
Litvinenko Vladimir Stefanovich: photo, biography, family, condition

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Litvinenko Vladimir Stefanovich: photo, biography, family, condition
Litvinenko Vladimir Stefanovich: photo, biography, family, condition

Do you know who Litvinenko Vladimir Stefanovich is? Where he was born? Who did you work with? We will answer these and other questions in the article. It is known that this person since 1994 has been working as the rector of the Mining University, located in St. Petersburg.


Litvinenko Vladimir Stefanovich was born in 1955, on August 14, in the Krasnoyarsk Territory. He graduated from the Mining College, located in Novocherkassk, Mining Institute (Leningrad) and graduate school there. He is a doctor of technical sciences. Vladimir Stefanovich taught various disciplines at the Leningrad Mining Institute named after Plekhanov, worked in geological exploration parties.

In 1984, Vladimir Stefanovich Litvinenko took the post of vice-rector for economic and administrative work. From 1986 to 1994 he worked as vice-rector of the Mining Academy for commercial and foreign economic activity. In 1994, he was appointed rector of the Mining University. G.V. Plekhanova (St. Petersburg). And in 1995, he became a member of the Council of the St. Petersburg District Branch of the All-Russian Political Collective Movement "Russia is Our Home" (VOPD NDR).


Litvinenko Vladimir Stefanovich is a member of the United Russia party. Vladimir Putin at the Mining Academy in 1997 defended his master's thesis, and Litvinenko was its leader. Since 1997, Vladimir Stefanovich is a member of the political bureau of the NDR. In 2000, he became the head of the electoral headquarters (St. Petersburg) of presidential candidate Putin (deputy head - Sergey Stepanov). In 2000, on September 30, he became a member of the political council of the Will of Petersburg movement. In 2003, in July, he headed the headquarters of Valentina Matvienko to prepare for the election of governor.

In 2004, Litvinenko was the leader of the headquarters of presidential candidate V. Putin, stationed in St. Petersburg. In 2004, in September, he was elected a member of the Exchange Commission of the non-trade partnership “Inter-district Exchange of Oil and Gas Association”. His area of ​​scientific interest is well drilling using rock smelting.

What else is Litvinenko Vladimir Stefanovich famous for? His biography is full of various interesting events. He is a professor, author of a huge number of publications and three books. His daughter Olga Vladimirovna was a deputy of the St. Petersburg ZakS, leader of the youth organization "Fair Russia".

Once between Olga and her father a conflict broke out. In 2000, 2004 and 2012, Litvinenko and his daughter sorted out relationships. It is not known what the reason for the quarrel was, but in 2010 the conflict ended with Olga losing her one-year-old daughter and deputy. Olga began to take care of the baby, and she herself immediately left Russia.

Awards and titles

Litvinenko Vladimir is a doctor of technical sciences, academician of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences, the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences, the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences, professor, full member of the Interethnic Academy of Sciences of the main school.

He was awarded the Order of Merit for the Fatherland III (2010) and IV (2003) degrees and Honor (1998). In 2001, in June, the Public Recognition Fund awarded him the Order of St. Andrew the First-Called for an impressive contribution to the formation of the mineral and raw material association of the Russian Federation.


Litvinenko V. F. - Laureate of the 2008 Prize of the Government of the Russian Federation in the field of science and technology “For the development and implementation of environmentally friendly combined mining and complex processing of ores that enable commissioning and development of the unique Yakovlevsky deposit of rich iron ores”, Laureate of the State Prize of the Russian Federation in the field of technology and science for the "Geological Book of Russia".

In addition, for tremendous achievements in the scientific field, the High Commission for the Awards of Belgium awarded Litvinenko V. F. the Order of the “Commander”. In addition, he was awarded the Honorary Emblem of the Federal Service for Trademarks, Patents and Intellectual Property, the medal “Prize of Science of the Russian Federation and the Ministry of Education”.

Wealthy businessman

What else is Vladimir Stefanovich Litvinenko famous for? Forbes (the American financial and economic magazine) noted him as the richest businessman in Russia in 2013 (197th place, state - $ 500 million), in 2014 (195th place, state - $ 450 million), in 2015 m (189th place, $ 100 million) and in 2016 (177th place, $ 450 million). In fact, he was included in the rating of 200 wealthiest merchants of Russia four times.


How did Litvinenko Vladimir Stefanovich make his fortune? It is known that in the early 1990s he took part in the voucher privatization of the Apatit enterprise, which later became part of Fosagro. Litvinenko said that it was in 1990 that he created a plan for improving the almost ruined Apatit. The well-known rector advised the holders of Fosagro shares to join the Cherepovets Nitrogen holding, for which he gained a stake in the company.


It is known that Litvinenko owns the Fosagro package (14.54%). At the end of 2014, he is the wealthiest rector in the Russian Federation: in accordance with the declaration, he was able to earn 80.4 million rubles.


In 2015, Fosagro began to produce 10% more fertilizers - up to 6.7 million tons. Andrey Guryev is Litvinenko’s partner. In 2014, in April, the wealthy rector acquired from the main owner of Fosagro Guryev Andrey about 5% of the company’s shares for $ 270 million.

In addition, Litvinenko led Putin’s St. Petersburg election headquarters three times in the presidential election. This person has 28 patents, is the author of more than 150 scientific papers.


Litvinenko Vladimir Stefanovich very much likes to be photographed with colleagues. After all, they together perform labor feats. Being the rector of the university since 1994, he managed to maintain all the basic directions of scientific research of the institution and raise them to the highest level in a difficult economic environment. Today, the volume of annual research is approximately 600 million rubles.

Under the leadership of Litvinenko, the modernization of the organizational structure of the institute was continued, which ensured the efficiency and flexibility of management. Vladimir created new departments “Research and exploitation of gas and oil deposits”, “Furnace technologies and reconstruction of energy carriers”, “Geoecology”, opened the training of engineers in the latest progressive professions “Equipment for oil and gas processing” and “Chemical methods of natural energy carriers”, master's degree and undergraduate courses "Economics", "Environmental Protection" and so on.


Litvinenko continued to computerize the learning process. Today, the number of the latest computers per 1000 students is more than 400. All of them are connected to the international Internet.

Under his management, a quality management tool was introduced based on a system of international standards.


Litvinenko led and personally participated in the overhaul of all laboratory, educational and administrative buildings of the university. He created the most powerful base on all lines of expert training, completely completed the computerization of the scientific and educational process.

It is known that Litvinenko pays considerable attention to staff training. He created the Scheme for training young scientific and teaching personnel according to the methodology of student - assistant lecturer - master - diploma - doctoral candidate, including industrial and scientific internships at the best domestic and foreign companies. As a result of this, only lately 140 candidates of sciences under the age of 30 have appeared at the institute, and teachers with ranks and academic degrees have exceeded 85%.

Priority course

One of the most important lines of Litvinenko’s work is the formation of research and development processes, due to which their volume increases, compiling more than 250 million rubles a year. Each year, the Institute successfully discovers its own scientific masterpieces at international exhibitions of inventions in Germany, France, China, South Korea and other countries.

In 2012 alone, the university received 30 medals, including 3 - bronze, 11 - silver, 16 - gold. For the last three years, scientific developments under the direction of Litvinenko were awarded 3 silver and 12 gold medals.


Recently, the Institute has opened the Scientific Department of Geomechanics and Mining Issues (based on the former VNIMI), the Center for Aggregate Use, the Center for Engineering Testing and others equipped with unique high-tech devices with a total value of 2 billion rubles.

Litvinenko pays great attention to the introduction of scientific achievements in the educational process. In 2006, the institute was among the 17 universities that won the leading national project "Education", demonstrating an improved educational scheme for personnel training "From the export of raw materials to a resource-innovative maneuver for the formation of a mineral-raw material association", developed under the scientific supervision of Vladimir Stefanovich. In 2009, the Mining Institute passed competitive selection and gained the category of “People's Research University”.

Litvinenko also conducts colossal public work, being a member of the State Commission on the tasks of the fuel and energy complex and the reproduction of the mineral resource base. In addition, he leads the interstate Russian-Canadian and Russian-German dialogues on the problematic issues of the use of mineral resources.


Apparently, Vladimir Stefanovich Litvinenko loves his daughter very much. Of course, family strife does not grow from scratch. Most likely, Litvinenko has the character of the owner. Thus, the Vasileostrovsky District Court of St. Petersburg satisfied the claim of Olga Litvinenko, a deputy of the Legislative Council of the city, “on returning the baby and not obstructing the fulfillment of parental duty”. Olga's daughter was kept in the family of her father, the rector of the Mining Institute Litvinenko Vladimir.


A quarrel between Olga and her father became public in 2011, in January. According to Olga, in 2010, in the spring, she transferred her daughter to her father for education for only one year. Concerning this event, a document certified by a notary was even drawn up.

In the fall, mother decided to take the girl back, but her parents refused to give the child back, arguing this with the advice of doctors.

The rector allowed his daughter only occasionally to see her granddaughter. As a result, the mother filed a lawsuit. An agonizing lawsuit led Olga to quit the Just Russia party with a scandal. The deputy announced that the party leader did not want to intervene in the conflict and support it. As a result, the rector’s daughter lost the opportunity to pursue a political career.


Olga was not present at the final hearing, but her lawsuit was satisfied: the court determined that the baby should live with her mother. During the preliminary negotiations, the girl’s father Andrei A., a citizen of the Netherlands and Russia, also participated in the dispute.