the culture

Is Kulturtreger good or bad?

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Is Kulturtreger good or bad?
Is Kulturtreger good or bad?

Video: Bruno Latour : Thought Exhibitions 2024, July

Video: Bruno Latour : Thought Exhibitions 2024, July

Russian language has one of the richest lexical compositions. And, despite this variety of words, it is constantly updated with new ones - often borrowed. For better or worse, we will not judge. However, it is better to know the meaning of new words of foreign origin, because one way or another they become part of our mother tongue, assimilate in it, gradually enter everyday speech and begin to be perceived as familiar to us.

It is easy for a person who knows the source language to determine the meaning of borrowing with a simple translation. The rest, in order to find out the meaning of an unfamiliar word, will have to look into the dictionary of borrowed (or foreign) expressions. Another option to replenish your vocabulary is to read this article. From it you will learn what a "cultural treger" is.


Where did it come from?

Kulturtreger is a word of German origin. The first part of it is understandable without translation: cultures (German - Kultur) - culture and everything that can be connected with it. With the second part of the word, the tribrach (German: Träger) is more complicated. Translated from German, it means "carrier". From these summands we obtain in total - the carrier of culture.

Stylistic coloring

But not so simple. The fact is that this structural unit of language in the dictionary has special stylistic marks. The first of the meanings is obsolete, the second is ironic, playful. This means that it is not spoken in its direct meaning. That is, you can’t just translate this word from German and use it in speech exactly as it sounds in the literal sense.
