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Who is the hardest person in the world?

Who is the hardest person in the world?
Who is the hardest person in the world?

Video: The Hardest Person in the World To Break up With 2024, June

Video: The Hardest Person in the World To Break up With 2024, June

Who is the hardest person in the world? Surely many of you have asked this question. In the modern world, the problem of excess weight is not only the result of eating high-calorie foods, but also the consequences of various diseases. So, in this article we will talk about the thickest people that history knows.


John Brower Minnock

This American resident from the city of Bainbridge, Washington with a height of 185 centimeters, weighed 635 kilograms. It was so huge that even to turn it from back to side, the efforts of thirteen people were required. He did not immediately gain weight. At first, he even worked in a local taxi, but with an increase in body weight, he had to leave this occupation. According to official figures, Minnock is the heaviest person in history. Doctors repeatedly tried to help the poor fellow, and he even managed to say goodbye to 419 kilograms in two years. However, after being discharged from the hospital in just a week, Minnock gained 91 kilograms. No matter how experts tried to normalize the patient's condition and put his body in order, but their efforts were in vain. In 1983, the heaviest person in the world died at 42 years of age.

Manuel Uribe

Until 2008, he wore this “dishonorable” title. But tired of such a life, when it is impossible to perform elementary actions, Uribe turned to television with a request for help. Nutritionists helped him get rid of 200 kilograms (initially his weight was 572 kilograms). Today Manuel is a happy husband and father.


Paul Mason

The heaviest person in the world living now started to gain weight in his youth (at 26 he weighed 160 kilograms). His attempts to lose weight were unsuccessful. Then Mason turned to doctors with a request to reduce the size of the stomach, but he was refused. Today, Paul has a weight of 445 kilograms. His lifestyle is almost complete immobility. Around the bed there are many devices that help him: medical equipment, food, water and even toilet paper. He is under the guardianship of the state.

Carol Yeager

She can be considered the fattest woman. True, her record is not officially registered. The weight of a woman with an increase of 170 centimeters was 554 kilograms. Carol holds two records at once: the first is her weight, which was set in


the day of her death, and the second - the maximum number of kilograms that they managed to lose - 136.

Donna Simpson

This woman, with a weight of 273 kilograms, wants to get the title "The heaviest man in the world" and be in the Guinness Book of Records. Donna is married and has a baby. By the way, once she already managed to become a champion, or rather, to receive the status of "the most difficult mom." During the extraction of the baby, 30 doctors were required. I would like to note that in order to achieve her goal, Donna should get better twice as much.

Jessica leonard

At the age of seven, the girl weighed 222 kilograms. According to her mother, she had to buy a large amount of fast food for her daughter, otherwise she fought in hysteria. Thanks to the efforts of doctors, Jessica managed to get rid of 140 kilograms, but to this day the treatment continues. The girl hopes that she will be able to avoid the title "The heaviest man."

These are the stories of overweight people. Unfortunately, most of them ended tragically. Blame malnutrition and incurable diseases.