
Alfalfa: beneficial properties and contraindications, recipes and features

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Alfalfa: beneficial properties and contraindications, recipes and features
Alfalfa: beneficial properties and contraindications, recipes and features

Video: Enhancing Clinical Decision Making & Outcomes with HealthTech - Dr Cam McDonald 2024, July

Video: Enhancing Clinical Decision Making & Outcomes with HealthTech - Dr Cam McDonald 2024, July

The fame of the benefits of alfalfa came to us from China. Ancient people believed that everything that is useful and eats an animal, is useful for humans. And livestock are very eager to consume alfalfa. At some time, references to this plant appeared in Chinese medical treatises, they even treated people from a wealthy class.

World recognition

Outside of China, the beneficial properties of alfalfa became known thanks to the merchant Karl Renborg. It was this man who created the world's first biological supplement based on this plant.

Now alfalfa is universally included in dietary supplements. Different nations of the world call the plant differently: medunka, lechuha, knitted or dawning.


Botanical Description

Naturally, before people learned about the beneficial properties, alfalfa was studied not only by livestock owners, but also by botanists.

Modern botany refers this plant to the family of highly nutritious leguminous plants. About 100 species of this culture are known, and most of them belong to polycarpic, that is, to those plants in which the upper part of the shoots completely dies after ripening seeds and fruiting.

Culture has a powerful root system. May develop from seeds and germinal root.

Alfalfa is a bush that can reach 150 centimeters in height, with powerful stems. The leaves of the plant are triple, outwardly well distinguishable from clover, since the middle leaf has a long stalk, compared with the other two.

The inflorescence grows up to 8 centimeters in length and has moth flowers in an amount of 12 to 26 pieces. The flowers of the plant are sterile and may have a single color or be multi-colored. Flowering lasts from 20 to 30 days, each brush blooms for 10 days.

The seeds of the plant are very small and hard.


Alfalfa grows wherever the climate is temperate. It prefers drained soils that are well saturated with phosphorus, lime and potassium.

Due to the long roots, for example, in blue alfalfa, they deepen 10 meters into the ground, the plant tolerates long droughts well.


The opinion of biochemists

Naturally, before using the plant as a remedy, I want to know the opinions of diverse specialists. Biochemists fully confirm the presence of beneficial properties in alfalfa. They say it is a rich source of vegetable protein. The plant has a high content of carotene, amino acids and calcium. And these nutrients and useful elements are needed not only by animals, but also by humans.

Doctors adhere to a view similar to biochemists and say that alfalfa is a good foundation for human health and an almost inexhaustible source of vitamins. In addition to macro- and microelements, vitamins are contained in the culture: A, E, K, P and group B. And if the plant is grown in good soil, then it will absorb all the most useful substances contained in the soil through its roots.

What about calories?

Nutritional value of shoots and leaves per 100 grams, %:

  • proteins - 4.8;
  • fats - 1.08;
  • carbohydrates - 1.64;
  • water - 3.6;
  • fiber (food) - 3.6.

Calorie content - 23 kcal.

Calorie content of seeds is much higher and amounts to 330 kcal.


Features of Lechukha

To date, the beneficial properties of alfalfa for humans are known to a wide range of consumers, so it is found in many home medicine chests, it is grown in personal plots, at home and bought in stores. The main useful properties include the following:

  • the plant contains 8 essential amino acids that the human body is not capable of developing;
  • rich vitamin composition, including vitamins K and A, accelerating blood coagulation, therefore, medicines containing alfalfa help to stop bleeding;
  • a medunka helps strengthen tooth enamel and bone tissue, is a prophylactic for osteochondrosis;
  • contained vitamin U allows you to quickly cope with almost all pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • the plant is recommended for use in old age, as it helps to increase the body's immune forces, reduces the pain threshold in the presence of joint problems;
  • possesses antibacterial properties, often used to combat fungal diseases;
  • It has a mild laxative and diuretic effect due to the presence of a large amount of fiber and, as a result, is used to remove toxins from the body;
  • It has an antipyretic effect, it is recommended for use in bronchial and pulmonary diseases;
  • normalizes the circulatory system, is used in the presence of cardiovascular diseases;
  • normalizes the alkaline balance of the body;
  • often used by nursing mothers, as it positively affects milk production;
  • helps lower blood sugar.

In addition, the plant is used in everyday life as a means of eliminating odors. It is added to many cosmetics. Fresh leaves and sprouts can even be added to salads. Because of this huge list of beneficial properties, alfalfa is also called the "great healer."

The plant is so unique that in folk medicine it is even used to eliminate eye problems. For this, the beneficial properties of alfalfa seeds are suitable. They must be washed and, without chopping, use 1 teaspoon 3 times a day. The course of treatment is 6 months. In addition to improving vision, patients noted an improvement in the skin and a surge of strength.


Collection rules

Despite the widespread use of the plant, the use of wild plants is not allowed, since the effect may be the opposite, and irreparable harm will be caused to the body.

First of all, fields where alfalfa grows wild can be treated with chemicals to improve growth or as measures to control weeds or rodents.

You can not collect plants near highways and railways, near industrial enterprises.


Alfalfa has a huge amount of useful properties, but in some cases it can be harmful. In no case should you use tympanum in the presence of a number of pathologies in the anamnesis:

  • autoimmune diseases;
  • lupus erythematosus;
  • digestive system diseases that are in the acute stage;
  • idiosyncrasy and allergy to beans.

Pregnancy, period of use lechukha

Useful properties and contraindications of alfalfa for women during the period of bearing a child:

  • it is not recommended to use tinctures and drugs with this plant in the early stages;
  • before birth, it can be introduced into the diet in a minimal amount as a natural remedy that helps prevent postpartum hemorrhage, as it contains a lot of vitamin K.

Do not use drugs with alfalfa and milk at one time, since both products are difficult to digest.

You can not use lechuha for a long time due to the presence of vitamins readily soluble in fat, no more than 2-3 months in a row, with a break of a month.

In light of the fact that there are many contraindications, the use of drugs and the use of traditional medicine should be carried out under the supervision of the patient by the doctor.


Sowing alfalfa

Useful properties of this species are well studied, the plant is even listed in the State Pharmacopoeia of Russia, but is not used in official medicine.

At the same time, traditional healers value lechuha primarily as a sedative. To do this, you can insist on alcohol alfalfa and drink 50 drops in the morning and evening, diluting in a glass of water. This tool will help get rid of nervousness and fatigue.

In diabetes mellitus, two teaspoons of the herb is poured with boiled water (200 milliliters), insisted and drunk throughout the day. The same recipe is suitable if there are complications in the menopause.

Germinated alfalfa

Germinated alfalfa has excellent beneficial properties. Ready sprouted plants can be purchased at the store or sprouted on their own. When buying, you should pay attention to the condition of the stems and leaves, they should not be dry, the soil - without impurities and debris. When buying seeds for self-cultivation, pay attention to the inscription "for germination" must be on the bag.

Recommendations and reviews about the beneficial properties of alfalfa say: to slow down the growth of a plant, a lower temperature is needed. Shoots that have already stretched to 1 centimeter can be consumed. Store them in the refrigerator, but not more than 6 days and be sure to in a hermetically sealed container.

Using Sprouted Sprouts

Alfalfa can be added to salads, it goes well with a side dish of cereals and main dishes of meat and fish. To taste, the sprouts resemble the pods of green peas, they are juicy and very tender. Lechuha is ideal for a vegetarian menu, and is popular with raw foodists. In order not to reduce the vitamin “cocktail” of the plant, it is better to use it in its raw form, without exposing it to heat.

Raw shoots are also an excellent prophylactic against atherosclerosis and for strengthening bones, heart muscle.

Crushed sprouts can be used for compresses in the presence of skin problems and tissue detoxification.


For weight loss

Due to the low calorie content of plants, alfalfa sprouts are used in dietary nutrition. The broth is very easy to cook. 200 grams of sprouts are poured with 400 milliliters of boiling water. The resulting broth is used before meals, about 30 minutes before the meal.

Use as siderate

Alfalfa has beneficial properties for the soil, it is planted as a green manure and as a plant intended for feeding livestock. Harvested lecucha for the winter like hay, for horses and cows.

Alfalfa as a siderate has unique properties, as it saturates the soil with nitrogen. This happens due to the powerful root system, which is food for worms and beneficial microbes, which saturate the soil with nitrogen.

After the lechuha, the earth is covered with a protective film, as it were, which prevents erosion, the soil practically does not erode after rain and does not swell from the wind.

There will be no weeds on the field during alfalfa growth. The plant has a gorgeous above-ground green mass, which blocks the light of weeds and they do not develop, do not grow.

Lechuha as siderate can be used even by amateur gardeners. It is absolutely unpretentious, survives prolonged droughts well, as it receives moisture from the earth. After such periods with the appearance of the first rain, one must be prepared for the fact that you have to work hard with a scythe in your hands.

Alfalfa can be planted once for 3 years, and there will be no problems with growing and receiving other crops.
