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Magyars are Origin, History

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Magyars are Origin, History
Magyars are Origin, History

Video: The Magyars and the origins of Hungary (IX-XI century) 2024, July

Video: The Magyars and the origins of Hungary (IX-XI century) 2024, July

An interesting question: what people call themselves Magyars? Throughout the area of ​​Hungary there are about ten million inhabitants. They also inhabit Romania (about 2 million people), Slovakia and many other territories not only on the Eurasian continent, but also in America and Canada.

How many of them?

Total Magyars on the globe of the order of fourteen million people. The main language for them is Hungarian. There are also many dialects that make speech diverse depending on the territory.


Magyars are a very ancient people, whose history can be understood for a long time and fascinatingly. Writing has been developing since the tenth century. Catholicism is considered the most common religion. Most of the rest are followers of the Lutheran and Calvinist churches.

Where did they come from?

Modern Magyars describe their origin as follows: earlier they were nomadic small tribes, mainly engaged in cattle breeding. They came from lands east of the Urals.

At the dawn of the first millennium, these people followed to the Kama basin, then settled on the northern shore of the Black Sea. At this time, they had to obey the ruling nations on that territory. At the end of the ninth century, the Magyars ascended to the Carpathian Mountains and settled on the banks of the Danube River.

Here they stayed for a long time, because in this territory there was everything for a settled lifestyle. Magyars are essentially farmers. In the eleventh century, these people became part of the Hungarian state and converted to Catholicism.

Thus, the ancient Magyars merged into the Hungarian people, creating enclaves. The locals accepted them. It is worth noting that in the then Hungary and without the Magyars there were many different nationalities that were mutually enriched culturally and spiritually.

Officially, for writing, Latin was used first, and then German. It is from them that the Hungarian language has learned many terms. Magyars are part of a huge boiling cauldron, the contents of which have changed and flowed from one place to another for centuries.


Also, some representatives of this people left the territory of Hungary in order to establish themselves in the beautiful regions of the Eastern Carpathian region. In the 16th century, the Ottoman yoke reigned; it also affected Hungary, so that its citizens had to flee to the north and east.

There are significantly fewer people in the state. When the Austro-Turkish war ended and the liberation movement was suppressed, the Habsburgs seized the lands of the Hungarians. German colonists were settled on the territory of Hungary. Over time, as a people, the Magyars changed. History and cultural heritage experienced tangible changes at that time, because national contradictions only grew.

The power of the state grew stronger, and all the peoples to be settled underwent Magyarization. So Hungary went into an independent republic.

Which of them was good at what?

Various groups of Hungarians began to form. Magyars are not a small gathering of inhabitants, but a whole nation, as numerous as heterogeneous. Starting from the eighteenth century, these groups retained their distinctive features. Of course, each settlement had its own horse, something with which they differed and in which they excelled more than their fellow citizens.


For example, the inhabitants of the mountains (palotsi and mother) were very skilled in embroidering on leather and fabrics. The descendants of Sharkozy were mostly remembered by their descendants for their excellent skills in creating decorative art objects and clothing. During the Middle Ages, groups were formed to the west of the Transdanubian Territory in the territories of Hetesh and Goeche. According to the achievements in material culture, they were most like their neighbors - Slovenes.

On the territory washed by the Raba and Danube rivers, the Rabakez people are located. The Kumans, they are the Kuns, the descendants of the Polovtsy, feeling the onslaught of the Tatar-Mongols in the thirteenth century, as well as the jars were awarded land from the kings of Hungary. Like a sponge, they absorbed the local flavor, culture and language. So there were also guides.

What about today?

And now, centuries later, what is the Hungarian nation? The Magyars do not forget their origin and honor history. Today, Hungary is considered a fairly developed state. At a high level, industry operates, as well as the service sector. However, agriculture also plays a large role, because these lands are still fertile and fertile, and technological progress only opens up new possibilities for cultivating it. Both cattle breeding (which began to feed the Hungarians first) and agriculture are well developed.


How did it all start?

In ancient times, the development of cattle breeding differed in the plains of the country in the east. Especially popular was horse breeding in southern Hungary. A lot of benefit from pig farming. The Hungarians gained knowledge about the art of cultivating land from Turkic-speaking Proto-Bulgarians, as well as Slavs. This is reflected even in the then vocabulary of the above peoples.

Most of the Magyars was fed by wheat. The main feed crop was corn. In the eighteenth century began to grow potatoes. Winemaking, growing garden trees and various vegetables did not go unnoticed. Flax and hemp were processed. Special attention can be paid to beautiful and unique embroidery, lace, and pottery. The Magyars also managed well with the skin. Modern Hungarians respect their traditions and try to preserve ancient customs.