
Kristina Lyaskovets - a girl with a steel character

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Kristina Lyaskovets - a girl with a steel character
Kristina Lyaskovets - a girl with a steel character

Many viewers love to watch a show that has been broadcast for 12 years. The project "Dom-2" has high ratings. And this is no coincidence, because in the meadow young people build love, and this is always interesting to watch. There are a lot of bright and beautiful girls on the TV set. One of them is Kristina Lyaskovets. She is distinguished by her original appearance and solid character. All her relationships with the male sex have a twist. She does not look for easy ways: the more complicated the situation, the more interesting. But, unfortunately, the happy end is not working out yet. What is the reason? Perhaps the whole thing is in the character of the girl? We will talk about this in the article.

Children's grievances

One of the brightest participants of “House-2” Kristina Lyaskovets was born on April 27, 1990 in Minsk. From childhood, the Belarusian beauty was distinguished by a restless character. Perhaps because of this, relations with her parents did not work out. After the girl celebrated her majority, she went to conquer Moscow. The big city attracted huge prospects. In order to somehow gain a foothold in the metropolis, Christina takes a job as a model and simultaneously begins to study as a psychologist. It is not so interesting to study the mores and characters of other people, to delve into social problems, and she decides to leave the university and completely plunge into the world of beauty.


It was in Moscow that the girl first experienced a real feeling - love. The heart of the young beauty was conquered by the brutal Georgian, who was a little older and more experienced than Christina herself. The relationship lasted quite a long time, about 2 years, but did not lead to a wedding. Why? Perhaps the matter is precisely in the children's insults of the girl. Life circumstances forced her to be strong, independent, self-confident. Not every man will like it, especially a guy with an explosive character and prejudices that a woman should obey a man.

So, who is Kristina Lyaskovets? The biography of the girl is carefully hidden. From what the press knows, it can be concluded that it, as a persistent tin soldier, is ready to solve its own life troubles and problems on its own. And that only makes her stronger.

First appearance on the show

In 2013, the girl first visited the casting of the television project "Dom-2" and easily got to the site. Due to her appearance and character, she immediately won the love and respect of the participants. Of all those present, Christina Lyaskovets was singled out by Astamura Honeli. Then the editors asked: "Why this particular guy?" The girl answered modestly: "I like his beard."


Many believe that the matter is completely different. Christina loves rivalry. She starts the game, competition. It is this kind of relationship format that is ideal for her. At that time, Astamur was in a relationship with Elina Kamiren (one of the most successful girls in the meadow), and to beat off a guy from her meant to earn a victory and respect for all participants. But something went wrong, and Christine stepped back, turning her gaze toward the other man.

Slender blonde and brave officer

Life does not stand still, and soon the meadow actively talked about the pair Kristina Lyaskovets and Andrei Cherkasov. Believing in her existence was quite difficult. At that time, the guy behind the perimeter had a serious relationship that lasted for 3 years. Andrei lived with his girlfriend Evgenia Kuzina. I would like to note that Zhenya was a worthy candidate, having her own housing and her own business. The matter logically went to the wedding, if not for the appearance of a spectacular blonde in the person of Christina.

At first, their joint trips to the cinema, easy flirtation, enthusiastic looks, no one took seriously. But in vain, because Christine is not used to retreat. After some time, the guys already enjoyed chatting with each other in city apartments. Later there was a check-in and self-declaration of a couple.


Unfortunately, and perhaps fortunately, the lovers met only a month. After that, many participants talked about the fact that the couple Kristina Lyaskovets and Andrei Cherkasov were fictitious. Soon, the girl met true love, a bright Cuban guy with whom she went out of the gate, leaving the project without a drop of regret.

And again, "House-2"

After 2 years, Christina returned to the project. This happened thanks to the Spanish handsome Ricardo, who was passionate about the girl. But the relationship did not work out. Lyaskovets again needed struggle and emotions.

She had such a chance when Timur Garafutdinov came to the project. The girl was not embarrassed that he was paired with one of the most striking participants Sasha Kharitonova, who returned for television for the sake of the guy. Christina did everything to repel Timur. They even say that in an intimate place she filled the name of his group. The guy melted, and soon the lovers were in the Seychelles. Rumors spread that Kristina Lyaskovets got married. But, alas, here a strong relationship did not work out.