
Malis Alexander, president of Euroset. Biography, family

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Malis Alexander, president of Euroset. Biography, family
Malis Alexander, president of Euroset. Biography, family

He began his career by collecting parts at an electrical factory and shoeing horses at a hippodrome. Today Malis Alexander is at the helm of the largest retailer Euroset. A businessman spends his leisure time riding a convertible, and hopes that his grandchildren will remember him as a reformer, since it was he who made the Internet accessible to humans. But among the representatives of the communications market, Malis Alexander gained fame as a creative and talented top manager who is able to catch the mass market trends in a timely manner. The former owner of Euroset, businessman Yevgeny Chichvarkin, also speaks positively of his successor, saying that Malisa’s management style “combines all the positive that fits into the concept of cynicism.” Alexander leads as a real pragmatist. What was his path in his career? Let's consider this question in more detail.

Facts from the biography

Alexander Malis, whose biography is undoubtedly fascinating and interesting, is a native of the Russian capital.


He was born on September 4, 1972. From childhood he showed interest in electronics and, while still at school, began to collect parts at one of the electrical engineering factories. At the same time, Malis Alexander understood that in life he could not do without higher education.

Student Years

The young man enters the Moscow Aviation Institute, choosing the specialty "applied mathematics" for himself. After some time, he changes the university to Moscow State University of Commerce, having determined for himself the profile area - “financial accounting and audit”. The young man will receive a diploma of graduation from this university in 1995.

In his student years, Malis Alexander begins his career: he horseshoes horses at the hippodrome, having learned this craft in a couple of months. It should be noted that the work of a blacksmith was quite well paid. For one procedure, he received about 20 rubles with an average salary of 150 rubles per month.


At the same time, journalists wrote a lot of conflicting information about where and at what time the future owner of Euroset worked.

Labor activity

According to some sharks of the pen, Alexander Adolovich Malis from 1990 to 1995 held the positions of financial analyst and department director in the audit company Rusconsult. In 1992, the young man worked as the commercial director of one of the publishing houses and, at the same time, established a company that "provided organizational services."

Corbina Telecom

However, the truly major project of Alexander Malis was implemented in 1994. Together with his brother Oleg, who was an expert in banking consulting, he established the Corbina Telecom telecommunications commercial structure.


De jure, she was engaged in the provision of consulting services in the field of lending to private companies, and the search for investors in business projects. After some time, they de facto started reselling telecommunications services. The volume of investments in the brainchild of Alexander and Oleg amounted to about three thousand dollars.

In 1996, the brothers bought a telephone exchange for 50 thousand dollars, where the first sites of their own network were created - this made it possible for Corbina Telecom to enter the cellular communications market.

Long change of ownership

Two years later, the company's turnover amounted to 10 million dollars. We needed investments in the company, otherwise it would not have stood the competition. Alexander and Oleg Malisy decide to sell Corbin to IDT (USA).


The sale was valued at $ 9 million. The brothers remained working in the sold company as hired managers. Alexander Malis, who previously headed the commercial department, whose employees were engaged in the development of the client base and the promotion of new services, including long-distance and international telephony, became vice president of Corbina.

In 2006, a businessman was appointed to the position of the head of Investelektrosvyaz CJSC, which belongs to Corbin. Soon, well-known entrepreneurs Victor Veksler and Alexander Mamut become co-owners of Corbina.

In early 2007, Malis becomes and. about. Director General of the Korbiny parent company - Cortek CJSC. In February, the prefix "acting" was abolished, as Alexander Adolfovich headed the company “Cortec”, a controlling stake in which three months later acquired the domestic telecommunications structure Golden Telecom.


In February 2008, VimpelCom became the owner of Golden Telecom and Corbina Telecom. Soon, Alexander Malis was appointed Director of Development of Broadband Internet Access at VimpelCom Group of Companies.

In the fall of 2008, the Russian media informed that the investment firm A & NN, owned by Alexander Mamut, bought the Euroset company from businessmen Artemyev and Chichvarkin.


Today, this structure is the largest supplier of cell phones. The Euroset store operates in almost every Russian region.

In the middle of autumn 2008, VimpelCom acquired from Alexander Mamut a 49 percent stake in Euroset. In April next year, Alexander Malis became the president of this company, who was going to work in this capacity for three years. He was supposed to make the Euroset store even more in demand. Some experts considered his candidacy the most suitable for the presidency, citing the fact that the former owner of Corbin was able to develop his brainchild even with a limited budget.


However, according to Alexander Malis, Euroset will not undergo a radical reform, all the features invented by Chichvarkin will be inviolable. Its task is to ensure that its structure does not stop in its development.

Family status

Is businessman Alexander Malis happy in marriage, whose wife does the maximum possible to make him comfortable and cozy at home? Of course, yes. Alexander Adolfovich is the father of two daughters, whom he simply adores.