
Who is Ksenia Popovich? Movies with an actress

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Who is Ksenia Popovich? Movies with an actress
Who is Ksenia Popovich? Movies with an actress

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One of the youngest actresses of Russian television for a long time was Ksenia Popovich. In 2018, the girl turns 15 years old, and she has already starred in about ten television projects. Soon a new film with the participation of the actress will be released. If you are not familiar with Xenia’s work, be sure to check out one of the tapes below.

A bit about the actress

At the time of writing, the young actress was only 14 years old, but the biography of Ksenia Popovich is already very rich. The girl is studying at the theater studio named after Natalia Sats. In parallel, she is engaged in gymnastics and already has the first youth rank.


Ksenia Popovich’s parents encouraged the child’s desire to take part in television projects from an early age. At first, the girl participated in the filming process only as a crowd. Ksenia was later invited to the program "Life of wonderful people", where the girl first tried herself in the role of leading. Popovich can also be seen in several comedy shows, namely in the "Big Difference", "Ural Dumplings", "6 frames".

In 2012, Ksenia first got the main role in the film. Popovich starred in a film called "Mom gets married." Then the girl was noticed by other directors, so the actress was invited to a number of films. Moreover, Ksenia has a brother Andrei, with whom the girl is often removed together.

"Mom gets married"


As already written earlier, the first project in the filmography of Ksenia Popovich, where she played the main role, was the film story "Mom gets married." In the film, the girl starred with her brother Anton.

At the center of the story is a young woman, Marina. She is raising two children alone. The heroine was completely disappointed in life. She did not have faith in a bright future and even the hope that someday she would be truly happy. The only joy and support of the heroine is a young son and daughter. The film tells that, despite all the circumstances, it can still change. Something really good is finally happening in Marina’s life.

"Happy New Year, Mom"


A very sweet and unusual heroine was played by the actress in the film "Happy New Year, mothers." A photo of Ksenia Popovich as young Sofia is presented above.

The film tells several stories that develop in parallel and have nothing to do with each other. “Happy New Year, Moms” - five short stories: “War of Moms”, “Cellist”, “Solomon's Decision”, “Paris”, “Lucky Numbers”.

The first story tells of two young mothers who, many years ago, took part in the Miss Snowflake contest in kindergarten. Girlfriends are again invited to compete. A serious confrontation flares up.

In the center of the second short story is mom and son. All her life a woman tried to give her child a good musical education. It paid off, the heroine’s son - a famous cellist. One day, mom decides to please the guy and buys a ticket for his concert. It turned out that she did not even imagine the real occupation of her boy. The cellist turns out to be a stripper …

In the third story appears Ksenia. She plays little Sonia, the daughter of a successful businesswoman Victoria. Mom is constantly busy with work, she hardly sees her child. On New Year's Eve, the girl writes a letter to Santa Claus, in which she asks that the nanny become her mother, and they never parted.

The main characters of the fourth story were mom and her adult son. The woman worked for many years as a French teacher. Her life's dream is to go to Paris and meet Alain Delon. On the eve of the holidays, the heroine finds two tickets to France in the refrigerator - a gift from her son.

The latest short story is about a married couple. For seven years they have been living together, but they can’t have a baby. On the wedding anniversary, the wife gives her husband a new SIM card, the number of which consists of only sevens.

Serious relationship

Among the series with the participation of Ksenia Popovich there is also a television picture "Serious Relations". The tape tells about a married couple: Igor and Irina are successful people, but this does not bring them happiness. The husband is a wealthy businessman, his wife is a translator. It seems that the heroes have everything, but lacks the most important thing - love. Spouses remain together rather out of habit, and so they long ago became strangers.

Once on the threshold of their house appears a young girl Katya. She advertises some kind of vacuum cleaner company. Igor recognizes the girl. Once she accidentally sprayed dirty water when he appeared at the factory where Katya worked as a cleaner.

It turns out that the girl recently moved to Moscow. Her father, who had never before been interested in the life of his own daughter, now wants her to move to his house and take care of her sick mother. Almost immediately, Igor has feelings for a young girl. What can this connection lead to?

"Teacher in law. Return"


The actress also appears in the film "Teacher-in-Law. Return". The tape tells about the former criminal authority named Mantis. All his life he did not care about the rules and laws, but once everything changed. The hero found out about a terrible disease. It is not known when an inoperable brain tumor will kill him.

Praying Mantis finally decides to start a quiet life of a normal person. He decides to find his son and former love. It turns out that the woman whom the Praying Mantis loved all his life drank, and the boy became a street child and got involved with bandits. The hero gets a teacher at school.

Now the teacher takes control of the whole orphanage and again gets embroiled in an ambiguous story. The director of the institution was killed. The last person to speak with him is the Mantis. It turns out that the deceased took part in a strange business with the smuggling of jewelry. Now the perpetrators of the murder are trying to hang the blame for the crime on the Mantis.