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Who is major and how does it differ from other people

Who is major and how does it differ from other people
Who is major and how does it differ from other people

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Video: What Makes Christianity Different from Other Religions? | Illuminate Ep 3 2024, June

Everything in our life lends itself to generalization, typification, classification. And we humans ourselves are no exception. Young and not very people behind the scenes, but it is obligatory to refer to the most various groups: macho, trolls, blue stockings, cynics, brutals, vanilla, etc. About some, they say: "He got too big." So who is a major, where you can meet him or, conversely, how not to encounter him on your life path? This is what our article is devoted to.

Who is commonly called majors

Major … The meaning of the word in the modern explanatory dictionary sounds like this. This is a young man (maybe both male and female), who is a representative of progressive, “golden” youth. As a rule (but there are exceptions), the major comes from a rich or even just financially secure family.

Who is major: who is considered to be major

In accordance with the above definition, a major, being at a young age, may not work at all, since its financial support is fully entrusted to wealthy parents. Therefore, the main occupation of such a person is visiting the most fashionable parties, expensive nightclubs, traveling around the world, daily shopping in boutiques where major acquires only the most branded items, so that later on, any acquaintance or stranger can immediately appreciate how much he dresses.

Yes, it can be said that the hobby of every self-respecting major is to waste money both to the right and to the left. And this is done only for one purpose - to earn authority in society, to give weight with the help of a favorable financial situation and social status of parents. That is who the major is.

The infantilism and naivety of the major, the inability or unwillingness to earn money by one’s own labor, and the inability to have an independent adult life are fully paid off by the financial capabilities of his father or mother - the young man who would have been called a rake in the old days receives an excellent education, the doors of the offices of the most prestigious employers open before him. However, the major lives by the principle: "Take a walk while you are young."

Who is major: the brightest representatives

As mentioned above, not only a young man, but also a girl can be a major. So, along with such major majors as Sergei Zverev and singer Timati, the major lifestyle is led by Paris Hilton and Dana Borisova.

Why are majors found only among young people?

As a rule, the major is young, spoiled and fully supported by his parents. However, mom and dad are not eternal. Anyway, anything can happen in life. Sooner or later, major changes his mind, finances or parental patience end. Before a major deprived of material wealth, the doors of those very prestigious entertainment venues where he had walked to the full yesterday were instantly closed. Yesterday's fellow majors and glamorous "cheeks" today no longer remember either his name or phone number.

A little less often, but still a completely different situation may occur. With age, a major may simply “grow” out of a rather narrow framework of his existence, he will begin to think about tomorrow, will realize the need for his own earnings to support his future family.

It is impossible to answer unequivocally whether it is good to be major or bad. Some majors are envious, others despise them, others almost deify them. However, one thing is certain with confidence - to wear the title of major is not as easy as it might seem to many. It would seem that it’s easier - to burn a life, spend a lot of money and not strain your mind on everyday issues. Alas, the overwhelming majority of young people who were majors in their youth realized too late that life was given only and its best years were wasted. Living with such a feeling is very difficult, especially when you realize that you have neither real friends, nor a sincere soul mate who loves you, nor a fruitful occupation that your soul gravitates to. Yes, and wealth almost always implies permissiveness: big money paves the way for such forbidden goods as alcohol and drugs. Not every major is able to resist such temptations that are considered indispensable attributes in a modern youth party, creating a significant authority.