women's issues

Beautiful Italians: Sophia Loren, Ornella Muti, Michelle Lombardo and others. Italian beauty

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Beautiful Italians: Sophia Loren, Ornella Muti, Michelle Lombardo and others. Italian beauty
Beautiful Italians: Sophia Loren, Ornella Muti, Michelle Lombardo and others. Italian beauty

Female beauty was valued at all times, and even often was the cause of wars, murders and civil strife. Verses and legends were written about beautiful women, they made history and ruled over entire nations, for example, the Trojan War began because of Elena the Beautiful, the name of Catherine de Medici became not only famous, but also common, and the beauty Cleopatra was also a magnificent queen.

Today, many countries are proud that their women are very beautiful and talented. The palm of the championship alternately passes to French women, then to Polish, then to temperamental Spanish women, but beautiful Italians more often than others receive a well-deserved reward, surprising the world with their stunning appearance.

Great Sophie

According to many women, beauty is given from birth, and genes inherited from relatives play a great role in this. To some extent this is true. But in fact, there are a lot of examples in history when, at first glance, gray mice became genuine beauties.

Sophia Loren - an internationally recognized actress both for her appearance and talent - believes that beauty is a matter of time. When she was just starting her career in cinema, she was advised to shorten her nose with plastic surgery and lose weight. To which the wise Italian, over the years, replied that she was not going to meet the standards of others and remodel herself for the sake of non-existent canons of beauty.


It was thanks to her naturalness and talent that she became known throughout the world. Today, at the age of 80, she is a living example of the fact that beauty is a tool that can be used indefinitely with proper care.

Women are well aware of the “secrets” of her beauty, which she generously shares in her book and in numerous interviews. In her face, the world knows that beautiful Italians remain so, despite their age. Here are some of her tips:

  • Well-groomed hair is the first sign of beauty. To make them shine, to be thick and healthy, Sophia Loren rubs olive oil into her scalp, gently massaging it. After 2 hours, she thoroughly washes her hair using shampoo diluted with water. This procedure takes time, but the result is worth it.

  • The actress recommends careful skin care, choosing creams that are age-appropriate. She believes that any imperfections in the face can be removed if regular care is taken.

  • She recommends keeping hand creams everywhere - in your purse, in the kitchen, in the living room, bedroom, so that you can apply them to the skin as often as possible.

  • Sophie drinks 8 glasses of fluid per day, which has a beneficial effect on the skin.

  • Physical activity helps the heart to work better and pump blood through the body, the actress believes.

  • Moderate nutrition with the use of vegetables and fruits will make it easy to follow the figure.

All this beautiful woman uses on herself and is now sharing with others, demonstrating her attitude to beauty and old age.


The bright Italian appearance of this actress attracted the views of both men and women. The latter tried to imitate her, and those who took advantage of her advice were very successful in this. Ornella Muti was born in Rome in 1955. Today she is 60, but she is still beautiful thanks to the lifestyle that she began to lead from her youth. She is against plastic surgery and prefers sports and proper nutrition to any scalpel interventions.


She does not take alcohol at all, is a vegetarian, does not eat meat or dairy products, and fish on her table is extremely rare. Luxurious breasts, as this beautiful Italian admits, have thanks to nature and the three children whom she has been feeding her for quite some time. Today, this beautiful woman, behind whom shooting 100 films, is still active, she is engaged in the jewelry business, is happily married and is surrounded by children and grandchildren.

Ornella Muti loves to communicate with positive and active people, which positively affects the state of the body, and at the same time he perceives aging as an inevitable part of life - he accepts this fact and treats it philosophically.

Gina Lollobrigida

They say about such people that they are talented in everything. Gina was born in a poor large family and was the youngest child. All their childhood and youth, which fell on the war years, they survived with difficulty, and when in 1946 the family moved to Rome, Gina began to earn extra money, drawing cartoons for newspapers and participating in mass meetings.

It was the sisters who persuaded her to start acting in films. The unusual beauty of the girl quickly attracted the attention of directors, but behind her they did not see her great dramatic talent. The fame “Fanfan Tulip” (1952) brought her fame and world fame.


The secret of beauty of this great woman is that she never stopped in development. In the 90s, having left the cinema, she returned to painting and sculpture. Her works speak for themselves. Today she lives in her large house near Rome with her birds and canvases, enjoys creativity and is an example of the fact that beautiful Italians are talented in everything and are not afraid of old age.

Monica Bellucci

This woman was repeatedly called the most beautiful actress in the world. Monica herself does not like to talk about her appearance, because her only secret is love of life. As the Italian beauty admits, she is too lazy, and the tight shooting schedule does not allow her to play sports, and the love of pizza, pasta and parmesan always wins the choice between slimness and a delicious lunch.


Monica Bellucci personifies those women who never go in the wake of fashion. She was repeatedly offered to do anti-aging injections and plastic, but she always refused in a sharp form. She does what she loves, devotes a lot of time to her family, allows herself to be herself, and therefore is still beautiful and happy at 51 years old.

Varone Sarah

A popular model and TV presenter represents a generation of Italian beauties born in the seventies and raised on disco music and films with Celentano. Sara Varone is rightly considered the sexiest Italian TV presenter, and her entertainment show, Good Sunday, gathers 8 million people on television.


Nature generously endowed the talented TV presenter with beauty - here there are big beautiful breasts, and a thin waist, and expressive eyes, and chic long hair, and slender legs, that is, all that other women can only dream of.

Envious eyes call her a “brainless” girl from the pages of magazines, but they are fundamentally wrong. Sara Varone is a certified psychologist. She received her education in France and England and, like all beautiful Italians, does not pay attention to her spiteful critics.

Lombardo Michelle

This model, actress and TV presenter of Italian descent was born in 1983 in a small town in Connecticut. Michelle Lombardo has not yet become a world celebrity, but her beauty, undoubted talent and ability to work will definitely fix it.

While still a model, she began to engage in acting classes, and soon small roles went. She is known to the public for the film “Click: with a remote control for life”, the series “The Way of the Blade” and other works.


Michel Lombardo has almost perfect proportions, and her unusual beauty is due to the fact that Irish and Italian blood flows in her. Today, the actress not only acts in films, but also leads programs on television.

Tatichchi Alice

This girl personifies modern beauty in Italian. Alice Tatichchi was born in June 1990 in the capital of the Italian province of Umbria - Perugia. A well-known fashion model and winner of a beauty contest, she has such incredible charm that she often becomes the face of famous companies. So, in 2012, it was she who was invited to appear for the calendar of Mercedes Benz and the famous Italian magazine Vetrine magazine.


Sophisticated facial features, large brown eyes, a beautiful slender body, radiant skin - this is the wealth given to her by nature.