
Larisa Luppian: biography, nationality, films

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Larisa Luppian: biography, nationality, films
Larisa Luppian: biography, nationality, films

Larisa Luppian once preferred family life to a successful career and all-Union fame. For many years this woman has been known as the wife of the famous artist Mikhail Boyarsky. Does the actress regret about the lost opportunities and does everything suit her in family life with such a famous person?


Larisa Luppian: biography, childhood

The girl was born in January 1953 in the hot city of Tashkent (now the capital of the Republic of Uzbekistan). She received a sonorous and beautiful name - Larisa Luppian. The actress’s nationality is difficult to determine unambiguously: Russian, Estonian, German and Polish blood flows in her veins.

Father left the family when the girl was still going to kindergarten. The actress recalls that no one ever really cared for her - basically the baby was left to her own devices. As a schoolgirl, Luppian Larisa Reginaldovna independently went to classes, cooked breakfast for herself and did her homework.

The future artist had warm relations only with her grandmother, who constantly spoiled her and provided the best toys for her granddaughter. But after the parents divorced, they had to part with their grandmother, as the mother took the girl to another city.

Larisa Luppian: photos, movie roles

In 1974, the young Luppian graduated from LGITMiK. But, despite her bright and attractive appearance, the girl never received the status of an all-Union celebrity.


And the point is not even the industriousness and abilities of Larisa, but the fact that even during her studies, the artist met Mikhail Boyarsky. He was just finishing LGITMiK. It was then that their romance began, after which Larisa Luppian decided to focus on her personal life and be content with simple female happiness.

True, family happiness did not work right away: Boyarsky refused to marry. However, the girl stood her ground, and in the end the actors registered their relationship.


Larisa did not show much interest in cinema, but in several films she managed to do the same. Back in 1964, for the first time on television screens, a bright image of the future actress with a sonorous name Larisa Luppian flashed. The films "You Are Not an Orphan", in which the actress starred as a girl, as well as the tape "Late Meeting" became iconic for Luppian.

"Late meeting"

The melodrama “Late Meeting” was directed by director Vladimir Shredel (“White Poodle”, “Night Guest”). Alexey Batalov was invited to the main role, who embodied the image of Sergei Gushchin on the screens. The film begins with the fact that Gushchin throughout Leningrad is looking for his beloved - Natalia. And when he does not find the girl, he recalls the story of their acquaintance.


The role of the very Natalya Proskurova - the beginning actress of the theater - was played by Larisa Luppian. Between Natalya and Sergey, feelings suddenly arise. But despite the fact that they are well with each other, the couple can not decide on a relationship due to the large difference in age. Moreover, Gushchin is married. So they part, not admitting to each other's feelings.

In addition to Luppian and Batalov, stars such as Margarita Volodina (Amphibian Man), Tatyana Dogileva (Pokrovsky Gate) and Mikhail Gluzsky (Transit) were involved in the film.

Unfortunately, Larisa did not play the main roles in the movie. In general, her filmography includes only 15 works.

A television

Luppian Larisa Reginaldovna once tried herself on television as a host. As expected, she hosted a program dedicated to theatrical subjects, which was called "Theater binoculars."


Larisa Luppian, whose biography is inextricably linked with the theater, still goes to the theatrical stage, despite the fact that she turned 62 in 2015.

Even in the years of study, the course of Larisa Luppian was engaged directly at the Lensovet Theater. Therefore, while still a student, Larisa went on stage in the image of a princess in the play "Troubadour and his friends." By the way, the main role in this production was played by Boyarsky.


It was at rehearsals that the future married couple truly became close. But Larisa recalls that she did not immediately fall in love with Mikhail. She was embarrassed by his bright appearance. However, Boyarsky was not going to retreat so easily, and soon Larisa began to fall in love with him. Michael tried in every possible way to patronize a small and defenseless girl. But when the most “interesting” thing happened between them, the womanizer quickly cooled to his passion.

For Larisa from now on, performing with him in the same theater became a torment. The woman had the wisdom not to shower the man with questions and complaints. A month later, Boyarsky returned to his beloved, and soon they got married. So, side by side, the couple worked for more than 20 years in one theater.


Marriage with Boyarsky

Luppian never tried to get out of the shadow of her famous husband.

Around the marriage of Luppian and Boyarsky, a lot of rumors and conversations revolve. After all, “d'Artagnan” was never distinguished by exemplary behavior. Meanwhile, Larisa lived with the actor almost all her life and did not particularly complain.

We must pay tribute to the patience of women. First, by hook or by crook, she lured her lover to the registry office, and then made him an exemplary family man. When asked by journalists about how the actress managed to tame Mikhail, Luppian replies that this can only be done with love and affection.

Immediately after the marriage, Boyarsky settled down and began to try so that their house would turn into a "full bowl." The actor to this day does surprises to his wife and does not have a soul in his children. Luppian and Boyarsky together survived everything: both communal rooms and Mikhail's addiction to alcohol. But today, this couple no longer recalls past difficulties.


Larisa Luppian always tried to pamper her children with parental attention, to express her love for them as often as possible and, of course, not to scold. Already from childhood, she taught her offspring to a good tone: she drove to performances at the Mariinsky Theater, dressed in evening costumes and admired them.


At school, Elizabeth and Sergei studied poorly. There were triples. Then Larisa was in a hurry to hire tutors, so as not to give children a descent. Especially indefatigable was the energy of Lisa, who loved to laugh, make jokes, play pranks.

When her daughter studied at the theater, it was Larisa who persuaded her to start acting in films. The fact is that shooting while studying is not permissible for many students of theatrical universities, but Luppian was ready to “cover up the sins” of her daughter and help her “dodge”.

The eldest son of Larisa serves as a government official. Moreover, the mother emphasizes that he does it extremely honestly, without bribes.