
Lobby - representatives of various groups, influencing parliamentarians in the adoption of laws favorable to these groups. Political Lobby in Russia

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Lobby - representatives of various groups, influencing parliamentarians in the adoption of laws favorable to these groups. Political Lobby in Russia
Lobby - representatives of various groups, influencing parliamentarians in the adoption of laws favorable to these groups. Political Lobby in Russia

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When a person observes legislative work from afar, it’s quite difficult to figure out what exactly is happening in parliament. Decisions are issued to the public, sometimes accompanied by expert evaluation. But the fact that representatives of various groups that influence parliamentarians are engaged in a constant, continuous, irreconcilable battle remains in ignorance. Let's see how and why this happens. At the same time, we will find out what the political lobby is.



It is customary to begin to study any scientific concept with a concretization of its meaning. According to dictionaries, representatives of various groups that influence parliamentarians are called the beautiful foreign word "lobby". The meaning of their activity is to exert directed pressure on the authorities. These people are hired by groups of businessmen. They are given a goal. Here they also fulfill it using legally approved methods. It should be noted right away that not all states have an official lobby policy. But it is present to one degree or another everywhere. It is an excellent tool for changing the direction of detail of the legislature in its own interests. We give an example. Hypothetically, it is beneficial for gasoline producers to increase sales of individual cars. But only those that operate on the produced type of fuel. But they are categorically not satisfied with the development of alternative energy, including the release of electric motors. But society does not stand still (in any country). Various ideas arise, people seek to translate them into production and make a profit. In order not to incur losses, our gas tycoons are forced to put pressure on parliament in order to prevent funding for alternative energy programs. To do this, they need specialists. So they are called a complex expression "representatives of various groups that influence parliamentarians."


The appearance of the lobby in politics

It should be noted that they came up with this type of activity in America. This is a product of a true liberal economy. Specialized lobbying agencies and offices are opening in the United States. They are hired by large and not so corporations so that their interests are represented in Congress. Indeed, often the profit of enterprises depends on the legislation of the country. If you look at the translation of the word "lobbyism", then it literally means "lobby". Therefore, it describes personal contacts with deputies (other people involved in decision-making) in order to change their opinions in the right direction. For this, various political means are used. The lobby in politics has been used almost always. But, in undeveloped democracy, it was an illegal activity. Remember the USSR. There, too, the leaders of large enterprises fought for government orders and other budget preferences. However, such a concept did not exist in the legislative field.


Lobby Views

The activities of specialists who are able to change decisions are needed in various areas of life, not only in the economy. Therefore, it is customary to subdivide this work into spheres. So, they talk about the lobby when necessary:

  • to promote the interests of a certain group in power structures;

  • put pressure on those who make government decisions in order to any organization, personality, movement.

In addition, this concept is included in the structure of the system of political relations in society. It should be added that representatives of various groups that influence parliamentarians do not always follow legal paths. It's no secret that bribery, personal relationships, the provision of services or preferences can be used. But society is developing towards the legitimate use of lobbying. If the phenomenon objectively exists, why fight it?


Pressure methods

We will consider only those types of lobbying activities that do not interfere with the law. There are several of them. To begin with, a deputy is an elected post. Therefore, public opinion is important for this person. The deputy involuntarily focuses on his voters. This has been successfully used by lobbyists. They turn to government officials on behalf of citizens. For this, as a rule, a special document is drawn up. In addition, there is the possibility of organizing mass appeals to the parliament from voters. This is an organized, focused work. If this method does not give visible results, then lobbyists go further. They organize mass demonstrations of citizens, forming their demands. For example, this was done several times in Ukraine. The masses were sent using popular slogans. And the results of this activity were used by those who “ordered music”. Media lobbying is often used in lobbying. Special publications, articles, broadcasts are ordered.

Lobby in Russia

It is believed that in the Russian Federation this type of activity is social in nature. It is used to introduce democratic principles into society, to attract people to solve state problems. It is important in this regard to highlight the information function of lobbyists. This is a new phenomenon for Russia. Indeed, before decisions were made “behind closed doors”. Now lobbyists are attracting ordinary citizens to this, informing them of problems and possible solutions. This increases the level of democratization of society.


Lobbying functions

It is important for society to correctly perceive this type of activity. If we discard its negative aspects, we will find in it a lot of useful things. After all, lobbying helps coordinate the interests of various groups. Active activity on “pushing” certain decisions, conducted in public, gives rise to a response in society that helps to balance the needs and requirements of both customers and the public. After all, making political decisions is a living process. The more participants in it, the more balanced the result will be. In addition, lobbyists unwittingly contribute to the realization by the people of their civil rights. Interacting with them, people participate in the public life of the state.

Lobbyism as a tool

Properly applied, this process also contributes to the creation of balances in society. The more actively citizens are involved in it, the more useful lobbyism is for the state. It helps to harmoniously take into account the interests of various segments of the population when creating laws. After all, everyone has their own goals and objectives. Sometimes they come into conflict. Public and wide coverage of opinions and views can smooth sharp corners and work out an acceptable direction of development. In addition, lobbying serves the opposite purpose. It puts pressure on officials and deputies, creates the conditions under which the government implements the principle of openness and accountability to the people.
