
Lyubov Virolainen: biography, career, personal life

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Lyubov Virolainen: biography, career, personal life
Lyubov Virolainen: biography, career, personal life

Soviet cinema knows many wonderful actresses who amazed the audience with their talent and achieved success in the field of cinema. One of them will be discussed today. This is an actress with a difficult fate. It's about Lyubov Virolainen. Biography, personal life will be considered by us further.

Difficult childhood

Lyubov Virolainen, whose biography is the subject of our attention, was born shortly before the war period, on January 14, 1941 in the city of Borisov. Now it is the Minsk region. The girl’s father and mother were Belarusians by the name of Urozhenko.

The actress's childhood was difficult. Father died in the war, mother was a partisan. Children (and there were three of them: Lyuba, her sister of three years and a brother of six years) had to hide in a dugout.

Later, the whole family ended up in a fascist concentration camp located in the forests of Belarus. Children had to be given to strangers. After leaving the camp, the mother returned the children.

In the postwar period, the family lived on the verge of poverty, the children went hungry. Lyuba attended school, while she looked exhausted, and the teachers suggested that she rest and not attend classes for some time.


Beautiful dream

The Lyubov Virolainen family (whose biography we are considering) moved to Kazakhstan, and from there to Leningrad. Wanderings continued, the family lived in a closet under the stairwell. Children took lessons on window sills in the stairwell.

While studying at school, Love began to dream of an actress career. She did not have a clear understanding of the profession, because she did not watch TV and did not go to the cinema.

Love came to the Lenfilm building. The guards at the entrance did not let the girl in, she stood at the columns and cried. Directed by director Nikolai Lebedev, who invited Lyuba to star in a cameo role.

After the film was released, Love sent a letter to Malenkov and complained about unsatisfactory living conditions. Malenkov at that time ruled the state after the death of Stalin. Authorities reported to the mother of the actress, but still allocated a room in a communal apartment.

Love Virolainen (her biography is truly fascinating) decided to enter the VGIK, but the attempt was unsuccessful. The future actress was wearing a tight school dress, because of which she was not able to reveal her talent. Frustrated, Love went home.

Theater life

Years later, Love was credited to the studio of the Bolshoi Theater. After her graduation in 1965, Lyubov Virolainen’s childhood dream came true, she became an actress. Georgy Tovstonogov gave Lyubov many-sided roles, including comedic ones.

Later, the actress went to work at the Lenkontsert, and in 1972 - at the Lenfilm film studio. However, Lyubov estimates the experience gained in the BDT very highly, considering that in the cinema she turned into the "heroine of a single role."


Way to the cinema

The first serious work of Lyubov Virolainen in cinema is a role in the film "The Road Home", released in 1969. After some time, the actress was invited by Sergei Gerasimov to play Masha in the film "To Love a Man." It was this picture that brought the actress real popularity. Fans gave her bouquets during creative evenings.

The actress has played in dozens of films. Her talent won the hearts of the audience. On the screen, Lyubov Virolainen embodied the ideal of a woman living in the hearts of the public. Graceful blonde with expressive dark eyes! What could be more beautiful ?!

A personal biography of Lyubov Virolainen will be incomplete if you do not talk about the personal life of the actress.


First marriage

In the 60s, Love met Yuri Virolainen, who became her first husband. He worked as a translator who transported Finns to Moscow.

Acquaintance with Yuri did not look too romantic - the man hinted to the actress that he was not opposed to being alone with her. Of course, Love refused him. She could not imagine that later she would meet him again - in Leningrad.

Soon, Lyubov and Yuri began an affair that ended in marriage. The family lived in a village in a house near Leningrad. In 1964, they had a son, who was named the same as his father, Yuri.

Village life did not please the actress. In the morning she had to chop wood, haul water, cook food, and then rush to the train to catch a job at the BDT.

For the sake of caring for the family, the actress had to give up good roles, but her husband did not appreciate the victims of Love. He openly cheated on his wife. First, Love tried to fight this, and then suddenly she fell in love with another man.


Love affair at work

The chosen actress was the director Sergei Gerasimov. He chose her for a role in the film "To Love a Man." The director did not hide his attitude to Virolainen, despite the fact that he was married.

The wife of Gerasimov did not suit the scenes of jealousy, although she threw angry glances towards the young, pretty actress. Perhaps she was already accustomed to the infidelity of her husband, who often made novels with attractive young ladies on the set.

At first, Love itself did not reciprocate Gerasimov. Their rapprochement occurred when the actress realized how much she suffered from cheating on her husband.

The office romance lasted five years. Gerasimov gifted Love with gorgeous presents from abroad, gave money. After the release of the painting “To Love a Man, ” he got an apartment in Leningrad for Lyubov.

Love fondly recalls these relationships and says that it was Gerasimov who taught her to love and be loved.


Second marriage

We continue to talk about Lyubov Virolainen, a biography, personal life and a photo of which are presented in the article.

Her second husband was a cardiac surgeon Alexander Zorin. Acquaintance with him occurred during the illness of the first spouse. Yuri became interested in alcohol and became seriously ill. During another heart attack, he needed surgery. Alexander Zorin became the surgeon who volunteered to help Yuri Virolainen.

During a conversation with a doctor in the office, Lyubov Ivanovna realized that she was waiting for just such a man. Feelings between them flashed at first sight. The woman left the family, because the marriage was no longer love.

In the second family, the actress is extremely happy. She sees the meaning of her life in creating home comfort and caring for her man.

Lyubov Virolainen admits that she tries to fulfill the wishes of her husband as much as possible and does everything so that he feels comfortable. She told Yulia Menshova about this on the popular television show.

The profession did not bring the actress real happiness and self-satisfaction, therefore, the woman gives all her strength to the family.

Lyubov’s husband is a busy man, so sometimes he does not have time for wide gestures for his wife. But this does not offend a woman. She says that if she met Alexander at the beginning of her career, she would choose a family, not the path of the actress.

Truly difficult fate of Lyubov Virolainen! Biography, personal life, the husband of the actress became the subject of our consideration.


The crisis of the 90s and today

In the 90s, the actress did not have a job. Soviet cinema fell into decay, many talented actors were left out of work. Among them is Lyubov Virolainen (her biography is examined by us in the most detail).

Crisis time makes you seek new facets in your personality. Lyubov Ivanovna began working in a cosmetology company. But the work did not bring pleasure.

Later, the woman filmed on camera the operations performed by her husband. She had to stand for a long time in the same position, which Love was tired of, and she soon left this hard work.

Then Love took up real estate and bought country houses. However, the activities did not bring large profits.

In 2002, after many years of rest, Lyubov Virolainen continued to work in the cinema. She starred in the television series Time to Love.

To this day, Love travels a lot with her husband and wants to live for several months somewhere on the shores of the warm sea.
