
A brief history of Istanbul: description, attractions and interesting facts

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A brief history of Istanbul: description, attractions and interesting facts
A brief history of Istanbul: description, attractions and interesting facts

Video: THE HISTORY OF TURKEY in 10 minutes 2024, July

Video: THE HISTORY OF TURKEY in 10 minutes 2024, July

The first settlement on the site of the modern metropolis appeared in the Vll century BC. It was a small colony of Greek settlers, bearing the name Byzantium, which remained for it until 330 AD, when Emperor Constantine renamed the city into New Rome and transferred the capital of the empire there. Soon, however, the name Constantinople was entrenched in the city, which was used in official documents until 1930.


History of Istanbul

The Greeks never chose random places for the construction of important objects, and, obviously, a number of religious procedures had to be performed to lay the new city. Legends in the history of Istanbul do not occupy the last place, and according to one of them, before building a new colony, immigrants from the Greek region of Megarides turned to the Delphic oracle, and he indicated the place where Constantinople would subsequently appear.

However, in 330, on the site of the former Greek colony, large-scale works were launched on the personal order of the emperor, the purpose of which was to build a beautiful city that would testify to the greatness of the Roman Empire and serve as a worthy new capital.

Another legend says that Emperor Constantine personally marked the boundaries of the city on a map, and an earthen rampart was piled on them, inside which construction unfolded, attracting the best architects, artisans and artists.


Konstantin and the heirs

Of course, such a grandiose plan could not be fully realized during the life of the emperor, and the burden of construction also fell on his heirs. From reports of the celebration in honor of the consecration of the new city, we can conclude that by this date the city already had a hippodrome, at which there were performances by circus performers, artists and chariot races so beloved by the people.

Since Christianity was already the official religion of the empire at that time, a stele from porphyry dedicated to the Virgin was established in the city. It is worth noting that porphyry at that time was considered the most valuable of semiprecious stones. He adorned the emperor’s chambers in the Great Palace of Constantinople, and the children born in these chambers were called the Scarlet and were considered the legitimate heirs of the ruling emperor.

It was under Constantine that such important historical monuments were laid as the St. Sophia Cathedral in Istanbul, the history of which dates back almost one thousand seven hundred years, as well as St. Irina Cathedral, which is also of interest to lovers of antiquity.

Long capital years

From the moment of its construction, Constantinople served first as the capital of the Roman Empire, then Byzantine, and then Ottoman. Thus, for more than one thousand six hundred years, the city had a capital status until Ataturk transferred the capital to Ankara, located in the center of the country.

However, even after this, Constantinople retained the status of an important cultural and economic center. Istanbul today remains the largest city in Turkey, its population reaches fifteen million people. Important trade routes, both sea and land, pass through the city.


Periodization of the history of the city

The whole history of Istanbul can be divided into several important periods. If we take the renaming of Byzantium to Constantinople as the starting point, then the first period can be considered the years when the city was the capital of the united Roman Empire, that is, from 330 to 395. The city was actively built and developed, and its population was largely Latin-speaking.

In the next period, Constantinople is the capital of another empire - East Roman or, as it is commonly called in historical books, Byzantium. An important milestone in its history is the year 1204, when it was plundered by the crusaders who devastated treasures and churches, plundered palaces and merchant vaults. For fifty-seven years, the city was under the control of Latin nobles, until it was liberated in 1261.

With the liberation of the city, a certain revival of the empire began, but it was not long, and already in 1453 the history of Istanbul as a Greek city ends - it is captured by Ottoman Turks. The last Byzantine emperor, Constantine Xl, perishes in a fire. The history of the empire is over.


Ottoman period

The Ottoman period in the history of Istanbul begins on May 29, 1453 and will last until 1923, when the Ottoman Empire is liquidated and the young Turkish Republic appears in its place.

For 450 years of Ottoman rule, the city will experience ups and downs, more than once soldiers of foreign armies, including the Russian one, will stand under its walls. However, throughout history, he will delight in palaces and Sultan’s harems, beautiful mosques and magnificent markets where goods from all over the continent will flock to.

For all the time of the Ottoman dynasty, 29 sultans ruled in the city, each of which contributed to the development of the city. However, the most revered of them, of course, is Sultan Mehmed ll Fatih, who took the city, putting an end to the Byzantine Empire and the beginning of a new period in the Ottoman Empire.

Under Fatih, most Christian churches were converted into mosques, including St. Sophia. However, religious communities were not infringed, subject to the payment of an additional tax on non-Muslims.