
Love worth 10 thousand dollars: the bride was offered to leave the groom for a fee, and she agreed

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Love worth 10 thousand dollars: the bride was offered to leave the groom for a fee, and she agreed
Love worth 10 thousand dollars: the bride was offered to leave the groom for a fee, and she agreed

Video: How Weddings Exploit your Love & Wallet - The Wedding Industrial Complex | Salari 2024, July

Video: How Weddings Exploit your Love & Wallet - The Wedding Industrial Complex | Salari 2024, July

This couple met for more than five years, but their relationship was far from ideal. Then the guy’s parents offered his lover 10 thousand dollars in exchange for her to part with him. The girl agreed and took the money. What influenced her decision?

Money or love?


They say that love knows no value. However, not in all cases this statement is true. For example, one girl chose to abandon her future groom for the sake of 10 thousand dollars, which her boyfriend's parents promised. And I did not regret it at all.

Parents came to her house when she was going to her friend. It was very unexpected. They asked them to listen, and the girl agreed. She was surprised when the future mother-in-law announced that their family was ready to pay money so that the wedding would not take place.

The girl was stunned by this offer and asked for time to think. And then she called them and said that she agreed. Parents did not even realize that they pushed her to a step that she did not dare to take.

Rich and poor


"The history of our relationship began back in college. This guy's family was very rich. She never perceived me as a worthy couple for their son, the attitude was appropriate. I thought that our love would be stronger than circumstances, but this did not happen, " said failed bride.

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Her lover even made her an offer, but after the engagement their relationship only worsened. From a nice guy, he turned into a tyrant who controlled her every step.

"The situation was aggravated by the fact that he had problems due to alcohol, he became uncontrollable when he drank. It was a signal to part for a while. He said that he should be with me, that he could become better ", - the girl shared.

Perhaps this would have continued if the parents had not intervened.

How it all ended


The offer to leave in exchange for money was very attractive. In addition, the amount that her boyfriend’s parents offered the girl was sufficient to “cover all the moral damage that they caused her.”

“We agreed to never tell my ex or anyone else about our deal. I packed my bag that night and left, ” she said.

Since then they have not seen each other. The former lover called her several times, but she did not pick up the phone. Friends told her that he still loved her. And his parents are grateful to her for the fact that they broke up.

"I would have parted with him anyway, but didn’t refuse money. Did I act stupidly that I took them? His family mistreated me, so I thought it was a good way to pay me back for this, " she explained ex-bride.