
The healing power of centella asiatica

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The healing power of centella asiatica
The healing power of centella asiatica

Video: Skincare Ingredient Spotlight -Centella Asiatica - Gotu Kola, Cica, Tiger Grass - & Benefits 2024, July

Video: Skincare Ingredient Spotlight -Centella Asiatica - Gotu Kola, Cica, Tiger Grass - & Benefits 2024, July

The traditional Indian science of human health talks about one very interesting plant, which is able to improve memory, increase susceptibility, soothe well and instantly relax. The Chinese say that this plant is a "fountain of youth" that can prolong life. What is this magic flower? Everything is simple - this is Gotu Kola, or simply Centella Asiatica.

The power of centella asiatica

Centella is a flowering plant of the umbrella family. You can meet him in Australia and Asia. Centella is widely used as a very effective medicinal plant. For growth, the flower selects places where humidity is constantly maintained. Typically, centella can be found in humid lowlands or along grooves. The stalk of the plant is quite weak, so it does not grow up, and spreads on the ground with a green carpet, quickly capturing more and more new territories.


The leaves of the flower are whole, attached to short petioles, usually located 2-3 whorls on one stalk. Centella rarely grows above 2.5 centimeters, however, in culture, this plant can stretch up to 15 centimeters. In spring, Gotu Kola blooms. There is nothing remarkable in the flowers, they are pale and nondescript and do not attract attention at all.

What is attractive centella?

The question begs: "What is so remarkable in such a plain-looking plant?" The species of Centella asiatica is often called a relative of parsley or dill. The flower also has other official names: Asian thymewort, Asian hydrocotyl.


If you adhere to the Ayurvedic tradition, then the flower can be described as a stimulant of the white and gray matter of the brain. Centella is not so named in vain: it is worth turning to the chemical composition of the plant. Thistle grass contains 0.1% of essential oil, which, in turn, is enriched with pinene and myrcene, as well as a number of other vital substances. The flower contains several significant acids: Asiatic and Madecassic; the plant also contains rutin, alkaloids and tannins. In simple terms, the Centella asiatica plant is a storehouse of healing components.

"Fountain of Youth"

As we have already said, in Chinese medicine, centella is commonly called the "fountain of youth." And believe me, the ability to significantly extend a person’s life is not at all fiction from scratch. Chinese doctors also call the thyristol "food for the brain." Why is this nondescript flower honored with such names? Centella asiatica extract restores energy reserves in the brain, carrying with it a large amount of tonic and nutrients. The juice of the plant significantly improves blood microcirculation, and also normalizes the permeability of the vascular walls.


Centella is an excellent tonic cocktail for nerve tissue with antioxidant properties. The plant quickly relieves pain cramps, refreshes and relieves inflammation. Centella is also popular in the treatment of scars - the plant helps them resolve.

Centella at home

Fortunately, the appearance of this plant is not at all whimsical in planting. It can be bred with the same success at home. How does an Asian centella land? Seeds germinate in large pots.


Or immediately on the garden beds. The main thing is that the soil is moist and well-drained. Do not skimp on compost: the more it will be, the faster and more juicy Gotu Kola will grow. Thistlewort equally loves sunlight and cool partial shade. The only thing the plant will not put up with is frost. Weak to frost, it instantly dies even from completely insignificant frosts. Centella Asiatica flowers are an excellent groundcover - this is ideal for gardens and shores of the pond. But for the aquarium, according to many, the plant is not quite suitable.

Amazing discovery

Even ancient doctors made a truly fantastic discovery: the thyroidwort has an amazing effect on the function of the cerebral cortex. As you know, she is responsible for memory, consciousness, perception, mental abilities, as well as conscious activity and, of course, intelligence. It has been rightly noted that a person taking Centella asiatica infusion changes greatly: his concentration of attention increases, his behavioral reactions worsen, his memory improves, and he also becomes more focused. Already by modern doctors, it has been proven that the thyroid carp has a beneficial effect on blood components.


It helps to quickly increase hemoglobin in the blood, reduces the average level of urea, stabilizes the sugar content, which directly affects the improvement of memory.