
Tomato frog: a description of an unusual amphibian

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Tomato frog: a description of an unusual amphibian
Tomato frog: a description of an unusual amphibian

Video: Testing The Incredible Capabilities Of The Tomato Frog | Little Giants 2024, June

Video: Testing The Incredible Capabilities Of The Tomato Frog | Little Giants 2024, June

At the word "frog" many represent a green or brown amphibian. But the fantasy of mother nature knows no bounds. Some frogs have a truly amazing skin color. A vivid example confirming this fact can be a tomato frog.


These amphibians belong to the order of tailless and the family of narrow-necked. Let’s try to figure out why the animal acquired such a “vegetable” nickname. Our article will help you find the answer to this question, as well as tell about the life of these unusual creatures.


Tomato narrow, as many call this quuck, has a bright red skin color. Some species have brown and yellow stripes on the back.

Females are larger than males, they can grow up to 9 cm in length, while their male relatives rarely reach 7 cm.

The skin of the females is brighter, and not only tomato red, but also orange-orange may prevail in their color. The skin of males is usually reddish brown. For a certain resemblance to a ripe tomato, the frog got its name.

The abdomen of both sexes is lighter than the back, it is yellowish or white. Some frogs have black dots on their necks.

The skin of the frog is smooth, there are folds on the sides, under which there are black stripes. On the hind legs of an amphibian there are weakly expressed medium-sized swimming membranes, and not their forelimbs.


The weight of adult frogs varies from 40 to 200 g, making the red frog one of the largest representatives of the order.


Red amphibians of this species live in northeastern forests near water bodies, as well as in urban and rural gardens of the island of Madagascar. It can be met in marshy places near which there are sources of water. It is noteworthy that, unlike most other amphibians, the tomato frog does not like to swim.


This animal feels much better on the surface of the earth, digs into it with pleasure. In the afternoon, the red frog hatching in its mink, hiding in the foliage or behind the snags. In the evening hours the hunt begins, which can last all night. Settled in an ambush, the toad patiently waits for the appearance of insects, and she catches them with the help of her long tongue.


In the natural habitat, increased humidity is required to breed red frogs. The necessary level occurs after heavy rains, which occur in those parts several times a year. Tomato frogs do not have a mating season per se; they can breed almost year-round.

Attracting a lady, the male arranges a grandiose song show. To do this, he settles in a shallow pond, swamp or in a ditch, and the shelter must first be flooded with water, which will later dry. It is there that the males sing their serenades.

Fertilization in this species of amphibians is internal. The aquatic environment is an ideal place for caviar that a tomato frog tosses. The description of this animal should be supplemented with an impressive figure - in the clutch there can be up to one and a half thousand eggs. One and a half days they swim in the water column until tadpoles appear from the fertilized eggs. In the early days they are very tiny - up to 5 mm.


Among tomato frogs, it is not customary to take care of offspring. Parents do not protect and do not feed babies. Cubs have to survive, relying only on themselves. Tadpoles eat plankton, filtering it out of the water.

Babies acquire a frog appearance in about a couple of months, but still remain small. Puberty occurs by the year.

Tomato frog lives for quite a long time - up to 10 years.