
Leonid Radzikhovsky: biography of a famous journalist and publicist

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Leonid Radzikhovsky: biography of a famous journalist and publicist
Leonid Radzikhovsky: biography of a famous journalist and publicist

Journalist Leonid Radzikhovsky became widely known in the 1990s. But even now he is in service: he comments on the current policy of Russia, is published in many media outlets, and takes part in radio broadcasts. We will talk about his life and career in this article.


Leonid Radzikhovsky was born in Moscow on 11/01/1953. Despite the Polish surname, he is a classic Jew. As the journalist himself explains, before people were given surnames depending on their place of residence, and his distant ancestors lived in the town of Radzihos, in eastern Poland.

Because of nationality, anti-Semitism was central to Leonid's childhood: the boy was afraid of a hostile attitude, hid Jewish roots, always waiting for someone to come up and offend or hit him. Although the journalist now admits that his fears were greatly exaggerated, he faced the real manifestation of anti-Semitism only two or three times.


At first, Radzikhovsky studied at an ordinary school, and there really was hostility towards the Jews. Classmates considered the people of this nation to be bad, vile, cunning and greedy. Therefore, the boy soon moved to the famous "Second School" in the south-west of the capital, where the word "Jew" was not perceived as a curse.

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Leonid Radzikhovsky is from a family of scientists, his parents are microbiologists. The father, a professor, convinced his son to enter the biofacus after receiving secondary education, but it turned out to be difficult for the young man, and he went to study at the Moscow State University as a psychologist. According to Radzikhovsky, his studies did not arouse his interest; he gravitated more towards journalism and history.

After graduating from the university in 1975, Leonid Aleksandrovich worked at the Research Institute of Psychology of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR. In 1979, he became a candidate of psychological sciences. On his account, dozens of works on the history of psychology and participation in the publication of the multi-volume works of the outstanding psychologist L. Vygotsky.


However, Leonid Radzikhovsky admits that he worked through strength and never felt confident in the chosen profession. After defending his dissertation, he had to prepare a doctoral dissertation, and the mere thought of it terrified him. However, Leonid Alexandrovich soon had the opportunity to do what he really loved.

In parallel with scientific work since the late 1980s. he began to publish articles on the topic of psychology in Teacher's Newspaper, and these publications resonated. The editor-in-chief of the publication V. Matveev introduced Leonid Radzikhovsky to the editors of other newspapers, and after a short time his articles began to appear in Moscow News, Capital, Chimes and other media. And since the journalist wrote well, his publications were gaining more and more popularity.


In 1992-93 Leonid Radzikhovsky worked in Ostankino as a political observer for Channel One. In 1995, he began to work in the same position on the radio "Echo of Moscow". In April 1995, he replaced Kirill Ignatiev as a deputy of the State Duma, was a member of the "Choice of Russia" faction. In December of the same year he became a political columnist for the magazine "Spark".

By the mid-1990s Leonid Aleksandrovich has established himself as a sought-after speechwriter and political strategist. In 1996, he was invited to participate in the election campaign of A. Lebed for the presidency, and the journalist wrote for him the program “Truth and Order”.
