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The best modern architecture in the world (photo)

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The best modern architecture in the world (photo)
The best modern architecture in the world (photo)

Video: Most STUNNING Architecture Around The World 2024, July

Video: Most STUNNING Architecture Around The World 2024, July

Architecture is an art that is accessible for contemplation to all people; it shapes the appearance of cities and landscapes. Therefore, it is of great importance to society. You don’t have to listen to music, don’t go to the museum, but you cannot miss the buildings, and they either delight the eye or offend the taste. We will tell you how the modern architecture of the world differs, and show the best and most famous examples of it.

Features of modern architecture

The period of modernity begins in the second half of the 20th century. During this time, architecture made a huge leap forward. New technologies contributed to this: new materials appeared, new design methods. And all this freed the imagination of architects who are always limited by the capabilities of materials. Today, the best modern architecture in the world is a huge variety of buildings that do not fit into a single definition of style. There are authors who have reinterpreted traditional forms, while someone, on the contrary, seeks to create something completely futuristic. But in addition to the appearance, great demands are made on architecture in terms of functionality. Buildings should be comfortable for living and also fit into the landscape. Modern architecture is the structure that is most convenient for humans. The architects are trying to comply with environmental standards, creating projects of energy-saving houses that do not destroy the landscape, but in harmony with it.


TOP 10 modern architecture

Today, there are hundreds of outstanding architectural objects that stagger the imagination with the scale and unusual design. At the same time, the buildings are perfectly integrated into the environment and are real attractions, to which the flow of tourists rush. Introducing the most striking examples of modern architecture.


No. 1. Sagrada Familia

In the first place among the outstanding objects of modern architecture of the world, the incredible construction of the Catalan architect Antonio Gaudi, the Temple of the Sagrada Familia, Sagrada Familia, is deservedly located. This cathedral has been built for over 100 years and has not yet been completed. Today he has become a victim of his fame, and they are striving to complete it to attract tourists, but the vividness of the architect’s plan is lost. Since Gaudi worked without a single plan, only numerous sketches and sketches remained after him, but the overall construction project remains unclear. And everything that was built after 1926 can no longer be called Gaudi architecture, but only its motives.


No. 2. Mary Ex Skyscraper

The incredible building of Norman Foster in 2008 forever changed the face of London. The Mary-Ex skyscraper for the office of the insurance company was immediately nicknamed by the locals as a gherkin for its unusual shape. In the face of this building, the modern architecture of the world has found a model of how natural forms affect architecture. In addition, this building is the first example of environmental architecture.


No. 3. Petronas Towers

In 1998, the modern architecture of the world was enriched by another contender for the title of the tallest building in the world. The towers even held this title for about 5 years. The building in Kuala Lumpur was created by architect Cesar Pelli. The building is made of the latest material - elastic concrete.

No. 4. Queen Sofia Palace of the Arts

Santiago Calatrava in 2005 completed the construction of a magnificent theater in Valencia. It has become a notable masterpiece of contemporary world architecture, a photo of which is posted in any source of information about Spanish Valencia. The building located on the shore blends perfectly with the landscape and looks great in the sun and in the night illumination.

No. 5. Vitra Design Museum

The outstanding architect Frank Gehry created an unusual geometric snow-white structure in the German city of Vejle am Rhein. Its bizarre bends involve a person in contemplation, urge to enter inside, where bright design objects are located.

No. 6. Guggenheim Museum

Another Frank Gehry creation in Bilbao is also a masterpiece that has changed the landscape of the city. Around the building there is a huge park, which houses the works of modern sculptors.

No. 7 - Residential building "Dupli-Casa"

In 2008, the architect Jürgen Mayer built an unusual house in Baden-Württemberg. This masterpiece has expanded the collection of the best examples of modern architecture of private homes in the world. The snow-white building of an unusual form emphasizes the beauty of the adjacent natural landscape and, as it were, grows out of the ground like an unusual plant.

Number 8. Dancing House


Thanks to the collaboration of Frank Gehry and Vlado Milunich, such an unusual structure appeared in Prague on the Vltava embankment. It is dedicated to outstanding dancers Fred Astaire and Ginger Rogers. Today, the house occupies a worthy place among Prague's sights, although it once caused discontent among local residents.

No. 9. Water Sports Center

The famous Zaha Hadid in 2011 built an outstanding pool in London. As always, the architect turned out to be real space architecture, which was her signature style.

Number 10. "Habitat 67"

The residential complex in Montreal has become a real classic. It was built in 1967 by Moshe Safdi. The complex is distinguished by the fact that the urban and natural environment has merged in it. Each apartment has its own small private garden, and the house looks like something grown in nature.
