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Beautiful names of modern Russian boys: list, meaning and character traits

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Beautiful names of modern Russian boys: list, meaning and character traits
Beautiful names of modern Russian boys: list, meaning and character traits

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Modern Russian names of boys are not so new, if you look. Indeed, today the tendency to remember about their roots and choose ancient forgotten names has gained momentum. Let's see what you can choose and what fate the child will have.

Choosing a name, do we choose fate?

There is an opinion that the name very much affects a person’s life. Indeed, one can read a lot of his own and find a lot of similarities. Or, on the contrary, getting acquainted with a person, there is a feeling that the name is not his. How does the word that accompanies us from birth affect us, and which modern Russian names of boys and girls are the happiest?

Russian names

Parents now, when choosing a name, turn to ancient sources. So, this year, from the modern Russian names of boys, the following can be distinguished:

  • Nazar
  • Artyom;
  • Zahar
  • Matvey;
  • Hariton;
  • Andrew;
  • Dmitry.

Each of them requires a separate description.

The meaning of the name Andrew

If this name is translated from ancient Greek, then it will mean "courageous". For a long time it was undeservedly forgotten, but now again tops the list of modern Russian names of boys. That's because Andrei is very sociable people who can unite any company. But at the same time, they are calculating people who seek profit from everything.

Andrei is very touchy and do not forgive mistakes. They have a very complex character, which they do not seek to change. Andrei often has low self-esteem, he is not confident in his abilities, for this reason and prefers to be in a noisy company. But they achieve success very often, even despite a low self-esteem.

All thanks to the fact that Andrew is able to splurge, which makes him seem a very successful person. These are big egoists who do not take into account anyone’s opinion. But they love to be the center of attention and achieve this in any way.


The meaning of the name Artyom

The Russian contemporary names of boys with the letter "A" include the name Artyom. The name means "full of health." Artemy are very calm children who do not seek attention. But at the same time, they are sociable guys who do a good job with leadership functions.

Artyom usually has no problems with his studies. You need to know that a person with this name cannot be pressed. He always has an opinion and will uphold it to the end. People who bear this name are very persistent and always achieve their goal. They absorb information like sponges. Another thing is that they need some time to process and perceive it.

Artemy achieve everything through their work. It will not be difficult for them to choose a profession and, as a rule, they are not mistaken. Artem will make an excellent doctor, journalist, businessman or teacher.

Artem does not bend under anybody’s opinion, which causes both admiration and condemnation on the part of people. In the family, Artyom will be a wonderful husband and father who takes care of his loved ones and does everything only for them.


The meaning of the name Dmitry

The name is very common in our country, although it is Greek. Translated as "landowner". These are very kind, strong-willed people with an active lifestyle. Dmitri are wonderful friends. They are very amorous and quickly move away. Monogamy is not about these men. In the work, logic is of great importance to Dmitry, but he forgets about the art of communication. These men have a large number of marriages, as well as a large number of women. The profession is best chosen in the technical direction.

Among the negative aspects, excessive riskiness, an aggravated sense of morality can be distinguished. He does not tolerate jokes on these topics. Such verbal excesses can lead to the fact that Dmitry will stop communicating.

Dmitry is not always ready to accept responsibility to the end for his problems and may become isolated from this. Due to his incontinence and talkativeness, it is difficult for him to build a career even though he is talented and smart. This is all you need to go over and work on your character. However, it is easy for him to join the team and maintain good relations with everyone.

The meaning of the name Matvey

The list of modern unusual Russian names for boys without Matvey would be incomplete. This name is interpreted as "a man of God." The first impression people carrying this name do not make the best. They are rude, unsociable, constantly hide their feelings.

Matvey often does not finish things completely, because he cannot believe in himself. But only having gained self-confidence, he can turn mountains. True, in this case, negative qualities will clearly manifest: he ceases to hear others (criticism and advice), becomes authoritarian, shows impatience where it is worth thinking, his actions turn into reckless. All because Matvey constantly rush to extremes.

Matthew's boy is very vulnerable, and how he grows up depends entirely on his parents. They should help him to believe in himself, to understand that no one claims to be independent. The best solution is to give the child to the sport.

For Matthew, communication is also important. It is through him that he receives the emotional support that plays a huge role in his self-realization. He is very curious, likes to impress with his well-read. Matvey men really want a stable family, so they build a strong relationship.


The meaning of the name Zahar

This beautiful and modern Russian name for a boy is gaining popularity. Translated as "remembering God." Zaharas are characterized by caring, attentiveness, kindness and compliance in relation to people close to him. People with this name are ready to lend a helping hand at any time of the day or night, somewhere even they lack the strength of character.

Zakhar has a pronounced ability to technology, so the choice of profession is predictable. Zakhar has no problems with women. But he most often chooses the one that can console and heal her wounds. Most often, the chosen one already has a child. Zakhar loves children and teaches him to help him with homework from early childhood. This is a conflict-free person who, even if he shows a flash of anger, quickly leaves and then feels a great awkwardness for his emotions.

The meaning of the name Nazar

The list of modern Russian names for boys will be incomplete without the name Nazar. The name itself is ancient, but these days it is gaining more and more popularity. The name translates as "promised." Nazars are people with a bright character, with their own beliefs. They are ready to defend themselves to the last.

Nazar boy does not sit still, he learns the world, plays sports, plays games. Throughout his life, he wants peace and prosperity and he gets it. Nazar has no problems with women. His power and authority attract like a magnet. If he found his woman, he would take care of her.

Nazar marries only if there is a mutual feeling. From his beloved, he expects support, support and confidence. But at the same time, a woman should not lead, so as not to hurt the pride of her man. If this happens, then the case ends in divorce.


Hariton meaning

This name refers to the rare modern Russian names for boys, which even now are not very often used. From childhood, the owner of this name is distinguished by perseverance and perseverance. Also, so to speak, innate qualities are justice and integrity.

Charitons that were born in winter are very corrosive and hot-tempered. They solve any problems or affairs without haste, which is why they are often called bores. Charitons that were born in the fall stand out among the rest by calculation and discretion in all actions. These people are rather reserved and find friends hard. All due to the fact that they are easy to offend. After all, they are distinguished by "thin-skinned".

If you do not look for nuances in the character of a representative of different times of the year, then we can say that Khariton is a kind, responsible, honest, who avoids conflicts. He always choose the work where his analytical mind, interest in science and technology, logical abilities will come in handy. Khariton will succeed as an engineer, scientist or designer. He perfectly succeeds in the profession of a teacher or doctor. He will be able to show creative inclinations in acting, sculpture or art.

Family for Chariton is of the greatest life value. He is well versed in the representatives of the opposite sex, so he chooses a good wife. Charitons never leave the family; they cherish it like the apple of an eye.

For friends, Khariton is a very difficult person. His heightened stubbornness and naked pride prevent friends. This is especially true for jokes or words that he may find offensive.

It is also noteworthy that Khariton is on the list of Russian modern names for both boys and kittens and puppies.


International names

There have always been many mixed couples in whom children were born. There were endless disputes over their names, and rarely could anyone compromise. So there were modern Tatar-Russian names for boys who are not quite modern, but have gained popularity. These names include:

  • Azamat;
  • Damir;
  • Ilshat.

In addition to Tatar names, modern Turkish names for boys in Russian are very popular in our country. These include:

  • Arthur;
  • Emin;
  • Nail.

We give a brief description of each of them.

The meaning of the name Azamat

The name translates as "great." Azamat has an honest and kind character warehouse. This is a creative person and, like any subtle nature, does not adapt well to the realities of life. However, he always achieves his goals. From the family, Azamat wants a comfortable place and rest with soul and body. But he is very jealous that can cross out all the other positive qualities.


The meaning of the name Damir

As such, there is no translation of this beautiful and modern Tatar-Russian name of the boy. But it is known that Damir has decisiveness and strong will. In addition, he is a wonderful husband and father. His family is exemplary, he lives in peace and quiet with his wife. Damir is very easy to communicate with, so he has many friends.

The meaning of the name Ilshat

The name translates as "the joy of the people." Ilshat is a brave and judicious man. But despite his brutality, he can listen to his wife. He pampers her very much, doesn’t have a soul in children. Of course, he also has negative qualities - he is too stubborn and closed person, but he works on himself.

The meaning of the name Arthur

Arthur is an ideal child, but with age everything changes. He is very sensitive, it is extremely difficult to make contact, which is an obstacle to building a career. In a relationship, she’s very jealous, and she chooses girls with a model appearance. Getting married late.


The meaning of the name Emin

If Emin is calm in childhood, this does not mean that he will be just as calm further. At the moment, he turns into an energetic, risky man who always defends his opinion and interests. Such a person will make a successful businessman. He is also successful in the family.