
Kristina Sysoeva: before and after plastics

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Kristina Sysoeva: before and after plastics
Kristina Sysoeva: before and after plastics



Beautiful villas, yachts, fur coats, diamonds, a huge mansion in London, a rich spouse and an unlimited daily limit on pocket expenses - this is the dream of any woman, regardless of her age and external data. That's just not every girl of Slavic appearance can boast an enviable groom and a decent fortune. However, secular lioness Kristina Sysoeva, known in Britain, can do this. Before plastics, little was known about her. Face contour correction itself is also a controversial topic. Read more about this "blonde in chocolate" below.


Childhood, luxury and study in London

In fact, very little is known about Kristina Sysoeva’s childhood and youth. For example, from open sources you can find out that this glamorous blonde was born in a small town in Siberia. There she grew up, graduated from high school and was sent by her rather wealthy parents to study in London.

Unfortunately, it is difficult to find an image of a girl in her young years. They say this is due to the fact that the hand of the master scrupulously worked on the appearance of the stars of the reality show Meet the Russians. Therefore, it is very difficult to find a photo of Kristina Sysoeva before plastic surgery, taken in her school and student years. But we will talk about this a little later.

Family and love for a beautiful life

Christina got used to a beautiful life from childhood. From an early age, her parents spoiled her, who easily fulfilled any whim of her radiant daughter. And, according to the most 34-year-old Sysoeva, they could afford it.

For example, her father was a successful businessman, directly connected with the famous oil company Lukoil. In a word, the girl grew up in a calm and favorable environment, where she got used to luxury and sophistication. It was a young, slightly spoiled Kristina Sysoeva. Before plastics, it is presented in the photo below. As you can see, here the girl has not too puffy lips and quite normal cheekbones. A few years later, her appearance radically changed.


Student years and studies in London

After the parents of the girl decided to send her to study at one of the prestigious universities in London, her life underwent certain changes. And if earlier it was a pleasant pastime, slightly limited by parental control, then a trip abroad completely untied her hands.

And so Kristina Sysoeva (before and after plastic surgery can be seen in the photo in our article) became quite a bright and independent person.

At first, the skinny blonde entered the local college, where she studied the art of design. A little later, she became interested in the profession of architect, as a result of which she moved to another university of the corresponding orientation. At the end of college, she fell in love with the peculiar beauty of Misty Albion so much that she wanted to stay there forever.

This important word is friendship.

While in London, the Meet the Russians star got two loyal friends, including the wife of the famous football player Maria Pogrebnyak and the ex-wife of one of the owners of Euroset Marinik Smirnov. Kristina Sysoeva was practically inseparable from them. This lady had plastic surgery or not, we will discuss it later.

It was with these friends that Sysoeva preferred to spend all her free time. And a little later, the always restless “blond trio” will be joined by the always elegant fashion photographer Dmitry Oskin, who has an unconventional sexual orientation.

With them, she went shopping, went to relax on the sea, visited closed parties and had a good time. At one of these events, she met an extraordinary man. It was Charles - the future husband of Christina Sysoeva.


Life meeting

According to Christina, during their first meeting with her future husband, a spark immediately slipped between them. They fell in love at first sight and realized that they could not live without each other. And very soon the mysterious wealthy billionaire, close to the British Parliament, made a marriage proposal, to which Sysoeva, of course, agreed. According to a thin blonde, the couple lived in a happy marriage for exactly 15 years.


Children and carefree family life

Kristina Sysoeva before and after plastic surgery has always dreamed of her own family, children and a carefree life. After meeting with her lover, who, incidentally, was 20 years older than her, she managed to translate all these desires into reality. It all started with the fact that she moved to a huge mansion located in central London.

According to the heroine, a lot of things connected her with this house. Firstly, from its windows opened an unforgettable view of the city. Secondly, there was a servant in it, consisting of a nanny, a gardener, a maid, a cook, a housekeeper and a butler. Thirdly, it was within its walls that the couple had children: a daughter and a son.


Participation in a reality show

It is possible that no one would have known anything about the 34-year-old celebrity representative if she had not been invited to participate in the scandalous reality show Meet the Russians ("Meet the Russians"). It was developed and organized by one of Fox’s influential English channels to showcase the life of wealthy Russians in London. Among the other participants in the show was Kristina Sysoeva - the wife of the oligarch. It is difficult to find a photo before the plastics of this scandalous and unpredictable person. However, we will discuss these controversial points later.

On the show, Sysoeva spoke about her trip to London, as well as about her acquaintance and marriage. She also demonstrated her financial capabilities. From the show it became clear that during a visit to a store a happy blonde could easily spend £ 50, 000, choosing from, for example, two branded handbags from all purchases.

British modesty during a television show

So, while participating in the show Sysoeva in all its glory showed the mansion of her parents. According to her, the too prim British, whom her husband was, did not allow the film crew to admit to his huge mansion. By the way, during the filming of spouse Christina still managed to persuade. He showed his house. However, at the last moment everything was canceled and asked not to allow the footage to be aired.

Kristina Sysoeva - the wife of the oligarch: photo before plastics

Like any woman who communicates closely with representatives of high society, Sysoeva was also forced to resort to small tricks. For example, many believe that the girl initially carefully worked on her appearance. This is indicated by traditionally enlarged lips of obviously unnatural origin.

According to experts, excessively tightened skin in the forehead speaks about face operations. “She was dragged heavily. You can even see it on the forehead, ”says one of the experts in plastic surgery. “Look only at the photo of Kristina Sysoeva. Before plastics, finding her pictures is almost impossible. But she was completely normal. Considering standard and not protruding cheekbones, ”says another specialist.


What does Christina herself say about plastic?

Christina herself claims that in all her life she did not make a single braces, and especially the operation. According to her, her appearance is the beauty of the body by nature. Since childhood, the girl was thin and not inclined to be overweight. She is intensely involved in sports, loves yoga and massage. Sometimes Christina resorted to the services of a beautician.

Therefore, answering the question, is there a photo of Kristina Sysoeva before and after plastic surgery, let's say that it is rather difficult to find them. More precisely, they are actually not there. Most likely, users suggest that these photos are a selfie lover on Instagram intentionally wiped. So that it was impossible to compare the appearance before and after.

These bulging cheekbones

As for the cheeky blonde's cheekbones, she said she simply pulled out her molars. As a result, getting rid of “unnecessary teeth” caused the “failure of the cheeks” and the appearance of a bright outline of the cheekbones.

But, despite these words, many users want to see a photo of Kristina Sysoeva before and after plastic surgery. Thanks to this, it would be possible to compare the appearance of the girl, and most importantly, to understand whether he has undergone changes or not.

Dust in the eyes, or The rich have their quirks

Almost immediately after the show, Christina woke up famous. They began to talk about her. She was invited to private events, where representatives of the high society of London gathered. She also began to flicker on the covers of fashionable tabloids.

After the outrageous lady realized what they were talking about, she decided to maintain her image at all costs. This meant only one thing - she needed to regularly “stir up interest” in her person. To do this, she did everything possible.

For example, once the movement in the city was paralyzed due to a traffic jam that arose due to the fault of a slender blonde. As it turned out, the jealous husband ordered the tracking device to be attached to the door of Christina’s car, which the police regarded as a suspicious explosive device.

As a result of a possible terrorist attack, they blocked the movement. That's what Kristina Sysoeva did. Before plastics, she did it or after it, it's hard to judge. For a complete answer to this question, you need to compare photos.

In addition, Kristina often exhibited photos of her shopping trips, talked about the presence of servants, a wealthy spouse and a personal photographer who followed Sysoeva and her friends, took pictures and immediately posted them on social networks.
