
Madagascar is the largest cockroach in the world.

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Madagascar is the largest cockroach in the world.
Madagascar is the largest cockroach in the world.

Video: Madagascan Hissing Cockroaches as Pets | Animal Care 2024, June

Video: Madagascan Hissing Cockroaches as Pets | Animal Care 2024, June

As they say - they don’t argue about tastes, all the more difficult to argue about your favorite pets. In almost every person, the appearance of a cockroach house provokes the first reaction - it must be destroyed. But there are quite a few people who contain these exotic pets in their terrariums. Of course, these are not the well-known Prussians, but the real guests from the islands of Madagascar - the largest cockroaches in the world.

A bit about cockroaches

The animal kingdom is represented by the most unusual representatives, the vast majority of them belong to the class of insects, among which cockroaches are far from the smallest squad. Modern researchers have described more than 7570 species from this order. Archaeologists are not aware of deposits where animal fossils are found and cockroaches are not found. They seem to have always existed and will exist forever. Their adaptability to external conditions is simply amazing.


All representatives of this detachment are characterized by a flat, elongated, oval body. The sizes of babies are 1.7 cm, and exceeding 9.5 cm are the largest cockroaches. The description of these insects is always accompanied by the mention that they are one of the most hardy insects that can tolerate radiation 15 times the lethal dose for humans. At the same time they like moisture with heat. Most species have wings and are able to fly, but wingless cockroaches are found.

Madagascar giants

Representatives of the genus Gromphadorhina belong to wingless species, who have chosen the tropical forests of Madagascar for their living. The body length of an adult insect reaches 90 mm or more, the weight reaches 60 grams. This is in vivo. Under favorable terrarium conditions in the absence of danger, their sizes can be much larger. Madagascans are considered the largest in the world.

Hissing cockroaches, and that's what they are called, are exclusively vegetarians. They feed on rotten fruits and mushrooms.


Tiger cockroach

Among admirers of cockroaches, handsome men are well known for their color resembling a wasp. Not in vain for the characteristic striped back, these one of the largest cockroaches are called tiger, in Latin Gromphadorhina grandidieri. Nice looking for home content. The striped back is complemented by black breasts and decorated with red spots. There are absolutely black individuals, which are distinguished for their color as a separate species of G. grandidieri black. Such individuals live up to 5 years. Pets are happy to eat all kinds of juicy fruits and vegetables, like lettuce. Feel good when eating dog food and boiled chicken egg protein. Better to keep a pair - male and female.

Hissing insects

The appearance of the cockroach Gromphadorhina portentosa may not be as beautiful as the tiger, but it was he who gave the name to the entire genus by his ability to whistle. Adults have a classic brown torso with a dark head. This largest cockroach in the world is a real movie star. It’s enough to recall such cult films as “Men in Black”, the comedy “Difficult Child - 2”, the series “CSI: Crime Scene New York” to acknowledge his fame. The food is no different from the menu of the tiger fellow. You can sometimes feed porridge, especially with pleasure eating hercules, like real aristocrats. Lives about 3 years.


Wide mute swan

The species Gromphadorhina oblongonota differs from the two previously described by the growth on the bridge of the nose, which is found only in males. This insect can undoubtedly be called the largest cockroach in the world. It is even larger than its Madagascar relatives in size. Not only larger, but also hisses louder. Unfortunately, they get divorced much more slowly than their counterparts. Therefore, they are much less common among home collections. In adults, ticks can be observed, but they are completely harmless to humans and other animals. Ticks live only in absolute symbiosis with their donor and are not able to change their host.
