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Manchuria - what and where is it located?

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Manchuria - what and where is it located?
Manchuria - what and where is it located?

Video: Manchuria Under Japanese Rule | Manchukuo | Documentary Film | ca. 1937 2024, June

Video: Manchuria Under Japanese Rule | Manchukuo | Documentary Film | ca. 1937 2024, June

Manchuria … What a beautiful word and what a rich history! This is a small territory in the north of China, which has conquered everyone with its recent economic prosperity, tourism and beauty.

Some people associate it with the famous waltz “On the hills of Manchuria, ” but what is this place, what is its history and who lives there now?



In general, Manchuria is such a historically established region, a plain that covers the north-east of China. And it is located in an area along the edges of which there are mountains. Previously, Manchuria also covered the Amur and Primorsky parts of Russia.

It includes provinces such as Heilongjiang, Jilin and Liaoning, as well as the Greater Khingan Range and northeast of Inner Mongolia (autonomous region of China).

At the moment, one of the largest Russian cities near Manchuria is Chita. From Chita to Manchuria only 4 kilometers.

In the territory of Manchuria occupies only 801 thousand km². In the same area there are rivers: Sungari, Amur (Chinese Heihe), Liaohe.

History: The Beginning

Although the plain mainly refers to China, Manchuria was subjected to the conquest of various tribes, and its history goes back to the distant past. She suffered the disintegration of her territory into parts and separate possessions, but reunited again and again.

Initially, the ancient Manchus hunted, were engaged in cattle breeding and agriculture. And they were divided into nomadic Mongols with an appropriate way of life and the Manchu themselves.

The north of Manchuzhria was initially captured by the Tungus tribes around the 10th century BC, but in the south the traditional Chinese culture began to be adopted with might and main only closer to 500-100 BC. Chinese writing appeared (hieroglyphs known to everyone), crafts. The architecture also left its mark.

In the X century, the territory was captured by nomadic Mongol tribes. And in 1115, the Chinese tribes conquered it all, thanks to which the Jin Dynasty began.

In the XIII century, the territory was again conquered by the Mongols for more than a hundred years. But in the 15th century, during the heyday of the Ming Dynasty, the Chinese were able to capture a piece of Manchuria.

From the 10th to the 15th centuries, the Manchu were called the Jurzheni.



Since Manchuria had its own population, which was sensitive to any changes, in the 16th century a man appeared who decided to change everything. The leader Nurhatsi united all the possessions.

In 1616, he declared himself the new emperor, and the dynasty was called Late Jin in tribute to the departed dynasty, but then renamed it simply Qing. The Manchu were able to unite their land, and then they conquered Beijing and thus all of China.

Although Manchuria adopted the Han culture over the centuries, the Manchu culture itself retained its specific characteristics and traditions, and it also differed in its ethnicity. Therefore, during the Qing Empire, the Manchus fenced off their territory with the Willow Fence to prevent the mixing of nationalities and cultures.

Russians and Manchuria

Geographically, Russia and Manchuria border each other.

For the first time, both peoples clashed in 1658 on the border during the Russo-Chinese war. The Russians were defeated, and the Nerchinsk Treaty was signed. The borders of Manchuria have expanded slightly. She also survived the Sino-Japanese War.

Russian influence gradually increased. In 1896, when the Qing forces were defeated after the Sino-Japanese War, Russia and Manchuria entered into an alliance treaty. This increased Russian influence. Political and economic relations improved. The Sino-East Railway was built. The construction of Port Arthur, which was strengthened after the lease of the Liaodong Peninsula, also influenced. It is known that the railway is still operating.

After the Russian-Japanese war in 1904-1905, when the Russian troops lost, another important event occurred.

In 1931, the Japanese Kwantung Army conquered Manchuria, making it a puppet state not related to China. It was called Manzhougo, and it existed for about 13 years. This state disappeared after the Second World War. When the People's Republic of China was formed in 1949, the territory of Manchuria became part of it.


The influence of Russia exists to this day. In the northern part of Manchuria you can often meet Russian tourists, there are also a lot of attractions that relate more to Russian culture than to Chinese.


The largest cities in Manchuria are:

  • Mukden (Shenyang) is the main city and center of Liaoning Province.

  • Jirin (refers to the province of Jirin).

  • Qiqqar is an urban district in Heilongjiang Province. About 6 million people live here.

  • Manchuria is already the city itself. The urban district (or, in other words, the county) Hulun-Buir is located in the autonomous region of Inner Mongolia in the northern part of China. It is not necessary to attribute Inner Mongolia to Mongolia. Despite the name, this place belongs to China. Here the population is only 170 thousand people.

Russian tourists choose the city of Manchuria for relaxation, but if you are not looking for easy ways, you can relax in more southern Chinese cities, where there is also a lot of entertainment and low prices.


The climate on the hills of Manchuria is the same as in Russia. No wonder, these are the closest neighbors.

In winter, there is snow, and the weather averages to -25 ° C. And in the summer it can be warm, on average also up to + 25 ° C. As in Russia or in the north of China, the coldest month is January and the warmest is July.

Much of the climate here is due to the presence of mountains around the Manchurian plain.

Interesting places and tourism

The northern part of Manchuria is the main place where tourists like to spend time. In the south, on the contrary, the indigenous people mostly live quietly, and tourists do not bother them. The most favorite city for tourists is called.

In the city of Manchuria in Mongolia, there are many different things from the sights. For example, a large gate 43 meters high, and a hundred meters long! This gate is easy to meet. Immediately upon arrival, all travelers encounter them.

  • City Hall Square is another interesting place. European-style architecture prevails here, and a monument flaunts in the center of the square.

  • The area with giant dolls will surprise anyone. It would seem that this will impress and delight every Russian. The height of the main nesting doll is 30 meters, and it is surrounded by several more smaller sisters. There is also a museum of Russian art nearby.
  • The copy park is another great place where any tourist can see miniatures of such great structures as the Bronze Horseman, Mother Motherland, Worker and Collective Farm Girl, monuments to Pushkin and Turgenev and others.

  • “Singing Fountains” - beautiful bright water jets publishing music will surprise many.

  • And in winter in Manchuria there is an ice city that will amaze anyone’s imagination. If you want to be in a fairy tale, then this place is perfect.
  • The park of fallen heroes is dedicated to Russian soldiers who died in battle.

  • The mine park is a bit distant from the city, but getting to it is real. On the territory there are museums and viewing platforms. All history of coal mining in China is dedicated.

  • Hulun Lake is a large freshwater reservoir where you can relax.

  • The wedding palace is unusual here for its Gothic style. Where else can you find a whole Gothic wedding creator? It is located on a hill of the botanical garden. There are sites specifically for tourists.

  • Beihu Park is an incredibly picturesque and clean place with two artificial ponds, city views and lots of greenery in the summer.

  • The island of love, which depicts sculptures of people in love.

An interesting fact: the favorite and most frequent tourist routes: the city of Manchuria - Irkutsk, Manchuria - Chita and Manchuria - Ulan-Ude. You can get there by plane, train or bus.

Since much here lives and develops due to tourism, here you can find a large selection of hotels, cafes, restaurants with various cuisines (both Chinese and Russian).

Hotels here are both more budgetary and very luxurious with beautiful panoramas from the window. Many hotels have swimming pools, playgrounds, restaurants. There are places to stay on the outskirts of the city for those who like privacy, there is also a center.

From entertainment there is also a lot of interesting things. For example, Chinese baths, bowling, clubs, cinemas.

Shopping in Manchuria

Reviews of people about shopping here are directly pleasing. This is a favorite topic for many visitors. On the shelves there is an abundance of objects and trinkets made in China. There is also a large selection of clothes and very reasonable prices.

Many people like to go here just for clothes, because the prices are lower. It is very convenient here that the Chinese translation of the names of the stores is always signed. So, we can say that Manchuria is the Russian part of China.

There are clothes both in stores and in markets. But the most amazing thing is that sometimes in the markets things are more expensive.

You should adhere to certain recommendations. Do not forget that this is a different country, and that sellers sometimes may want to raise the price of goods or even outwit.

Also try to exchange rubles in advance and do not hesitate to bargain. Remember, it’s better to go around several stores, compare prices, and then start shopping.

Another useful tip for tourists: be careful on the roads. Here is a different system of relations between pedestrians and drivers. Cars rarely stop.


The economy of Manchuria has risen strongly over the past two decades. Thanks to tourism, the cities developed, thereby attracting their main neighbors - Russians.

Indeed, now it is a very modern and colorful city, which many people can turn the attitude towards China. Photos of Manchuria before and now show how quickly a city can develop.

Manchuria also has a timber industry complex. It is through this territory that 60 percent of timber imported from Russia is delivered to China. Now this area is one of the largest industrial regions of China. The largest land port of China is also located here.

Manchuria actively maintains ties with the Russian cities of Chita, Omsk, Ulan-Ude.



Most of the population is occupied by the Chinese (Han) - 90 percent. There are also Koreans, Mongols, Tungus, Japanese. There are Manchus, as one of the peoples of China. Their number is only 10 million.

Manchus adhere to shamanism and the cult of their ancestors. Confucianism as well as Tibetan Buddhism are also preached.

Interesting Facts

  • The highest point is Mount Pektusan (Jilin), it is more than 2.5 km above sea level.

  • In 1976, a meteorite weighing 4 tons fell in the province of Jilin!

  • In the XVII-XVIII centuries, Manchuria was called the Chinese Tatarstan. This is due to the fact that collectively all the inhabitants of that part of Asia (including the Mongols) were called Tatars.

Waltz “On the hills of Manchuria”

This work, which perhaps many heard, was written by Ilya Alekseevich Shatrov in memory of the fallen soldiers in the Russian-Japanese war.

As you know, this war claimed many lives. And the main place of action of the battles was precisely the same Manchuria.

The waltz of Manchuria is often found in many films and literature and is very famous abroad.