive minaret towers.