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Is eloquence a talent from God or a skill that can be comprehended?

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Is eloquence a talent from God or a skill that can be comprehended?
Is eloquence a talent from God or a skill that can be comprehended?

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Beautiful, intelligible and competent presentation of thoughts has always been appreciated. Roman orator Cicero was especially famous for all times for his eloquence. His dialogue with the Sicilian governor, aimed at exposing the cohort of presumptuous representatives of the authorities, is still being studied at universities.


From the history

Initially, the art of eloquence, or oratory, originated in ancient Greece. Over the centuries, the methods of rhetoric were constantly updated, transformed, and new forms of communication appeared. But no matter how improved forms of verbal interaction between people are created, as Blaise Pascal said, eloquence is primarily a pictorial presentation of thoughts.

For example, Plato was greatly admired by the power of the extraordinary presentation of the thoughts of his teacher, Socrates. He deeply honored the talent of his mentor, whose works are very interesting for acquaintance with the modern man.

The power in the word

It is generally accepted that eloquence is a intelligible and concise truth. But floridly balabolit and for several hours to "warm" the ears of the public - this is not oratory. Populism, verbiage and empty ranting, albeit in beautiful words, are far from true art.

Eloquence is the ability to convey truth in a convincing, biting, and especially intelligible way. The secret of this mastery is the rejection of empty, unnecessary words. An example here is the sacred treatises that have succeeded in this. The truths are summarized in them. Francois Larochefoucauld said that true eloquence is the ability to say all that is needed, but not more than necessary.


Can I learn to speak beautifully?

This question interests many. Rhetoric (eloquence) can be honed to unprecedented heights if, for example, you work on a word like the famous Vladimir Mayakovsky. The opinion of the poet was as follows: “True eloquence, coming from a pure heart, and falls into the hearts of people. It stuns the mind and feelings. Reason later grasps what was said. " He was known as a famous speaker, he was considered a preacher, but, despite this, he confessed to his friends that his ability to effectively speak could not be compared with the laconic speeches of the Master. After Mayakovsky and his mentor spent a week, he unraveled his secret and said: “When the Master speaks, his words give rise to silence. My speech, alas, gives rise to thought. ”

Talent from God

Falseness in eloquence, pomp, arrogance, eloquence hide the true meaning of words, pretend and dissemble. Buddha also told his disciples that there is no sense in a person’s words if he does not follow them who falsify eloquence and pass him off as his virtuous quality. Lao Tzu believed: “He who knows does not prove, the prover does not know.”

Eloquence is also incompatible with acting. With artistry - yes, but not acting. A person who owns the skill of oratory is not "drawn", does not give himself in a favorable light. All those around and so accurately see in such a person charisma, giftedness, depth and brilliance of the mind, read its vivid emotionality inherent in a successful person, endowed with a number of attractive individual qualities.
